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WEF's Cyber Polygon Cyberattack Simulation - July 2021.

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posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 05:28 AM
Posted here by ETMN this 2007 article refers to a 2006 article (now deleted) which asks the question 'Would the Bird Flu Kill the Internet?'

Thought it was rather relevant to the thread as even back then the topic was being addressed at the World Economic Forum.

February 14th, 2007

Today, Slashdot linked to a story from last June that I hadn’t come across:

Would the Bird Flu Kill the Internet, Too? Long quote, but stick with it, especially the part near the end:

"We don’t believe that the Internet will be compromised within a matter of hours or days,” said Brent Woodworth, worldwide manager for IBM’s Crisis Response Team, which does consulting on disaster preparedness. “Most Internet traffic is reroutable, and as different areas are affected at different rates by a pandemic, the networks could anticipate increased traffic and adjust accordingly — with the caveat that critical components will be maintained.”"

I’m not going to even deal with the fact that Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. was involved with this, or that the topic was addressed at the annual World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, Switzerland.

The New PSYOP Payload: Bird Flu and the Collapse of the Internet

Lots more very interesting reading at the link about the 2007 'Bird Flu / Internet Collapse' narrative.

posted on Jun, 13 2021 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: karl 12
I was listening to “ground zero” I think Clyde went over this about a week and a half ago. It’s interesting to see what’s going to come of it.

posted on Jun, 14 2021 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: Somethingsamiss

I was listening to “ground zero” I think Clyde went over this about a week and a half ago. It’s interesting to see what’s going to come of it.

Well thanks for the heads up mate and thought their article raised some interesting points - it also mentions the involvement of 'the Pirbright Institute' and there are lots of rabbit holes to go down with them.

If the results and recommendations from previous pandemic simulations are any indication of what may lie ahead for society, then the findings and policies coming out of Cyber Polygon 2021 may have real-world societal impact in the very near future.

They will include:

Governments implementing lockdowns worldwide

The collapse of many industries

Growing mistrust between governments and citizens

A greater adoption of biometric surveillance technologies

Social media censorship in the name of combating misinformation

The desire to flood communication channels with “authoritative” sources

Mass unemployment

Rioting in the streets


Also thought this article was worth a read.


posted on Jun, 14 2021 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Great, that's my birthday ruined!

Definitely worth keeping an eye on.

posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: djz3ro

Great, that's my birthday ruined!

Definitely worth keeping an eye on.

Ah yes sorry about that birthday mate but yes definitely worth keeping an eye on.

Never thought it would happen but it actually looks like the corporate media in Australia are starting to wake up and smell the bullsh•t.

Sky News:

The World Economic Forum's latest simulation 'fits' with their Great Reset Agenda

Sky News host Cory Bernardi says the World Economic Forum's latest simulation on a cyber attack that will shutdown the world economy "fits with their Great Reset Agenda".

"Imagine how quickly society would disintegrate if electricity, water, fuel and other essentials were shut down due to a cyber attack," Mr Bernardi said. "We'd have a new collective enemy to unite against while of course demanding that government save us all."

Mr Bernardi said the WEF appeared to identify the problems they find as needing a "global centralisation of power". "It seems that every problem identified by this mob and their allies in the international bureaucracy requires the global centralisation of power and decision making.

"And this latest simulation neatly fits with their Great Reset agenda."

Also turns out Bill Gates was lying through his teeth in a 2020 BBC interview regarding his absolute involvement in the WEF's pandemic simulation in October, 2019.

In October, 2019 Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who, together with his wife, runs the richest and most powerful foundation in the world, co-organised a simulation exercise on a worldwide corona epidemic. Videos were posted documenting the exercise. But intriguingly Gates now denies such an exercise ever took place.

Why? On April 12, 2020, Bill Gates said in an interview to the BBC, “Now here we are. We didn’t simulate this, we didn’t practice, so both the health policies and economic policies, we find ourselves in uncharted territory.”

This is the same person who, just six months before the outbreak of the pandemic, organised a series of four role-playing simulations of a corona pandemic with very high-ranking participants. Event 201 was a simulation of a corona pandemic conducted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins University in October 2019.

