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The Problem With UFO and Related Phenomenon

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posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 06:21 AM
...nothing ever really happens. A few sightings, maybe the Minutemen thing and such but it's mostly nothing of any relevance.
It's messing with people depending on how broadly you approach the topic, if you say abductions, channeling and these things are even related.
Are poltergeist activities and 'posessions' maybe even some mental illnesses connected to UFO?

But even if you want to go down this more spiritual path, does it even matter? I mean is it influencing the destiny of us as species?
How could you tell? It's not like we have a control group without contact to really tell if it makes a difference.

Which I guess makes it so open for abuse by those with an agenda. "It's Chinese... It's demons... they're here to help..."
But honestly all of that is kind of improbable because it doesn't do anything really.
Except the time some people spend obsessing over it.

A religion for the not religious. Something inaccesible that sucks up your hope, your fear, your attention. It is in this sense that UFO and God/gods are the same: mental energy vampires.
Is it cause or effect that we keep going in circles, never really solving anything but moving the goalpost, postponing the issue etc?

The thinking there's something invisible but bigger than us is so deeply ingrained in all of our thinking, even accepted scientific theories are basically religion. Like the Big Bang and the singularity before. Like Evolution and the jump from ordinary molecules to RNA.
Something very fundamental is missing: the HOW.

But that's maybe drifting, in regards to this topic and my point, (besides feeling the need to rant a little) to know what something is you need to look at what it does. To figure out its purpose you need to look at the effects.
And whenever I think about it I get frustrated.
All and everything we claim to know is tainted by this or another bias.
We can't look at it, or think about it without implications of a ton of bs we get fed from the day we open our eyes.

So what if that's the point? Lead us to a point where we experience this frustration to realise (and ultimately maybe freeing ourselves from) this crippeling human tendency to confuse belief with truth?

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: Peeple

I think they are very much related. And yes it's all about
messing with peoples minds. They all seem to use the
same MO by personification if you will. It's always the now
you see me now you don't mind f#@k. And it can drive the
weak minded over the edge in certain cases. That seems to
be their goal in many ways. To screw with us.

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 09:18 AM
This planet is unique in its quarantine from what I consider the normal, greater reality. From what I understand and access in dreamtime is a diverse range of beings, craft, planets, abilities, etc which the majority of the universe experiences. The isolation and diminished access to higher abilities makes for a greater challenge for some looking for that kind of experience. Its a also a good place to lay low for some beings and an intentional prison for others where they have no real ability to adversely damage other worlds.
There is activity with craft that we see occasionally but they are not here to awaken humans. We're pretty dim creatures in the overall view and there's not much special in terms of what we can offer the greater reality so we are left to our own evolution.

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 09:26 AM
I don't know my first sighting was when I was 8. Not much religion at that age. It was there and you can't tell me it wasn't.

Simple as that


posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: Peeple

We've been grappling with these questions since at least 1962.

Some time in the '90s, one of my co-workers in the janitorial field, was only moonlighting on that job. He was actually a professional UFOlogist. He would take groups of people out of a night for money, and for some reason, they always saw lights in the sky.

One day, with mop in hand, he said "It will be so wonderful when Jesus returns with his fleet of ships to rescue some of us. For now, we must be preparing ourselves."

The idea of a rescue seems to be appealing to people. The idea of a 'god' taking up residence upon Earth and setting up a theocracy, not so much.

The movies and TV shows have pretty much formed a consensus that that's an undesirable situation. I happen to be watching the show SG-1. The Goa'uld aren't wonderful gods.

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Whatever they are, they’ve been here for a long, long time. What we think they are changes with whatever age humanity is in. Back in the day they were elves and fairies. Now in a technological age they’re flying nuts and bolts craft.

It’s like they don’t want their true nature to be known. Which is why I believe that the government doesn’t really know what they are. They know something is there, because at this point with so many cameras and sightings it’s obvious. But I’d take anything they say about the origin of them with a grain of salt.

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: Peeple

I can take you to a place where there is plenty of high strangeness and woo, including ufos, psyops, religious manifestations, time distortions, paranormal, etc.... You can make an enlightened conclusion there.

I used to spend a lot of time up there flyfishing the rivers and streams around Salida. It got to weird for me, I don't go there anymore.

