posted on May, 31 2021 @ 09:13 AM
Hello everybody.
I'm a long-time reader from way back in the days of 2012. I had an account back then but haven't been able to ever get back into it.
I made this account today because I have stumbled on something interesting via an asteroid tracking app called Asteroid Alert. It is available on the
Google Play store.
I am not sure what to make of these screenshots that I've grabbed from this app because I can't bring you a screen recording.
Each dot is an asteroid. The dates are in the lower right of the pictures. What's going on with all of these asteroids that are surrounding us right
now? The first two pictures show what seems to me is relatively normal, while as we look today we are absolutely swarmed by asteroids.
With June 1st being an important day for UFOs, wouldn't it be crazy if all of these asteroids are actually UFOs? Wishful thinking, I'm sure. But
seriously what is going on here? Can someone who knows more about this kind of stuff assure me that this is normal? lol