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posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: Randyvine

Why wouldn't that be the game plan?

I don't know any of the hypothetical elite members but my personal guess would be that they could have serious control issues and when there's no one left to control, it would be kind of boring. If there's no one and nothing to rule, they would be no rulers. But who can possibly know the truth...

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: Randyvine

Still cant say anything of interest and refuse to participate like a normal human being eh? x

Well at least your consistent.

edit on 3-6-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: eiieu

The elites, politicians, and 1%er types, need us to facilitate and fund there opulent and lavish life styles.

Because without us "they" would need to get their own paws dirty.

Nobody to tax or have work for a pittance equates to them having to come down from there ivory towers.

The truth is there are people at the top and people at the bottom and the class war is raging just as strong as it ever has been.

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: eiieu

I don't know any of the hypothetical elite members but my personal guess would be that they could have serious control issues and when there's no one left to control, it would be kind of boring. If there's no one and nothing to rule, they would be no rulers. But who can possibly know the truth...

I think you make good sense with that thinking. Just be aware I never said
they had to take the whole population down to where it's only them. They
could let how ever many common folk live as they chose. The slaves would
be thankful to their new found Gods. And there in lay their true goal. Sought
after for thousands of years. That ancient promise that was made when Eve
was beguiled by the serpent.

George Bush Jr. even mentioned it himself as he called it "The Ancient Promise".
"Ye shall not surely die. You will be like God" That's their true goal. That's the
agenda we could never see. The reason politicians would promise anything for
us to give them power. And rarely deliver any of it. So there you go you got
from me what others recently couldn't. This is exactly what I believe is happening.
Right here right now. They want to be immortal they want to be Gods.
And it all fits perfectly.


edit on 3-6-2021 by Randyvine because: (no reason given)

edit on Thu Jun 3 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: RussianSpy
a reply to: KansasGirl

Feudalism is the future, at least I personally believe such. It will be a return to where society originated but with the addition of modern technology. My great-grandfather was a mason and he always hinted that likely possibilty to me as a young child.

The agenda really isn't hidden anyways and requires minimal effort to see once you pull back the curtain that is deflection. Sadly all the ignorant, unwashed mentally and philosophically pox-ridden masses who take in such utter BS that the MSM talking heads spew as fact are the norm.

This the situation will never go in favour of free thinkers sadly so the average person is completely doomed. A somewhat depressing subject to discuss but very relevant to discuss due to the cogs in the machine nearly being in place.

The Only King I will Ever kneel to is Jesus Son of Jehovah...

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 10:23 PM

Lively debate is one thing.....

Bickering is quite another.
Please know off it name-calling and insults.

You are responsible for your own posts.....those who ignore that responsibility will face mod actions.

and, as always:

Do NOT reply to this post!!

posted on Jun, 4 2021 @ 02:54 AM
Capitalism is a system of checks and balances. If companies go the way of robots then who is going to buy their product? People have to be employed earning a living for the system to work. a reply to: 19Bones79

posted on Jun, 4 2021 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: BobbyJoeSmiths

I've explained this on page one of this very thread but I see this my answer has been ignored and this has even spilled over to another thread so I'll collect my thoughts and dediate a thread to just this issue.

posted on Jun, 4 2021 @ 03:16 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79

Money means nothing, tokens for slaves... the only way they need humans would be to keep them in misery while they reap the rewards, create a system of misery, those that work all their lifes can have more slave tokens to buy the things that imprison them, keep them distracted... those lazy buggers that dont work, let them deal drugs to each other, live a life of non action, they will keep the misery high in those groups, muhahaha.

now we have created a system of misery and hopelessness, all this fKing turmoil in the world of duality, Duality!

so wheres all the good shhh going eh.

posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79

There's a piece to this puzzle in the background that everyone is omitting or at the very minimum doesn't want to talk about. You will not hear it from the MSM or Government though you will see it about in other economic areas doing the rounds. Yes there's something massive coming, yes the Governments are preparing for it, yes people are going to die, yes people are going to be traumatized, yes there's going to be suffering & yes it's real...

I was here a decade ago warning the people of that time only to be mocked & heckled about today & you will see one of my old posts explaining this moment in the hidden part of ATS. Big shout out to "Flyersfan". What goes around comes around and I never forgot the words you uttered to me years ago yet here you are (if still here or last I remembered) a moderator at this website. You should of listened years ago when I said "America make sure they don't take your guns" but I'm guessing now you are one of the leftist building buner types yeah?

Be careful on this website. They banned me all the way back then like Youtube did today. Search within yourselves and stop wasting your time of this garbage. This # isn't in the New World so get ready for it.

posted on Jun, 15 2021 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79
Oh I feel something but evil cannot just win with impunity! There is a good force which is greater . they can try but at some point
.well it comes down to do you believe the creator of everything ( not man) thats the fallins creation but the big guy ya know ..will that being intervene

posted on Jun, 15 2021 @ 01:45 PM
If you're "for" one political party and "against" another one, or claim affiliation with one socioeconomic theory as opposed to a different one, they've already got you.

After all, who is more Christian, buying deep into the entire Christian cosmology, than Satan worshipers? Same thing.

posted on Jun, 15 2021 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

It's reasonable to assume that since they only ever offer limited choices in the dem and rep parties that a reasonable person with minimum analytical skills and basic comprehension could see that under Trump, America as a nation began to go back on the right track of looking out for its own interests economically, strengthen border security, and create more jobs than ever before for certain demographics. Things were looking up despite the media crying like spolied brats every single day over anything that came from the president in order to control the narrative. There was an attempt to nurture the country, it's culture and bringing it back competitively on a global stage while extracting itself from foreign exploitation via its military.