A little personal investigation other than the www. expands your horizons, but even with that humans don't have the cognitive ability to understand it.

edit on 8-6-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: mikell

I didn't try to tell you it's not there. I'm more thinking in the direction it's symptom of a general human handicap that we can't think about what it is without projecting what we want it to be.

a reply to: pthena

Saviour, rescue, selected special few or one... all of that runs deep somehow even though it never has and never will happen.
So where is it coming from? And why? Daddy/mommy issues?

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: underwerks

Sounds true

a reply to: olaru12

# off. How'd you know what I experienced or not?

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: underwerks

Sounds true

a reply to: olaru12

# off. How'd you know what I experienced or not?

I don't, but I'd love to hear your experiences with the woo. Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine.

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
...nothing ever really happens.

Pretty much. Even though there seems to be some actual, real, physical component to it all, it doesn't really affect how the world goes about its business.

There are a lot of posts these days in the various UFO groups where people are purporting to be baffled by the ordinary person's lack of interest in all the recent UFO stuff in the news. But it's not really a mystery. As you say, with UFOs, nothing ever happens except that it just generates more discussion within the relatively small community of UFO "enthusiasts."

Now, perhaps as some folks say, we owe our current state of technological development to back engineered alien stuff collected by the government and hidden away for study and to build weapons. Except it doesn't feel like it, and there are other much more mundane explanations for our current state of development -- war-driven tech, hard work, innovation. Stuff people are known for.

If it wasn't for the many photos and seemingly sincere and accurate descriptions of encounters with UFOs throughout the years, it would make some sense to treat the whole subject like dreams. They happen. They fade away with no solutions. They don't really affect our waking lives.

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: underwerks
a reply to: Peeple

Whatever they are, they’ve been here for a long, long time. What we think they are changes with whatever age humanity is in. Back in the day they were elves and fairies. Now in a technological age they’re flying nuts and bolts craft.

It's an interesting parallel to how scholars describe the human psyche. The explanations follow what we had at the time for technology. The Greeks thought the mind / soul was like air because they were just starting to figure out that people were composed of various separate parts, with the mind being separate but working with the body. Much later, in the Industrial age, folks like Freud thought of it like a steam engine where a person would build up intellectual and emotional pressure that had to be released or controlled. These days, people think of it like a computer with separate memory storage and processing components.

Of course it's all nonsense. But that's the way people think. It's extremely hard for most of us to even fathom what other non-physical dimensions are like, as we rely so heavily on our senses and very limited intelligence to try to make sense of reality. Real reality? Who knows? The psychonauts say it's more like complex patterns of waves and patterns we're all a part of in one form or another. But that kind of thinking is so abstract it's essentially useless in helping us live our daily lives. Oh, well.
edit on 8-6-2021 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Peeple

I sometimes wonder what would life be like if Eve had not bitten the fruit from the tree of knowledge. Would humans have progressed to where they are today and moving forward.

It’s no wonder that some people worship the serpent satan, thanking him for the fruits of knowledge that gives them all they possess.

Hmmm...not having bitten the fruit?...would god have had Adam and Eve procreate to begin an evolving species? Or would Adam and Eve just exist for the pleasure, muse and curiosity of god on a world he created for them?

I sometimes envy, humans without Knowledge to evolve from. For instance, indigenous tribes who have not yet been exposed to modern man. They live their lives in support of themselves and the community of the tribe and then they they even care about the Wheel (an invention of knowledge, born out of necessity to mobilize humans) throughout their lives? Their lives are basic and simplistic based on the needs of survival.

So what does this have to do with the Op?

People create their own stresses influenced by what they see and experience in this modern life because of knowledge. One remedy is to isolate yourself from knowledge that deeply affects you negatively. Just pay attention to your everyday survival of you and yours.

I see, read, and watch a lot of things with a focus of staying away from negative knowledge, so that it does not affect my day to day survival life within my home, within my tribe so to speak.

Hope I made some sense
edit on 8-6-2021 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift
The psychonauts say it's more like complex patterns of waves and patterns we're all a part of in one form or another. But that kind of thinking is so abstract it's essentially useless in helping us live our daily lives. Oh, well.

