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Abducted? I hope not

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posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 07:51 PM
Hi, been a long time observer and a few tim eposter on these forums but I've come to post something because I'm quite concernced and to be honest scared. I am the strongest believer in aliens and have even seen a UFO but abductions still seem a little 'far out' to me, from the descriptions people give. However, today I noticed that I have 3 red puncture marks in my shin that have truly appeared over night, they are in the shape of a triangle (I don't sleep next to any sharp triangular objects). I thought it was awkard because it's a perfectly shaped triangle. It's not an equilateral triangle but the spacing between the dots is perfect and the first thing I did was look up 'abduction marks' on yahoo. What I found in the first link's webpage was the exact same shape of triangle that I have. Here's the link:

I came to post here because I don't know of any other communities with more logical members than this one. I wish you can convince me I'm just being stupid.

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 07:54 PM
PS: I have just looked at the website in the link and I do realise it's a sess pit for merchandise but the pics of the same marks I have just seem like too much of a coincidence.

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 08:17 PM
you didnt get abducted, you would have so many memories and details of the event and it would not be a question it would be CLEAR to you IT HAPPENED if it did.

Those Alleged marks are bogus,

the real triangle mark is more like a burn its a red triangle ,
not 3 dots of pierced skin,
that sounds more like an insect bite.
but thats just my opinion.....

[edit on 22-3-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 08:20 PM
I also thought it was an insect bite but the triangle is quite big which is whats struck my attention in the first place. Have you got any pictures of the real triangle?

Btw, thanks for replying, I have an extremely active imagination and naturally got worried from seeing the exact same mark I have on the internet.

[edit on 22-3-2005 by owner]

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 09:07 PM
well i took a look for 10 minutes trying to find what it looked like but no luck.

so do this but not literaly,
take an iron for ironing clothes,
shrink it down so its a quarter inch tall,
get it real hot,
then burn yourself in the arm with it, lol

that red triangle is what it looked like on me.

If you ever do get taken FIGHT BACK !
dont be subservient to KIDDNAPPERS !
Bite them if you have to....
take control of the ship!

[edit on 22-3-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 11:29 PM
I totally believe in aliens and UFO's. I'm a huge fan. Do you have any possible memories of an abduction at all? Check this link and see if you have any of these symptoms.

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 11:34 PM
If your obsessed with ufo's, and have any tendency torwards paranoia (which is probable, given that you are visiting a conspiracy site), then perhaps its better to figure that this is infact your overactive imagination.

It would be a 'nice' coincidence if you were into ufos and jsut happened to be abducted no?

Why worry over the relationships or geometry of the marks? Insects can certainly leave unusual marks, what does it matter if they are 'perfect'? A triangle is so simple anyway. Any three points will make one.

If you research ufo's, but can't help but start looking for and imagining 'signs of adbuction', then perhaps it would be best if you took it easy on the UFO research no?

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 11:40 PM
How large exactly is the triangle? And exactly how EXACT is the distance between each mark? Is it just like small puncture style marks? As if u poked yourself with a needle?

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 08:56 AM
Ok, thanks for all the help. The two dots on the base of the triangle are exactly half an inch away from each other, and the top dot of the triangle is three quarters of an inch away from both of base dots. The marks are a very clear bold red and not like a pin prick.

When I was younger I had frequent nose bleeds up till the age of 12 when they stopped but most significantly there was an event which I posted here a while back that I had previously never questioned. When I was 10 I remember waking up in my room and sitting upright on my bed to get up and walk but instead I was actually forced back to sleep against my own mind. I just had no control and my eyes closed again before I sat back down to sleep. It was like I was fully awake at one second when I woke up and the next I was just completely overwhelmed by sleep. I honestly don't know why I have a special recognition of this memory due to the fact that I was quite young and generally didn't have any reason to think much of the event till years later, but I do.

It was seriously freaky seeing the same mark I have being posted on the internet.

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 01:22 PM

Going by what you have said, you could have alien contact. If so, then you always will. How you are going to handle that is your decision, but whatever you do, do not fall for the horrid abduction, victimization stories. There is a reasonable explanation, so find it for yourself. If you want to know something about the aliens, just ask the aliens. If you do not want contact with them, tell them that too, but at least find out what is really going on first.

Everyone who has permanent alien contact visits the aliens' crafts and has periodic medical exams done by their own contacts. Everyone gets implants for myriad uses, none of which are tracking devices. Most implants are organic and dissolve automatically when their function is completed.

