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Mark Dice reveals The Deep State

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posted on May, 31 2021 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: 19Bones79
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Interesting pic. Who or what does they eye represent above the queen?


posted on May, 31 2021 @ 04:07 PM
Being Italian I have extensively read about my culture and history,,,As much as we Italians have contributed to this earth and this country we have a very dark side. The world has be deceived with religion leading the way. a reply to: Asktheanimals

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 04:27 PM
I usually think of Deep State as being very wealthy and powerful people. But there is a dark, evil side to this bunch. Deep State could be your housekeeper, janitor and hairdresser standing around a cauldron. Careful what you say

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 04:29 PM
Khazarien jews... a reply to: olaru12

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 04:32 PM
Illuminati is dressing like a woman. Toostie for example.a reply to: SecretKnowledge

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 04:39 PM

originally posted by: havok
a reply to: 19Bones79

Not sure if I'd say "Mark Dice reveals the Deep State" in the title.
It can be disputed that Alex Jones reportedly brought this to light many years before Dice did. Even before that, there have been many authors who wrote about the Deep State, or the Bilderberg Group, before Dice even mentioned it, but we should most certainly be focusing on this shadowy group of nefarious individuals.

It's apparent that the Logan Act is being violated.

But I am positive that's not the only thing illegal or going wrong at the meetings.

you've just said what i wanted to say

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit

I suspect Most of what you Seek is Hidden in " Plain Sight "...................

Most of us are unable to see it.
Perhaps the deception is so huge, or we are paralyzed in our sheepish fear, or we are loathe to admit that we have been fooled, or who knows ?

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

The ruler of the kingdoms of the earth.

Matthew Ch 4 : 8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”

posted on Jun, 1 2021 @ 02:10 PM
Any real and true meeting of the world’s elite is done in a very private manner that no one knows about . Bilderburg Group is just what it is , a publicly known event .
Im more concerned about what is never shown or told . Hiding in the open is easy

posted on Jun, 1 2021 @ 02:10 PM
Any real and true meeting of the world’s elite is done in a very private manner that no one knows about . Bilderburg Group is just what it is , a publicly known event .
Im more concerned about what is never shown or told . Hiding in the open is easy

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 03:04 AM
That 'masonic pyramid' thing is relatively interesting, but it has typing errors, unnecessary 'mystery' portion, and 'The Bilderberg group' is weirdly at a very low place, when it should be basically at the top. It's implying some groups actually rule 'The Bilderberg group'..

But the real hierarchy is:

01. The Creator
02. The Humans
03. The Governments (I guess Corporations are around here now, too)
04. Citizens, (Artificial) Persons, Legal Entities
05. Animals

So human beings are basically actually second after their Creator, but those that voluntarily (and it IS voluntary, but we've been duped to giving consent without our knowledge, which of course begs to question whether this given consent is actually valid, but the 'system' treats it as if it valid, and people don't even realize these details, so in -effect-, it's valid and unquestioned by almost anyone) give up their humanity to become 'Citizens' or 'Persons', actually then are below the governmental and corporate system ('military-industrial complex' isn't an official entity in this list, but it sure yields a lot of power anyway, it would stand at 03 anyway).

So only the human beings that voluntarily consent to being governed and agree to not be use, and often, not even be able to use their human rights, are at 04th level.

This is because human beings have an unlimited right to contract, and that's being used against humans to turn them into legal entities, that are sometimes called 'strawmen' or 'legal persons' or 'artificial persons'.

People have forgotten how to be 'freemen on the land', they have forgotten that 'law' and 'legal system' are two completely separate things (law is like a mountain, 'legal system' is like paths on that mountain - paths change, mountain stays).

If this feels confusing to someone in 2021, they can search for 'Meet Your Strawman' - that explanation may or may not still exist somewhere (it used to exist in two forms, video and webpage, mostly text).

Basically the jist is, people (most of them) have been duped into identifying as 'persons', and thus have performed a joinder between a dead legal entity, 'artificial person' or 'strawman' and themselves, the 'human being'. The big con about the whole thing is that the legal entity's name is -almost- the same as the human being's, but it's usually written -slightly- differently;

- Surname first (Smith, John)
- All capitals (JOHN SMITH)
- Surname first and all capitals (SMITH JOHN)
- Partially capitalized (John SMITH)
- Surname first and partially capitalized (SMITH John)

There are different, subtle variations in meaning when it's written different ways, but unless it's written "normally", especially with a ":", it's going to refer to the 'artificial person' (legal entity), and not the human being (and only the human being can use their human rights, if a joinder has been performed, those rights are unaccessible, although still exist).

So, only

- John:Smith (or sometimes even John Smith)

refers to the human being, all other variations refer to the 'strawman'.

The scary thing is, how easily everyone has given their consent (though mostly without full disclosure, so it's not 100% valid, but I mentioned that earlier).

Black's Law Dictionary is what they use in courts, and it's basically a modified version of Pax Romana, which is a clever legal system to dupe people into thinking they're free while imprisoning them amidst all the acts and statutes.

So this means, they use deceptive language of the 'legalese' instead of english, but because it looks and sounds like english, people think it IS english (and it isn't). So any time a peace officer - eh, nowadays, policy enforcer, I guess - asks you 'do you understand', they don't care in english about your 'comprehension', but they actually create authority in legalese, by using the meaning 'do you stand under (my authority)?'

This kind of language is everywhere, and masses don't realize it or seem to even care, and even fight against knowing about this. For example, 'to apply' means 'to beg', so you're basically begging that your access to your humans are restricted every time you sign an application. Hand to heart now, how many of you have ever signed an application? There you go, you've given consent to this madness.

'To register' comes from the latin word, 'Regis', which means 'king' (think of the word 'regal').

This means, every time you register something, you are transferring ownership to 'the king', which in this case, maybe a government or a corporation.

Even when you buy a car, you don't get true ownership of that car - only if you get 'allodial title', you get true ownership (this is rare these days, you get some kind of title, but it's almost never allodial).

I could go on, but I've made my point; the true hierarchy is what I wrote in this post, the 'hierarchy' in that pyramid exists in the minds of megalomaniac monsters, and actually becomes in effect AFTER you've given your consent to that kind of hierarchy, so it starts happening at step 03.

If you are a human being, you are above that kind of pyramid, and any other human being is on equal level with you.

This of course all depends on WHAT we're even talking about (that pyramid picture doesn't make it clear) - are we talking about authority? True power? Power over others? Power over self? Spiritual hierarchy? Rights? Wealth? Ability to control others? Right to control others?

At least make it clear what we're talking about before making such an erroneous (but amusing) pyramid. Also, the angles of that pyramid are all wrong, they're way too 'thin' if that makes sense. Look at the masonic symbols to see the actual angles those powerhungry monsters use.

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 08:48 PM
I enjoyed your post . I neither agree nor disagree, but I enjoy the conjecture of all our ideas . This is how we learn

posted on Jun, 4 2021 @ 01:58 AM

originally posted by: 19Bones79
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Interesting pic. Who or what does they eye represent above the queen?

That should be obvious..a very rare person you do not see every day... A CYCLOPSE. Probably a very wealthy and powerful cyclopse...

posted on Jun, 4 2021 @ 06:17 AM

originally posted by: Bigbrooklyn
Being Italian I have extensively read about my culture and history,,,As much as we Italians have contributed to this earth and this country we have a very dark side. The world has be deceived with religion leading the way. a reply to: Asktheanimals

And you blame that on Italians?

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