If our daily lives were not so messy, noisy and full of inconsequential crap, then Ophiuchus1's above point about being bereft of modern clutter would certainly allow us to contemplate our existence, and the nature of it, far more deeply.

We'd probably be wrong in our thoughts, but at least we'd be THINKING.

As to the OP's point that most paranormal activity is interconnected (including UFOs of course), I've always felt that was the case, whatever the explanation/reality behind them. And, like Olaru12, I have also been in a 'hotspot' of such activity within the UK (see my Aug 2018 intro thread via my profile; can't be bothered describing it all yet again). But whether it all amounted to evidence of life after death or alien visitation, I have no idea; maybe not at all, but fascinating nonetheless.

And that's the point - it made me THINK. Very underrated these days, thinking.

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Saviour, rescue, selected special few or one... all of that runs deep somehow even though it never has and never will happen.

Wars happen. They have been happening throughout human history. War is very disruptive to society, and to the psyche of the individuals within.

So where is it coming from? And why? Daddy/mommy issues?

PTSD, some of it; propaganda too.

Apocalyptic literature thrives within unstable times. The Roman-Parthian war (54 BC – 217 AD) was the backdrop for the Apocalypse of Saint John the Divine. Some have said that it was written by Parthians as a propaganda to get Christians to side with them against Rome. As propaganda broadcast into the Roman territory, it could also cause internal instability and strife, thus weakening Rome.

Portions of the Old Testament taken in context of when they were written can be seen similarly. A turn from identity with Egypt, the overlords of the levant, toward identity with Mesopotamia (where Abraham came from). Then rebellion against Assyria and alliance with Babylon while the second Babylonian Empire was absorbing the Assyrian. Many Semitic people joined the Babylonians in that conflict.

Once the Assyrians were beat, the Babylonians became 'the enemy'. Serious disruption as the god was invoked as both the author of an independent Judea and as the one saying 'maybe later, give it some time'. Of course, after the facts some can get lost from the records and only the parts that don't seem completely erroneous are kept.


Now, having written all that; I saw this classic flying saucer back in 1967.

I was in summer camp, on a mountain top, close to a forest ranger lookout. I was looking down into a valley which had a highway running through it. There, off the right side of the highway, a flying saucer, hovering along. I called to another boy to come see. He in turn called to a friend who had binoculars. We watched it for about 10 minutes, then went about our other business because it didn't seem very exiting.

Cars just drove past it. The saucer was only moving about 1/3 the velocity of the cars. No one stomped on the gas for a quick get away. No car slammed on its breaks. No motorist jumped out screaming. It was totally non spectacular to all observers.

edit on 8-6-2021 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

The psychonauts say it's more like complex patterns of waves and patterns we're all a part of in one form or another. But that kind of thinking is so abstract it's essentially useless in helping us live our daily lives. Oh, well.

I have stepped over the threshold of the "doors of perception" more than a few times. There are many Real Realities depending on the keys you use to open the doors. And yes the descriptions tend to be abstract because language isn't a good communication medium but it's the best our very limited intelligence has to offer.

Complex patterns of waves and images is one description of a psychonaut location, others are like a personality dissolution blackness that can be scary, to say the least. And then there are the machine elves.

I was told to F*** off. That's probably good advice.

edit on 8-6-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: pthena
Cars just drove past it. The saucer was only moving about 1/3 the velocity of the cars. No one stomped on the gas for a quick get away. No car slammed on its breaks. No motorist jumped out screaming. It was totally non spectacular to all observers.

Reminds me of a similar sighting described to me by a friend of mine. Seems her grandmother was with her in a car traveling in eastern Michigan and the lady just pointed out the window and very non-chalant says, "Oh, look. There's a flying saucer." And apparently that's what it was. Just a silver disc hovering above a field along the side of the road. They didn't stop. It was just like. Well, there's one of those things. And they continued on with their lives.

"Serious" researchers are prone to discounting psychic and mental effects in UFO encounters, but this kind of thing suggests that it happens all the time. We are somehow convinced that this amazing, extraordinary thing not important. A lot of people simply forget about them. Makes me wonder. "These are not the droids you're looking for."

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: olaru12

As long as what you say is talking about your experience and not assuming you're the only one who knows what you're talking about you're welcome.