The dems on the other hand as we all know, want to treat the country as a crash test dummy and see how many ways there are to inflict damage before ultimately destroying it or incorporate it into a global hegemony where it will have been sufficiently diminished to comply with the failed banana republic look that Marxists envision during feverish visions of a nihilistic future because they never learned coping skills or found acceptance during their formative years. Some are suffering from some chronic illness and have transformed themselves into some faux comic book dark nerd turned villian. The worst ones wear black. They listen to angsty death metal where the lead choker sounds like he's possessed by a sentient lump of throat cancer. A leftists ability to reason and function within a normal society is about as much as that lump of throat cancer successfully conveying its emotions through its host. They almost always hate their own race and despise their own culture.

You cannot lead a nation with self hatred, a misplaced sense of reality, a warped sense of justice, blatant deception and a foundation of corruption.

So yeah, they got you whether you support left or right, but one will send you a reputable babysitter to look after your child while the other one wants to push a cross dressing pedophile with a previous conviction as THE PERFECT person for the job and then call you a bigot when you refuse tbeir 'enlightened' proposal.

People who voted for Trump cannot be compared to people who voted for Biden and say 'well they're no better or its all the same' because it's not.

People who voted for Biden are dumpster fires onto not only themselves but to people around them as well you'll find in their personal lives.

The left will eat their own when there's nothing else to bite in to.

So yes, it's not so simple as two sides of the same coin.

edit on 15-6-2021 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-6-2021 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2021 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: 19Bones79
The left will eat their own when there's nothing else to bite in to.

See? There is no "left" or "right." It's unfortunate, but I feel you'll never really understand that now. The people who have kept us off-balance and fighting each other for over 10,000 years have you already programmed.

posted on Jun, 15 2021 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: 19Bones79
The left will eat their own when there's nothing else to bite in to.

See? There is no "left" or "right." It's unfortunate, but I feel you'll never really understand that now. The people who have kept us off-balance and fighting each other for over 10,000 years have you already programmed.

One day we will realize that,"there is no spoon".

posted on Jun, 15 2021 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

Unfortunately there is a left and right, whether its manufactured or not(it is as we know) .

It's influence on your daily life cannot be denied.

Until we get off the chess board we are still in the game and we are pawns.

But to close your eyes and claim therefore that you are invisible and nobody can see you is just ridiculous.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79

When my Uncle finds out Elvis is alive he'll lose his mind.

He's a huge fan I hear.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 04:29 AM
The technology is far away. For AI to do anything human jobs do , it have to be human level.

If its human level it become super human.

With super human AI one can get the resources of the reachable universe.
ANYBODY can go and find a star system claiming lands the way the american pioneers.
There are more reachable star system then there are humans.

Most stars are red dwarfs , a 0.1 mass of the sun can burn for 10 trillion years.
By that time humanity is going figiur out what next if its interested continue in existence.

ping latency is why no one if after the other's star system.

posted on Jul, 4 2021 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

Your points are valid. What I would ask, then, is "what's new?"

Technology, like Pandora's Box, cannot be turned off once the possibilities are opened. We are a tool-using species.

Very rich people have lorded over the masses since the first civilizations, the first city states of Mesopotamia. There were relatively prosperous states and empires with relatively high standards of living for the general population, such as Ancient Egypt at its height, but they were always ruled by an elite. It's literally how humans self-organize. Whether it's the "Big Man" of Native American Ohio Valley cultures, or Jeffrey Bezos and Mitch McConnell and Kamala Harris. A few of them, a lot of us.

The dream of America -- as tarnished as it is from slavery, deception, slaughter and all the usual sins of empire -- was that regular people could go out and claim land as their own, and pass it down to their families ... until they had too many kids, which they all did by their nature, and then the landless males would have to trudge off to seek space for themselves.

When the frontier ends, as it did for America some 150 years ago, then there's nothing left but for the elites to accumulate as much wealth and power as possible, by squeezing the masses for everything they've got, whether labor or resources or whatever little money they've collected. It's the way.

I don't know any leftists who are satisfied with the direction of things -- and I mean real leftists, not bobblehead neo-liberal Democrats who like things just as they are. I know some leftists (who call themselves greens, or socialists, or whatever) who are encouraged that Gen Z is the *first* openly socialist-leaning generation in American history. Majorities of Gen Z are anti-capitalism and pro Green New Deal. Majorities. And they are more than ready to take to the streets. Last summer's BLM protests were the largest protests in American history. Nothing else comes close, and the biggest anti-Vietnam War protests were an order of magnitude smaller than the nationwide protests of May-July 2020.

That's encouraging because it shows the next generation of adults has a clear, agreed-upon list of villains. It's equally the Clintons and the Trumps, Bezos and Elon, the Royal Family and the Chinese Communist Party. They see through it all. They hate cops, hate mega-corporations, and will throw down if you # with them. (The dozens of TikToks last summer of suburban white skate rats beating the # out of cops with skateboards is one of the best things I've seen.)

Will they upset the apple cart? Or, I guess, the Apple Pay shopping cart? We'll see. As it gets hotter and more dangerous to just try to live, as every long summer shows us, taking action has less risk. The more people ready to throw down, the less individual risk. Remember that in the 1960s and 1970s, the technology revolution was utopian. It built upon science fiction ideas of labor being replaced by leisure and intellectual pursuits. Nothing has changed in the technology view, only in the late-capitalism effort to control all technology. How long do you think that will work? How long 'til Amazon and US military drones are taken down worldwide by renegades operating on the same frequencies and platforms as the big boys?

posted on Jul, 4 2021 @ 05:39 PM
As a household and office mover in the transfer industry I don't think AI will be able to replace this essential work service anytime soon...

They will need a half life style gravity gun or highly intricate and diverse capable robots..

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