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Passengers On First Fully Vaccinated North American Cruise Test Positive For Covid-19

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posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 08:03 PM
Why wouldn't they test positive?
It what the test does...test positive

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 08:49 PM
Gatewaypundit eh? best source since Christendom...not!

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: starshift

Pretty much, this virus is pretty basically the common cold 2.0, don't really see the reasoning for such a fuss. If the passenger/crew member had Ebola or the Bubonic plague I'd actually be concerned.

The "vaccine" doesn't prevent covid obviously so what's to be unexpected with this one?
edit on 11-6-2021 by RussianSpy because: can't type lol

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 10:43 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
We have already been told that vaccinated persons can be infected with and transmit COVID.

When announcements were made that people that were two weeks past their second jab could go without masks, I asked why that would be okay.... if they can still be infected and transmit COVID.

I mean, we have been told that the masks are to protect other people, not just the wearer... remember that?

Yes, according to the actual data, people who are vaccinated can still get the disease and pass it on. The protection is against the virus turning into Covid 19, that is what their figures are talking about.

The fact that now vaccinated people can go maskless means that they can infect others that are not vaccinated, which will make it appear the vaccine is much better than it is. The public is being played. The numbers of people getting covid among unvaccinated people will rise because the vaccinated people are now carriers of the virus for maybe five or six days after they get exposed.

So the people on that ship probably will not get very sick, but someone on it who is unvaccinated can still get the disease from them and it is not buffered to stop it from going covid. The buffer in the vaccine actually suppresses the immune system a bit so it does not go cytokine.

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 12:15 AM
Nothing so surprising. Millions of people buy flu shot every year and they still end up getting flu. The same can be expected with covid.

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 12:15 AM
The vaccine is 100% effective at making covid symptoms mild, if you do get it.

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 12:18 AM

originally posted by: adampaulheiman
Nothing so surprising. Millions of people buy flu shot every year and they still end up getting flu. The same can be expected with covid.

Before i started getting my flu shots, I got the flu EVERY SINGLE year around christmas break.

The past 8 years of getting flu shots, i've only gotten the flu two or three times. It wasn't NEARLY as severe and it went away after 2-3 days, as opposed to a week and a half.

As long as the covid vaccine does what the flu vaccine does for me, it's totally worth it. I'll take a mild cold over being on a ventilator and developing all the complications people get.
edit on 12-6-2021 by Michigan72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 12:40 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: butcherguy
We have already been told that vaccinated persons can be infected with and transmit COVID.

When announcements were made that people that were two weeks past their second jab could go without masks, I asked why that would be okay.... if they can still be infected and transmit COVID.

I mean, we have been told that the masks are to protect other people, not just the wearer... remember that?

Yes, according to the actual data, people who are vaccinated can still get the disease and pass it on. The protection is against the virus turning into Covid 19, that is what their figures are talking about.

The fact that now vaccinated people can go maskless means that they can infect others that are not vaccinated, which will make it appear the vaccine is much better than it is. The public is being played. The numbers of people getting covid among unvaccinated people will rise because the vaccinated people are now carriers of the virus for maybe five or six days after they get exposed.

So the people on that ship probably will not get very sick, but someone on it who is unvaccinated can still get the disease from them and it is not buffered to stop it from going covid. The buffer in the vaccine actually suppresses the immune system a bit so it does not go cytokine.

What are you babbling about? The only buffer in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is a small amount of salt put there so that the ph of the injection matches the ph of your plasma so that there is minimum discomfort from the actual injection itself. As soon as the saline buffer is in your body its effect goes away. It has zero effect on whether a cytokines storm happens or not which, if it were to occur, would be caused by the virus infection, not by the vaccine. The vaccine is not capable of producing a cytokine storm.

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 01:01 AM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes

A true vaccine stops a virus in it's tracks before you become asymptomatic or even symptomatic

Yes! A real vaccine does two major things. It protects you from getting it AND prevents you from spreading it.

Take for example the very first vaccination ever developed - small pox. In 1980, your favorite WHO and mine, declared it eradicated from the wild. It's gone from nature. The vaccine was so effective the virus couldn't find a viable host.

This highly effective vaccine; however took about 25 years to achieve its success from the world-wide vaccine campaign that started in late 50s until declared gone in 1980.

It's truly incredible... and it still took 25 years. COVID is here forever, vaccine or no vaccine. It deceases chances of getting COVID, but you can still get it, and most dangerously for public health, be asymptomatic and still spread it, but hoorah C19 "vaccine". It works good enough. It's a miracle!

Let's say C19 has a 2-4% mortality rate in developed nations ( This stuff is deeeeeadly. Thank (insert preferred diety/non-diety/absence of diety) for the highly effective C19 vaccine. Now, imagine if you will, an experimental vaccine with an effectiveness similar to the C19 jab...but the bug it combats has up to a 90% mortality rate (see Ebola,rate%20of%20up%20to%2090%25.). That vaccine would be traaaaaashed as highly ineffective, because when it doesn't work, up to 90% can die and can still spread the deadly illness after death.

People singin' Hosanna in the highest about the C19 jab I don't believe have a solid perspective about what a true and effective vaccine is capable of... and what a poor one means in the face of a truly deadly bug.

BONUS MATERIAL: A single case of small pox would be considered an epidemic and potentially a world emergency. A single case would like mean the virus escaped one of two labs in the world or has been weaponized.