I'm a lot into Terence McKenna, I mean we know our perception is limited and some substances block certain features of our brain which gives us at the least some new... let's say insights.

Language is code it's just as abstract as math. For the day to day 'I was at the gym' it's good enough but for everything more meaningful it would help if we start using a *lit or *met to show how we mean it. But who does that?

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

We are somehow convinced that this amazing, extraordinary thing not important. A lot of people simply forget about them. Makes me wonder. "These are not the droids you're looking for."

It was the storm troopers looking for particular droids. For those not looking for any droids, the suggestion is meaningless.

On a personal level the question is, "Does this have anything to do with me? Should I do something about it? If so, then what?" Lacking any actionable answer to that than meh! Not my problem.

If, on the other hand, there had been news footage of flying saucers attacking cities, razing buildings and people with death rays and such, then perhaps running in panic and hiding would be called for. There doesn't seem to be any news footage like that.

The semi-official doctrine of the group that sponsored the summer camp was, "They are deceptions of the devil, appearing to lead people astray from God's truth."

None of the three of us were therefore inclined to mention it to a camp counselor. Being branded satanic before our peers didn't hold any charm for us.

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 09:51 PM
You ask "What's the point?" and express your frustration. That very question, and sentiment, actually helps solve a piece of the puzzle. The very fact that humans have been experiencing this UFO phenomenom for 50+ years in modern history, and we are no closer to solving this puzzle shows that whatever these beings are, they are NOT here to simply land on the lawn of the white house and announce themselves.

On one hand, it is extremely apparent that these beings, whatever they are, have no intention of revealing themselves on a wide scale in that manner. On the OTHER hand, I think its obvious that they can cloak I think its just as obvious that they ARE purposely revealing themselves to humankind , or select humans.

Imagine what it will be like once WE start traveling the stars....and we start visiting and exploring inhabitated planets. There will probably be a WHOLE BRANCH of science dedicated to how to properly introduce ourselves to other civilizations.

life is like a perfect ecosystem....and having another intelligent species integrating with a closed off system probably has to be done with the utmost respect and care.

Whatever these beings are doing.....I don't think we can limit it to OUR understanding of how things work. In fact, the whole UFO phenomonom being so mysterious actually makes makes sense that we can't understand it.....just like ants probably can't understand anything about humans.

No matter how many times an ant sees will never understand what humans really are....the things we've built, the psychology of man, why we have jobs, etc, etc. Its outside of their ability to understand.

originally posted by: Peeple
...nothing ever really happens. A few sightings, maybe the Minutemen thing and such but it's mostly nothing of any relevance.
It's messing with people depending on how broadly you approach the topic, if you say abductions, channeling and these things are even related.
Are poltergeist activities and 'posessions' maybe even some mental illnesses connected to UFO?

But even if you want to go down this more spiritual path, does it even matter? I mean is it influencing the destiny of us as species?
How could you tell? It's not like we have a control group without contact to really tell if it makes a difference.

Which I guess makes it so open for abuse by those with an agenda. "It's Chinese... It's demons... they're here to help..."
But honestly all of that is kind of improbable because it doesn't do anything really.
Except the time some people spend obsessing over it.

A religion for the not religious. Something inaccesible that sucks up your hope, your fear, your attention. It is in this sense that UFO and God/gods are the same: mental energy vampires.
Is it cause or effect that we keep going in circles, never really solving anything but moving the goalpost, postponing the issue etc?

The thinking there's something invisible but bigger than us is so deeply ingrained in all of our thinking, even accepted scientific theories are basically religion. Like the Big Bang and the singularity before. Like Evolution and the jump from ordinary molecules to RNA.
Something very fundamental is missing: the HOW.

But that's maybe drifting, in regards to this topic and my point, (besides feeling the need to rant a little) to know what something is you need to look at what it does. To figure out its purpose you need to look at the effects.
And whenever I think about it I get frustrated.
All and everything we claim to know is tainted by this or another bias.
We can't look at it, or think about it without implications of a ton of bs we get fed from the day we open our eyes.

So what if that's the point? Lead us to a point where we experience this frustration to realise (and ultimately maybe freeing ourselves from) this crippeling human tendency to confuse belief with truth?

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