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Neil deGrasse is stalking me. lol

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posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 03:19 AM

originally posted by: BrokenCircles
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

The one important detail that you have obviously failed to realize, is that you in fact are Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Damn. Busted.

lol imagine if I actually was. Although my money's on DBCowboy being Neil's ATS identity.

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 03:53 AM

originally posted by: MiaBandetoh
Prove it!

Your post proved nothing other than you believe what is being said is being repeated by deGrasse. Show me a quote of what you are writing about and link it to a podcast with the time it is spoken.

Otherwise I also believe the radio was talking to me, said something just as I was checking my teeth if I had brushed my teeth today. Yet I cannot prove this...

The burden of proof is on you!

I can understand your feeling that way. I often demand proof myself. I mentioned the date of the podcast, and that is was on spotify. Not many Joe Rogan with Neil deGrasse Tyson podcasts so it shouldn't be too hard to find lol. and I'm not feeling like watching several hours of the show again myself to find specific time stamps.
To be completely honest, I am just too goddamn lazy to time stamp videos for others, especially as I'm not really trying to prove anything here to any one, just relaying a recent experience of mine.

Here's one of my posts that mentions the walking dead and how 'nature' would be in the world after as few years of no human intervention. I specified grass length, Neil talks about the way leaves settle, so not word for word but pretty close in terms of topic.
My comment on time travel vid.

NDT opens the show with this topic so easy to find just start from the beginning.

Here's some of my opinions on UFO evidence and witness reliability/testimony. Few posts in that thread so feel free to browse. But I'll start at the most relevant posts I made.
Corbell promises big reveal.

This is spread out a bit in his interview but his views very much match mine, especially this part of my comment:

literally billions of people on the planet, all with a HD camera essentially glued to their hand, and still we cannot get anything, but everyone seems to be able to get amazing footage of cops dog piling a criminal and other random events no problems?

You can easily find him saying almost identical in the interview.

Alas I cannot prove everything I claim because as I said in OP, some was written on ATS, some was written elsewhere across the internet and some of it was in verbal conversations and I tend to not record every casual chat I have with friends and acquaintances.

I mean I could actually prove a lot of it, but I like to keep my various social media lives separate. This is why for example despite requests in the past I haven't linked my own youtube channel, because I know how humans can get and I'd rather be unproven than sorry because some nut decided to stalk me across the net for my opinions.
If you're nutty about me on ATS, then ATS is the only place you'll be nutty with me.

What can I say? I like my privacy and don't like being 'doxxed' just to satisfy others.

So sadly you'll just have to take my word on a lot of my claims and why I am not saying it's anything concrete, like "OMG NEIL DGRASSE IS READING MAH BRAINS" and have written it off as more than likely a coincidence.

Sadly some things while interesting to discuss, that a lot of humans experience, reinforced by other posters saying they have experienced similar, it is literally impossible to prove especially when it comes to 'thoughts'.

I could provide further 'proof' but not without exposing my life outside of ATS in ways I am not comfortable with. But hey at least there are a few examples on this site people can check themselves by reading my posting history, specifically UFO related ones and then watching the interview for themselves.

Any way in case finding a Joe Rogan podcast with Neil Degrasse Tyson is too difficult for anyone. Here's the link.
JRE #1658 Neil deGrasse Tyson

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo
The best manipulators can convince others that an idea originated internally instead of externally

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: Meldionne1
Maybe it’s the old
Saying ....Great minds think alike ? Lmao .... or he’s copying you .

originally posted by: AtomicKangaroo
I find myself using that quote more often than I thought I would ever be. ...

Except their minds appear rather ordinary, talking about the same ordinary subjects that most people on ATS for example like to talk about.

Aliens & UFO's : 1.4 million posts, after Breaking Alternative News the most talked about subject on ATS.

Has Neil deGrasse Tyson ever made any significant factual discoveries in physics or astrophysics akin to Newton's discovery of the facts he described in the Law of Gravity or Einstein's discovery that E=MC^2? Mind you, a synonym for "factual" is "certain/conclusive/absolute/correct, without error". Just like a synonym for "a fact" is "a certainty/reality/truth". Keep in mind that "science" comes from the Latin "scientia" meaning "knowledge", which is also still a synonym for "science". Essentially, knowledge means familiarity with facts/certainties/realities/truths acquired by personal experience, observation, or study.

How do you think agnosticism or agnostic philosophies about the words "science" and "absolutes" relate to the term "science"?
edit on 5-6-2021 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: whereislogic

I am not a fan of Neil as a scientist, but I am a fan of Neil's for being a great salesman for science. Folks like him keep science popular, and despite his mistakes over the years he has also put correct knowledge into peoples heads.

