posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to:
I suppose it's possible that your question might only be answered by an original thought. That leads me to wonder, how would I even know if I had an
original thought in the first place. Only by recognizing an original thought were it to occur. I can assure you that I have little to no recognition
of such an event in my own mind.
In looking elsewhere for an original thought I find that landscape almost as void of original thought as my own.
What ever that answer might be it's also possible that we first must answer the question of free will. Do we or don't we have free will and if we do,
just how much. I think should we find any example of either of those in our own lives, they should be cherished.
I developed a new swimming stroke. One I had never seen or even heard of. One day in the pool I had finished my laps and was resting in the water for
a moment. I drifted away from the wall with my feet toward the wall. I got about five feet from the wall and for some reason the notion came to me
that I did not want to turn around and swim or paddle back to the wall. So I wondered if I might use my legs in such a motion as I would my arms in a
breast stroke fashion. I made that attempt.
It was strange. My legs had never been used in that pattern before, but it worked. Then I wondered if I could sustain that stroke the length of the
pool so I pushed off from the wall moving through the water feet first using my legs like arms in a breast stroke. By the time I had reached the other
end of the pool, my quads were screaming from the burn. I tried it again the next day and the day after that.
By two weeks of working on this I had it down. A new swimming stroke. One I had never seen, one I had never heard. A child of my own devising.
I have wondered about this on a philosophical way. Was the thought to swim backwards original? Even as others, here or there, now or then, had this
notion to swim backwards at least that notion had not arrived in my own head from out of the environment. Well, maybe. Maybe from watching crawdads in
the river, scoot away in what appears to be a backward direction. Maybe from those videos of octopuses or squid swimming. Maybe maybe not. Any of
those may have been the seed of thought that turned into my wondering if I could swim backwards.
But maybe not. Maybe it was just me, grasping onto an unfamiliar notion and putting it into action. Your guess is as good or bad as my own.