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Well, one more nail in the coffin of individual liberty. (you still think you have rights?)

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posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: underwerks

Boy that is right out of the Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals playbook -- marginalize those that you don't agree with. I know you can't really believe that half of our countries healthcare workers believe in crystal healing. That is just your attempt to deflect from the real issue at hand of why 50% of this countries health care workers won't get vaccinated.

From Rules For Radical: RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: underwerks
a reply to: BlankUsername

Please explain to me if this vaccine is so great and not harmful why has half of the countries health care workers gotten it? They were first in line for it and half said no thanks.

Half of the healthcare workers in this country think crystals can fix you with a little bit of reiki. You can have “nurse” in your title after a 6 month program or after 8 years of study.

Which ones do you think are refusing the shot?

I am in the medical profession and I work with nurses that have a lot more than 6 months of education, under their belt, myself, I have over 40 years under mine, since our training is continuous. I don't know of any registered nurses that have only had six months of education, that are providing patient care, or are certified. I do know a few that have PHDs in nursing.

Not all nurses find the vaccine as a safe product to introduce into their bodies. Each, I am sure, have their own reasons. I am sure that informed consent may play a large part, in what they decide to inject into their bodies.

Whatever their choice, be it for religious, personal, or for medical reasons, I am sure that all their choices are valid.

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: BlankUsername

There is already a well established precedent that vaccinations CAN be a condition of employment. Hospitals...Hep A and B, flu, MMR, TB testing (not a vax obviously, but still an injection) etc.

Schools can mandate similarly.

Military, heck yeah.

Buuuuut...all these vaccines are FDA approved. All have known complication profiles and known conditions in which the vaccine is contraindicated. I honestly have no problem with these. I'll put my shot record up against anyone's.

That said... none of the vaccines I got were only EUA approved. None required me to sign that I understood the risks, that I have the RIGHT to refuse, that I release all parties from liability there if there is some sort of defect in the vaccine.

If we as a nation allow the C19 jab to become an acceptable condition of employment while it only has EUA, what's next? "Sorry, we only hire heterosexuals."

False analogy alert! False analogy alert! An employer cannot dooooo that. It violates the prospective employee's rights! There are LAWS! Human rights! As it stands, with the C19 being EUA, there is a right to refuse. A business should not be able to trump federal medical ethics rules by making the C19 jab a condition of employment.

It should tell ya something if the DoD honors the right to refuse, as they have no problem mandating vaccines.

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 04:41 PM

False analogy alert! False analogy alert! An employer cannot dooooo that. It violates the prospective employee's rights! There are LAWS! Human rights! As it stands, with the C19 being EUA, there is a right to refuse. A business should not be able to trump federal medical ethics rules by making the C19 jab a condition of employment.
a reply to: davegazi2

They slow walked us into this trap.

The government knows that it cannot legally force its citizens to take an experimental use vaccine. That is exactly why they let business do their dirty work, and why the courts will back them in this ploy.

They will continue to herd us into complete submission, because we will not fight back. We don't support those that do fight, and we become minions supporting their rule over us. Then we sit back and complain, and make up a thousand and one excuses for why we did nothing, while accusing others, blaming them, because they did nothing.

I have fought back, I have stood my ground, and I have sacrificed, many times over the years, for what I believed to be right. I suffered more at the hands of my peers than I ever suffered from my employers. My employers always look squeaky clean, rational, and reasonable, because they can always get one of us to do their dirty work.

We would be a formidable force, if we just stood together. Something we will never be able to do. It is just not in the genes.

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 04:44 PM
judge was doubtless bribed, threatened or both.

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 04:47 PM
Honestly, is it too much to ask, if you work in a hospital, that you are up to date on your vaccines.

I'm sure those with cancer, undergoing chemo, and those with other immune deficiencies (you know, your fellow Americans) would like to know that you've done your part to keep them safe.

This is the problem with making HEALTH issues POLITICAL ones.

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I left a job in 2014 because they made the flu vaccine a requirement of employment.