Freaking out is understandable, but there is not actually anything for you to freak out about.

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 03:54 PM
You say the marks are bold red, do they stand up? Like a bump? or is it almost as if someone took a red marker and made three dots? (i know that isnt the case.)

If you do encounter an abduction later, that you are conscious through, try and resist. Unless they already have full control over you. Then they might get pissed off and kill. Try best you can to keep your composure....If you can manage, try asking them some questions. And request that everyone with the initials BFF be left ALONE!

But seriously, ive read that all abduction cases where the abductee has prayed to Jesus, the abduction immediatly halts, and that person is left alone after that, forever... Im not sure at all if this is truth. Could be, or could not be... Either way, it never hurts to try!

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 03:57 PM
You might have a skin problem.

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 04:05 PM
The bumps are not raised and it is similar to the red marker effect. I don't have any recollection of abductions whatsoever so I don't exactly know how to tell them to go away. I am mainly concerned with illnesses that are usually follow on from abductions, such as tumors and cancer.

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by owner
I am mainly concerned with illnesses that are usually follow on from abductions, such as tumors and cancer.

owner, why do you think alien contact causes tumors and cancer? Where did you hear it and why do you believe it? Do you think that everyone who has cancer has alien contact?

Don't worry, if you don't want to see the aliens, you won't.

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by owner
Ok, thanks for all the help. The two dots on the base of the triangle are exactly half an inch away from each other, and the top dot of the triangle is three quarters of an inch away from both of base dots. The marks are a very clear bold red and not like a pin prick.

When I was younger I had frequent nose bleeds up till the age of 12 when they stopped but most significantly there was an event which I posted here a while back that I had previously never questioned. When I was 10 I remember waking up in my room and sitting upright on my bed to get up and walk but instead I was actually forced back to sleep against my own mind. I just had no control and my eyes closed again before I sat back down to sleep. It was like I was fully awake at one second when I woke up and the next I was just completely overwhelmed by sleep. I honestly don't know why I have a special recognition of this memory due to the fact that I was quite young and generally didn't have any reason to think much of the event till years later, but I do.

It was seriously freaky seeing the same mark I have being posted on the internet.

I have the same mark on my back, but i can't see it anymore. I also have had frequent nosebleeds and the same "controlled sleep" that you are describing. This may be some sort of sign. Creepy. But, the thing that may differ is that every time I would film a UFO, about 2 minutes into it, it would get staticy and would give me a splitting migrane to the 5th power, almost as if a train were running over my head.

[edit on 23-3-2005 by TheRanchMan]

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 06:02 PM
Have had unexplainable missing or lost time of one hour or more.

Have been paralyzed in bed with a being in your room.

Have unusual scars or marks with no possible explanation on how you
received them (small scoop indentation, straight line scar, triangular marks, scars in roof of mouth, in nose, behind or in ears, etc.)

Have seen balls of light or flashes of light in your home or other locations

Have a memory of flying through the air which could not be a dream, or
many dreams involving flying.

Have a strong "marker memory" that will not go away (i.e.: an alien face, an examination, a needle, a table, a strange skinny baby, etc.)

Have seen beams of light outside your home, or come into your room through a window.

Have had many dreams of UFOs, beams of light, or alien beings.

Have had a shocking UFO sighting or multiple sightings in your life.

Have a cosmic awareness, an interest in ecology, environment,
vegetarianism, or are very socially conscious.

Have a strong sense of having a mission or important task to perform, sometime, without knowing where this compulsion is coming from.

Have a secret feeling that you are "special" or "chosen," somehow.

Have had unexplainable events occur in your life, and felt strangely anxious afterwards.

Have had several strange psychic experiences - such as knowing that something is going to happen before it happens.

For women only: Have had false pregnancy or missing fetus. (pregnant, and then not)

Have awoken in another place than where you went to sleep, or don't remember ever going to sleep. (i.e. waking up with your head at the foot of your bed, or in your car)

Have had a dream of eyes such as animal eyes (like an owl or deer), or remember seeing an animal looking in at you. Also if you have a fear of eyes.

Have awoken in the middle of the night startled.

Have strong reaction to cover of Communion or pictures of aliens. Either an aversion to or being drawn to.

Have inexplicably strong fears or phobias. (i.e. heights, snakes, spiders, large insects, certain sounds, bright lights, your personal security or being alone).

Have experienced self-esteem problem much of your life.

Have seen someone with you become paralyzed, motionless, or frozen in time, especially someone you sleep with.

Have a memory of having a special place with spiritual significance, when you were a youngster.