Outside of a few specialized populations, routine vaccination ended in early to mid '70s. There are a metric shift-ton of vulnerable hosts out there. As flupping scary as a small pox outbreak would be, for that, we have a kid tested, mother approved, validated vaccine that truly works, with no need for quotes around the word vaccine.

Lots of words to get to a simple question. If there was a vaccine that allowed the same degree of breakthrough infection and transmission as the C19 jab, but the illness it was combatting had a much higher than 2-4% fatality rate (say 20, 40, up to worst case, 90%), would the world heap praise up it, or would it be considered a failure?
edit on 12-6-2021 by davegazi2 because: OMG...I still can't get kwoting a post correctly the first time. I promise, will continue learning how to quote properly

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 01:46 AM
The ship is rated for 2,138 passengers

And only two get covid?????? and were asymptomatic.

Its total BS False positives strike again.

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 03:38 AM
Two things...

1.) How many times are we going to move the goalposts with C-19, the "vaccines", lockdowns and masks?????

2.) It's going to be a really long time before I set foot on any vessel I cannot disembark from of my own free will!!

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: Michigan72

Your experience with the flu vaccine sounds like it gave you 50% protection. I don't get flu shots and the last time I had the flu was about twelve years ago.

My neighbor said he stopped taking the flu vaccine, because every year he took the flu vaccine, he go the flu. He claims he has not had the flu since he stopped taking the vaccines.

My point is that everyone is different. What is right for one person, may be deadly for another. Each person has to do what is right for their body.

This should not be a you are wrong because you don't do what I think you should do, or doing what I want you to do makes you a better person.

If it is about the science, then we are in wait and see mode, because the science admits it is still looking for answers. They just don't know, and while much of what they are presenting are educated guesses, they are still guesses.

edit on 12-6-2021 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 06:12 AM

originally posted by: TrulyColorBlind
It makes me wonder if the fact that everyody, crew and passengers, were vaccinated, did they use this selling point to promote the cruise? Were they advertising a "safe, fully vaccinated safe" cruise in their literature? If so, somebody has a lawsuit against them, in my opinion.

Yep, this is what I don’t get. If you ignore it there is no way to track when you got sick. If you require all these measures and a bunch of people get sick then you are liable.

There is no way for any customers or employees to say I got this here from them but when you put all these measures in you can.

If I get sick can I sue the person that gave it to me and win? Seems like it. Sure seems like that all those family members in NY have the state to sue.

The courts might get us back to normal. How ironic would that be.

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Same here. Stopped getting flu shots once out of the Marines in 2003, no flu since then and rarely get sick though i also treat my body well.

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 07:49 AM
So there was no asymptomatic spread until people started getting the jab. Great job, science.

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Yep, I don't do flu shots, my Grandmother got herflu shot and every year she had the flu, it did absolutely nothing to protect her. My Mother kept saying, quit getting the flu shot, it's not working. She never listened and got sick with it every year. I don't take the flu shot, because I dn't get the flu. I have not had Covid at all, so I am not getting the shot at all. I had a doctor tell me once that the flu shot wasn't for people like me who barely get sick, it was for people who get the flu every year, to help lessen their symptoms, not to fully prevent it.

Reading stuff like this doesn't shock me!

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: TrulyColorBlind

That’s frightening! Should those with vaccines still mask up so they don’t spread germs? It sounds like they are still able to spread germs.

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: Dalamax

A vaccination provides immunity.

Maybe marketing should call it a viral prophylactic.
A condom for the soul.

Although that might imply that only d!cks would insist on a vaccination that doesn’t and paperwork to prove it with.

a reply to: SecretKnowledge

Uh, what? That's a strawman - the best-performing vaccines we have for Covid-19 are Pfizer and Moderna, and they provide between 90% and 100% efficacy (100% in very small sample sizes/subgroups) - and anything less than 100% efficacy means *some* vaccinated people did get the infection.

Pfizer's initial EUA application said that in their clinical trial groups, there were 162 infections of those who received the placebo, and 8 in the vaccinated group - those "8" infections representing 5% of the placebo or "expected" number, thus 95% efficacy.

So, not "immune", at least not 100% - no one ever said that, or should have. But it provides enhanced immune system response, you're far less likely to be infected, and if you are, far less likely to have severe complications.

But's not now or will ever be 100% - especially as variants arise, and antibody levels fall over time.

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: liliththedestroyer

Bear in mind, flu vaccines have adjuvants that activate the innate immune system, so that even if the "wrong" strain was vaccinated for, your immune system has several months of enhanced immune system activity that can protect against and help mitigate other flu strains and unrelated viruses - i.e. it may lessen the severity of the symptoms.

(Many people get sick in the winter, and call it flu - but very often, it's not - so, blaming a flu vaccine for not preventing, say, RSV or one of the other hundreds of respiratory viruses isn't very helpful.)

Of course, the flu vaccine is primarily useful for the elderly, who have a very high death rate with flu - and those that interact with the elderly should *also* consider getting the shot.

Personally, I think the Sanofi recombinant vaccine (Flublok/Fluzone) are the best flu vaccines - but we won't start flu vaccinations for another couple of months in the northern hemisphere, so there's time to evaluate.

posted on Jun, 14 2021 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: TrulyColorBlind

You can still catch it, you are less likely to need hospitalisation and limits the fatal effects... BUT THEN EVERYONE KNEW THIS ALREADY.

Seems some people a whole 2 years in, still didn't follow the information about vaccines, Covid and the facts therein.

Seems you Embrace Ignorance and not "Deny It."

edit on 14-6-2021 by DreamerOracle because: (no reason given)

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