posted on Jun, 9 2021 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to:
Got it
If you know our more rural regions then you know there's not a lot to do. Bet on the fact that the rural youth knows the region very well because what
you do all day. Things may have changed the last twenty years with internet and mobile phones though.
I blame the parents too. But going back to topic, during the lockdown, I noticed more people on forest roads and on wanderwege as usual. More biking
and fresh air activities.
More trash too. A lot don't really look around while walking. The trees have so much to tell you, that sounds stupid while typing but I mean the
location, grouping, way of growing, old wounds, symbiotic plants, animal roads in the forest. Animal crossings. The local deer, if you are not too
noisy but also not too silent, basical they need to know where you are and they know you're not danger. You can then watch them. Normal talking is
just perfect. We often see young deer and then we just stop moving. They see moving things better and you can watch them.
You know this of course. I didn't ask yet where you are from? You don't need to answer this, just saying.