Gotta just look at him for what he is, an entertainer that makes learning fun, and encourages people to think for themselves. Also he explains some of the sadly terrifying realities of the universe in a soothing palatable way.

With celebrities, the thing to keep in mind is that end of the day they are still human like the rest of us and all that entails. None of us are perfect after all. But I definitely think over all deGrasse Tyson does more good for science than bad, and that's what matters.

I mean the guy hasn't really been an 'offical' scientist for a while now and is more of a teacher, science public relations guy these days and has been for some time. He's knowledgable, intelligent even, but I'm not sure that makes him 'smart' if you get me?

As for agnosticism and science, I look at it like this, science is just explaining how things work and why they are, as accurately as possible. Science is a concept. It's how we explain and try to make sense of the world and universe. And I believe science can be applied to spiritual concepts.

Because science is just us explaining things and the reasons behind them. Why is water water? because h2o.
If ghosts are real, if gods exist, if U.F.O's and big foot is real, then there is an explanation as to why that is so.
That is still science. Maybe 'ghost' and after life because the electricity in our body leaves it upon death because energy cannot be 'destroyed' and the consciousness is energy so can 'exist' after the physical body stops being able to contain it. Regardless the explanation would be science.
If Jesus actually walked on water, how he did so is science. Even if the answer is simply 'god like hovering abilities we do not yet and may never understand'.
Even if he didn't exist, he or buddah, or other spiritual and god like beings, why they don't and why humans created them is also science.

Everything is science and science is about proving things, not about disproving them. Science is us, humans, whatever we actually are, just trying to make sense of this reality while we exist in it and why we exist in it regardless of why we exist in it. Most scientists, or even religious folks, paupers and kings and everyone in-between, we all know about as much as each other and that's not much at all.

Reality is a pretty messed up thing when you think about it. In terms of relative time we get anywhere from a 0 to 120 year life span, possible literal infinite eternity of not existing, or maybe existing 'differently, on either side of that blip we call life. our 'life' ratio to our 'death' or 'eternal life' ratio is unimaginably offset. The potential percentage of 'eternity' our lives take up is possibly an infinite amount of zero's with a .1% at the end. Or it could be 100% of eternity just in various forms and we just don't know it yet, cast of this shell and take on a new one or some form.
Maybe there is a god and we exist for a 'reason', or maybe we just exist because cruel #ty luck and chaotic physics and there is no god or reason, we just do. Maybe we are a simulation, and right now some REAL human is running us in a advanced Sim City crossed with GTA video game and we're all 'A.I'.

The reasons of why any of that is or isn't whether we like it or not, for better or worse is science.

Lol rambling on there, but I hope it helps you see my perspective on it.

tl;dr science can coexist with literally any thing, any concept, any reality. Because science like every thing about us is a state of mind. Science is literally just making sense of things.

Edit to add: Oops almost forgot agnosticism. I am agnostic in the sense that while I am scientifically motivated, and like knowledge and facts, I am not religious and I do not prescribe to any on faith. If you could 'scientifically' prove God existed and heaven is real I'd 'believe'. Then I'd want to know why it is real lol. But until I have hard evidence I cannot believe anything because no human knows. NONE. That's why it's 'faith' and 'belief' because those two word means no proof, but I want it to be so so badly I live as if it is so. Literally nothing to back it up, but in saying that there is literally nothing that proves Gods and other insanely crazy to human minds does not exist.

So I do not discount any possibility until I know other wise for certain. I would like to believe I am not just a 'blip' and accident, that I have a purpose other than being part of a self replicating, but I do not know if I am or I am not, and I have my own 'scientific' spirituality beliefs based on my own interactions with this 'life', observing it and taking note of how others are experiencing it.

I want to believe I will exist forever, I really effing do. But I am a conciousness wired to need evidence of peoples claims, especially after all I think therefore I am. and in my mind it's nothing like any religion on Earth. But even I am uncertain of that because it exists in my head, I have nothing to 'prove' it to anyone.
It's weird my mind is like equal parts, this is why oblivion awaits you and this is why it doesn't. Both sides of the existence coin. And I think to some degree every part of our reality is true, just not in ways we think. But I also think we're just some sick joke of a mistake.

So yeah agnostic because of science, not in spite of it.

Any way time for me to make a thread I've been wanting to do for a while.
edit on 8-6-2021 by AtomicKangaroo because: ETA

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