Why is Gates denying Event 201?

As we've already discussed a CJR study in June last year found that Gates had bribed numerous corporate media agencies (including the BBC) to the tune of over 250 million dollars so perhaps that's why they let him get away with it.

edit on 16-6-2021 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2021 @ 05:28 AM

originally posted by: karl 12

set to occur on July 9th, 2021.

Herr Schwab's predictive programming on July 8th, 2020.

edit on 17-6-2021 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2021 @ 05:03 AM
Pretty great article with some important links:

Yes, to the surprise of absolutely no one, the largest and costliest cyberweapon ever developed (or at least officially acknowledged) was not the product of an Al-CIA-da cyberterror group or even the dreaded "Russian hackers," but the militaries of the US and Israel. Neither should it be surprising to learn that the intelligence agencies have crafted ways of making such cyberweapons appear to have been created by other entities, which is a functionality that is essential to any false flag attack.

We know, for example, that the CIA has already developed the M arble Framework, an anti-forensic tool that "might be used to disguise the CIA’s own hacks to appear as if they were Russian, Chinese, or from specific other countries." In other words, the CIA has spent time and energy developing a way to pin the blame for its own cyberweapons on its enemies. Although the CIA obviously will not confirm why, how or even if Marble has been deployed in the past, there is no other explanation for its existence: it is a tool for enabling virtual false flag terrorism.

This is important because, exactly as the Patriot Act was already ready and waiting in the wings pre-9/11, so, too, is an "iPatriot Act" ready and waiting in the wings for a "cyber 9/11" to come along and justify its enactment

We do not have to speculate about this. It was confirmed by Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig at a conference in 2008. "I had dinner once with Richard Clarke at the table," he told the audience at Fortune's Brainstorm Tech conference in Half Moon Bay, California. "And I said, 'Is there an equivalent to the Patriot Act — an iPatriot Act — just sitting, waiting for some substantial event? Just waiting for them to come have the excuse for radically changing the way the Internet works?' And he said, 'Of course there is' — and I swear this is what he said — 'and Vint Cerf is not going to like it very much.'"

So what kinds of things might be contained in such an iPatriot Act? Once again, we don't have to speculate. Various government officials have talked about their wish list for an internet clampdown in recent years.

In March of 2009, Senator Jay Rockefeller opined during a subcommittee hearing that the internet is proving to be such a threat to America’s national security that it would have been better if it had never existed.

In June of 2010, Senator Joe Lieberman stated that he believed the US needed the same ability to shut down the internet as China currently has.

Also in 2010, Microsoft Senior Advisor and Bilderberg attendee Craig Mundie called for the creation of a "World Health Organization for the internet" and suggested creating government-issued licenses to authorize internet usage.

In 2011, Bill Clinton advocated the idea that the US government create an agency for “fact-checking” websites on the internet.

In 2015, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (yes, that NIST) unveiled the "Trusted Identities Group," part of a national strategy for standardizing online identification systems.

Given all of this, it is not hard to imagine how a cyberterror event may play out: A cataclysmic attack on the internet's infrastructure massively disrupts people's online lives for a period of days or weeks. Social media is inaccesible. Online banking and shopping is halted. All news and information during the internet blackout comes from the old, controlled dinosaur media. A shocked and distressed public learn that the Russians (or whatever bogeyman du jour is convenient) are being blamed for the attack. In order to prevent such a thing from reoccurring, emergency legislation is passed in the US (and, coincidentally, in all other Western nations) requiring proof of identity to use any and all internet services.

In one fell swoop, not only would the last vestiges of internet anonymity be eliminated, but a key part of the erection of the social credit control grid would be in place. Now, just like in China, all of your online activity would be tied directly to your social credit score.

When False Flags Go Virtual

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 06:24 PM
Cheeky bump

Sourced by Inconserv

Lots of scoffing when Jhopkins/DARPA/CIA/Gates enacted a global catastrophe simulation in Oct, 2019 (basically right before it happened)

Would be interested in replies from folks who watch the video.

edit on 2-7-2021 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2021 @ 03:22 AM
Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab decide they should police the internet.