Have had someone in your life who claims to have witnessed a ship or
alien near you or has witnessed you having been missing.

Have had, at any time, blood or strangel stain on sheet or pillow, with no explanation of how it got there.

Have an interest in the subject of UFO sightings or aliens, perhaps compelled to read about it a lot.

Have an extreme aversion towards the subject of UFO's or aliens - don't want to talk about it.

Have been suddenly compelled to drive or walk to an out of the way or unknown area.

Have the feeling of being watched much of the time, especially at night.

Have had dreams of passing through a closed window or solid wall.

Have seen a strange fog or haze that should not be there.

Have heard strange humming or pulsing sounds, and you could not identify
the source.

Have had unusual nose bleeds at any time in your life. Or have awoken with a nose bleed.

Have awoken with soreness in your genitals which can not be explained.

Have had back or neck problems, T-3 vertebrae out often, or awoken with an unusual stiffness in any part of the body.

Have had chronic sinusitis or nasal problems.

Have had electronics around you go haywire or oddly malfunction with no explanation (such as street lights going out as you walk under them, TV's and radios affected as you move close, etc.).

Have seen a hooded figure in or near your home, especially next to your bed.

Have had frequent or sporadic ringing in your ears, especially in one ear.

Have an unusual fear of doctors or tend to avoid medical treatment.

Have insomnia or sleep disorders which are puzzling to you.

Have had dreams of doctors or medical procedures.

Have frequent or sporadic headaches, especially in the sinus, behind one eye, or in one ear.

Have the feeling that you are going crazy for even thinking about these sorts of things.

Have had paranormal or psychic experiences, including intuition.

Have been prone to compulsive or addictive behavior.

Have channeled telepathic messages from extraterrestrials.

Have simply heard an external voice in your head, speaking to you,
perhaps instructing or guiding you.

Have been afraid of your closet, now or as a child.

Have had sexual or relationship problems (such as an odd "feeling" that you must not become involved in a relationship because it would interfere with "something.")

Have to sleep against the wall or must sleep with your bed against a wall.

Have a fear that you must be very vigilant or you will be taken away
by "someone."

Have a difficult time trusting other people, especially authority figures.

Have had dreams of destruction or catastrophe.

Have the feeling that you are not supposed to talk about these things, or that you should not talk about them.

Have experienced many things in this list, and recall your children or parents speaking of similar experiences on occasion.

Have tried to resolve these types of problems with little or no success.

Have many of these traits but can't remember anything about an abduction or alien encounter.

Almost all of these things happen to me, the ear ringing , headaches, sleeping positions, all that. I am wigging out. Hold me...

[edit on 23-3-2005 by TheRanchMan]

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 06:56 AM
Seems to me that this is probably your fear coming through here. Just because three red marks appear on your leg doesn't automatically mean you have been abducted don't rule it out but unless you had any other things such as a sighting, feeling dizzy or 'missing time' it is unlikely. It seems there was no point in asking this question to the board it seems like you have already made your mind up to me. Also you said it is worried it could be cancer or a tumor this is your fear again. My advice stop panicking and relax think logical about it this could just be a bite from an insect also stop reading about the whole alien abduction thing. I used to be exactly like that when I read all the UFO stuff it used to make me scared I used to think about weird things in my life and try and relate them to abductions and stuff until I relaxed and realised that I was worrying over nothing. Read it do research its fun discovering opinions and reading stories but don't let the fear of it take over your life.

But if you have been abducted don't worry you wern't the first and you won't be the last. My advice would be to look out for weird things in your life such as it happening again, anybody following you, anybody watching you, other marks, missing time or sightings. But do it logically don't let fear take over.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 01:39 PM
Thanks alot Mikomi, advice like that really helps to clear up my head. I guess I do read up on way too much ufo stuff and I don't have any symtpoms such as dizzyness or missing time so I guess I should base my worries on more hard facts. As you said, I think I'll take a break for a while from the ufo/alien stuff and focus on my life mainly. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 03:27 PM
You don't need to stop reading up on the stuff it is a good thing to do in spare time I meant just don't take it all really serious half the stuff ain't true. I made a post ages ago how different stories contradict each other so it is not possible for it all to be true. Like I said carry on reading and stuff just don't let it make you paranoid.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 06:55 PM
I know what you mean about carrying on reading but unfortunately, I have ana ctive imagination and in a grey area topic like this (no pun intended) it's not always easy to convince yourself what's real and what's not. I think I need to take a step back and look at my life for a little while.

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