I either had to take the vaccine or I had to wear a mask. I opted for the mask. When they changed that rule to wearing the mask at all times while on premises, I chose to find employment elsewhere.

Hopefully, these health care workers will make the same choice. I can't think of any hospital that can afford to lose a significant chunk of their nurses. I believe most hospitals are understaffed. These workers will find employment elsewhere, and that hospital will face the financial consequences of their decision.

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

Oh, you mean the same cancer patients, and others they made put off their care during the "pandemic" to make room for all the covid patients that did not show up to all the temporary hospitals? Now they care about all of those that were deemed not medically necessary ?

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Honestly, is it too much to ask, if you work in a hospital, that you are up to date on your vaccines.

I'm sure those with cancer, undergoing chemo, and those with other immune deficiencies (you know, your fellow Americans) would like to know that you've done your part to keep them safe.

This is the problem with making HEALTH issues POLITICAL ones.

There is not a problem with time tested vaccines. The problem here is that we have no idea what the outcome of this experimental vaccine will yield.

The vaccine is not a cure. It is being promoted as a drug that "may" reduce "your" symptoms. It makes no claims that it will prevent you from getting the virus, nor does it claim it will prevent you from spreading the virus. So taking the vaccine does not promise to protect any patient the vaccinated staff comes in contact with.

edit on 13-6-2021 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Corrected spelling error.

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
The lawsuit itself could have been a clever red herring designed to fail on purpose and automatically "legalize" forced vaxes !! 😃

I had never considered that but since case law carries so much weight they may well have paid off some people and created a designed-to-fail case.
edit on 13-6-2021 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: BlankUsername

Forced flu vaccines have been the standard for healthcare workers.

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

I am against that too. But as the point has already been made in this thread just two posts above by Nightskye, that is a proven non vaccine not one that is still being tested and still has not been approved by the NDA

I just firmly believe any medication pumped into someone should be voluntary not forced
edit on 13-6-2021 by BlankUsername because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: BlankUsername

Forced flu vaccines have been the standard for healthcare workers.

A healthcare worker does have a choice. They can say no.

When they say no, they know that no, comes with consequences. Most don't believe they will survive, being shunned, or if they are placed back in the market for a job, so they take the vaccine.

Coerced? Yes, but not forced. They provided a loophole. Got to keep those hands squeaky clean.

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: BlankUsername

Ummm…I seem to recall populations were being forced to take experimental vaccinations decades ago…it didn’t turn out well in that instance either…

I mean…it was only “The X-files”…but having…”science”…emulate science fiction…probably isn’t the best scenario one might imagine in the for reals…amiright…?


posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: BlankUsername

Forced flu vaccines have been the standard for healthcare workers.

Know the major difference between the flu vaccine and the Covid 19 vaccine ?
I didn't think so .
It has been posted a few times right here on this thread.

Denying ignorance.
Why ?
It is what it is.

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: BlankUsername

The irony is that if you obey, you can have your rights and freedoms, as if it's the government that provides rights and freedoms to only those who obey.

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Honestly, is it too much to ask, if you work in a hospital, that you are up to date on your vaccines.

My body, my choice.

For the 2 million, 565 thousand, 425th time...

If you are vaccinated, and believe they provide you with protection, then what do you care if I'm vaccinated or not?

I'm sure those with cancer, undergoing chemo, and those with other immune deficiencies (you know, your fellow Americans) would like to know that you've done your part to keep them safe.
I would have no problem with patients specifying that they only want vaccinated people working on them or entering their room.

But, again... for the 2 million, 565 thousand, 426th time...

If you are vaccinated, and believe they provide you with protection, then what do you care if I'm vaccinated or not?

This is the problem with making HEALTH issues POLITICAL ones.

No, this is the problem with making personal health decisions matters of public record.

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I have said it before I will say it again we have no rights in this country only privileges?

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: BlankUsername

Forced flu vaccines have been the standard for healthcare workers.

And the point is...

They shouldn't be... EVER.

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: BlankUsername

Everybody's a doctor now, even a judge.

People watch 10 minutes of network news and think they're Einstein.

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