WEF partners with Big Tech and governments to police Internet, encourage ‘coordinated action’ against unauthorized voices deemed ‘harmful’ to collective psyche.

The World Economic Forum announced June 29 it will initiate a new “public-private partnership” with Big Tech and governments around the world to identify and uproot all opinions from the Internet that it considers “harmful.”

The WEF is one of those elitist organizations that wields enormous influence over the elected leaders of Western nations but which almost nobody in the general population has heard of.

(I could not help but think of the Committee of Public Safety that conducted the reign of terror during the French Revolution.)

And who gets to define what’s “harmful”? Why, the global coalition set up by the elitist WEF of course!

The “'harmful content targeted by this Global Coalition for Digital Safety you can bet will be tailor made to entrap those who stand for limited government, traditional values and individual freedom. Those of us who still believe in such things will not be included in the WEF’s definition “inclusive,” “equality” or “diversity.”

“The Global Coalition for Digital Safety is a public private platform for global, multi stakeholder cooperation to develop innovations and advance collaborations that tackle harmful content and conduct online,” states the WEF on its website.

Microsoft immediately announced it was on board with the WEF’s plan to squelch free speech on the Internet.

Technocracy Rising: World Economic Forum Announces ‘Global Coalition For Digital Safety’

posted on Jul, 3 2022 @ 10:33 AM
Following on from Herr Schwab's predictions on July 9th, 2021 (and July 8th, 2020) here's looking at the coming week.

Also an old VHS video here where the WEF are being discussed in relation to the controlled demolition of first world economies.

posted on Jan, 16 2023 @ 11:28 PM
Relevant, recent vid:

posted on Jan, 16 2023 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Interesting for someone reason

According to the reports klaus schwab had appeared at the Davos WEF meeting this week.
For now.

He will likely make another video appearance.
edit on 17-1-2023 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: vNex92

Yes mate did find that last video on using a false flag global cyber event to forcefully impose a global slave currency CBDC system on everyone incredibly plausible.

Especially when one considers Klaus and his cultists have been working hand in hand with Russia’s Sberbank (and Russia's BIZONE) in extremely specific 'simulations' - not to mention the WEF's extremely close ties with the CIA (and their M arble Framework system).

posted on May, 1 2023 @ 04:11 PM
Bump for July 9th this year

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 12:12 PM
Prepping 'the great narrative'.

Catastrophic cyber event likely in next two years’: WEF Annual Meeting in Davos

Due to geopolitical instability, a “catastrophic cyber event” is likely to occur in the next two years, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Speaking at the WEF Annual Meeting in Davos on Wednesday, WEF managing director Jeremy Jurgens highlighted the “most striking finding” from a recent survey on cybersecurity.

“Geopolitical instability makes a catastrophic cyber event likely in the next two years” — Jeremy Jurgens, WEF Annual Meeting, 2023

For years, the unelected globalists at the WEF and their partners have been prepping for a cyber pandemic that would disrupt all of society.

According to the WEF Global Risks Report 2022, retaliations to cyberthreats — whether actual or perceived — could lead to open cyberwarfare.

“If cyberthreats continue without mitigation, governments will continue to retaliate against perpetrators (actual or perceived), leading to open cyberwarfare, further disruption for societies and loss of trust in governments’ ability to act as digital stewards,” the WEF report reads.

If the unelected globalists at the WEF prove to be prophetic in their assessment, it would mean that governments wouldn’t need confirmation of an actual perpetrator before retaliating — just a perceived one.

“I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. We need to actually start preparing for that now” — Jeremy Jurgens, Cyber Polygon, 2020

Speaking remotely at the annual Cyber Polygon cybersecurity training event in 2020, which was aimed at averting a cyber pandemic, Jurgens said he believed that there would be another crisis, and that it would spread much faster than COVID.

“I would anticipate that when we do see this next crisis, it will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID,” said Jurgens, adding, “the exponential growth rate will be much steeper, the impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant.”

posted on Jun, 16 2023 @ 04:44 AM
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