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Dark Journalist - CIA UFO Narrative.

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posted on Jul, 1 2021 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: karl 12

"Japan Opens New UFO Lab In Iino, Fukushima Prefecture"

edit on 1-7-2021 by Erno86 because: added a word

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

That Cosmos Club is highly intriguing.

It truly is mate and apparently there's an upcoming vid exploring it more in content and context.

Some rather remarkable members and there's already good research in the archives about 'arch debunker' Donald Menzel being both CIA and NSA.

Donald was also mentor to Phillip Klass (electrical engineer and one of the founders of CSICOP) - both Menzel and Klass also had extremely close connections with Dr Condon (link)

edit on 2-7-2021 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2021 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Dark Journalist X-103: The Cosmos Club Revealed Secret UFO Visions! Starts at 9pm EST but DJ will probably be fashionably late as usual.

👆 will be covered tonight.

posted on Jul, 3 2021 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Very good catch mate - also saw this FOIA release about the timing of Fauci's meeting with the T.C..

Off to watch.

The Cosmos Club UFO Meeting Roundtable In this second special episode on the Cosmos Club revelations Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep to investigate the ultimate DC meeting place for elite covert operators with access to the UFO File and their centuries of high level family connections.

posted on Jul, 3 2021 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Great topic karl 12, very interesting stuff, thanks for posting.

Not sure if it's worth mentioning or not,

but "Cosmos" is listed on this security clearance chart ...

Image -

Does being a member of the Cosmos club, require a Cosmic clearance ?

edit on 3-7-2021 by easynow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2021 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: easynow

Bout 10 years ago: I heard about reports that only a handful of people had security clearance access to classified information on U.F.O.'s. And a couple of them were the late Edward Teller and Dr. Henry Kissinger, who had the qualifications for the "Ultra Top Secret" rating for access to such information.

I don't know whether that information is true or false...but it would make me more comfortable if it were true.

edit on 3-7-2021 by Erno86 because: added a word

posted on Jul, 3 2021 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: karl 12

I finally managed to watch/listen to the whole discussion in one sitting, with bathroom breaks.

The Cosmos Club building residence was home to NASA's first HQ, I thought was highly interesting.

DJ spoke of a Lambros D. Callimahos who worked for DoD/CIA/NSA as a Cryptologist/Steganography, member of Cosmos Club, and he referenced a paper authored by him entitled - "Communication with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence, 1965." Here is the NSA 9-page FOIA [PDF] paper.

Here's another related paper with more names of interest from IEEE with same title, Communication with extraterrestrial intelligence [PDF], 1966.

His NSA bio page:

He wrote articles on codes and ciphers for numerous reference works, including Encyclopedia Britannica.

By the end of his career, Mr. Callimahos was respected by his colleagues and students as a true Renaissance man: teacher, writer, linguist, cryptologist, and flutist. He was awarded the NSA Exceptional Civilian Service Award on 24 August 1976. Illness forced him to retire in late 1976.

Lambros Callimahos passed away on October 28, 1977.

From the "Black Vault" here's another FOIA paper on him...

Through the 1950s, now as a civilian, Callimahos collaborated with Friedmanon a variety of projects and developed his own famous class, CA-400. This was an expansion of Friedman's original intensive study senior cryptanalytic course and is still a legend around the Agency. The class ran eight hours per day, five days per week, for eighteen weeks. The only acceptable excuse for absence was your own death.

Funny, I can relate. The NSA crypto school I attended was 20 weeks, 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week and the only excuse for lateness or absence was your own death. That school sucked because everyday we were stripped searched upon entering and exiting by US Marines with mean ass guard dogs that did not like sailors. The building had no windows and the perimeter was surrounded by a double wall of barb wire with 24/7 armed roving patrols.

11 min video on the Cosmos Club website, narrated by James Earl Jones from 1997:
Cosmos Club, Introduction and Historical overview

Professor David Starr Jordan - Ichthyologist, strong supporter of Eugenics; Bohemian Club, president of Stanford, president of Astral camera club. Has quite the resume and authored a huge volume of books.

Cosmos Club and Air Ships is covered in
The Emergence of the Breakaway Civilization | Walter Bosley - from the Secret Space Program Conference, 2015. Fascinating lecture which you probably already seen.

Between DJ, Dr. Farrell, Bosley it seems the UFO file/advanced secret tech originated way back in the 1850s and right after WWII it all went black, heavily compartmentalized secrecy with layers upon layers of disinfo and wild sea stories to keep many minds occupied with wondrous conspiracies.

posted on Jul, 11 2021 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: karl 12

How the "Cosmos Club" started - pages 438-440, 458 in
A River Running West: The Life of John Wesley Powell

The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the Cosmos Club of Washington, D. C. - With a Documentary History of the Club from Its Organization to November 16, 1903. By Cosmos Club (Washington, D. C.)

From page #56, in 1903 the Club had around 400 members.
The documentary history begins on page #73 and a list of its members from Nov 16, 1878 to Nov 16, 1903 starting on page 303. 60 founding members were listed on Jan 6, 1879.

Page #137:

$125,000 GIFT BY EDGAR SPEYER.; COSMOS CLUB RAIDED BY TENDERLOIN POLICE. Doors Forced and Gambling Paraphernalia Seized -- Many Men There, but Only Doorkeeper Arrested.

NY Times, Jan. 11, 1902

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the Cosmos club, 1878-1928.

DJ spoke about David Starr Jordan. Page 32:

Cosomos Club Membership 1941 - this book gives a biography summary of the origins of the Club, a printed list of Presidents, Vice-presidents, secretaries, treasurers, and alphabetical members list by year.

Development of the Cosmos Club - by John C. Hoyt, Oct 1921. Read pages #15-16.

He was the founding editor in 1990 of Cosmos: A Journal of Emerging Issues, an annual publication of original essays by members of the Cosmos Club, to which Mr. Tanzer belonged. He also edited the Cosmos Club's monthly bulletin in the early 1990s.

Lester Tanzer; Editor at U.S. News & World Report

From 1991 through 2004 the Cosmos Club published an annual Cosmos Journal of emerging issues and insights. Dozens of interesting articles.

Reflect on this article "Sustainable Development -- A Slogan or a Strategy? from 1995 journal, and then consider where we are today. I think part of our problem today is our real enlightened brain trust of yesterday is long gone, retired and/or dead along with their wisdom.

Case in point, also from 1995 journal...

"The New Elite in American Society"

The life scientists have identified more than a million animal species on this planet and before their work is done it is thought that the total number will reach 2.5 million. Within this galaxy of life, we have always regarded homo sapiens as merely one of the stars. But science and society constantly challenge that simple assertion. As one anthropologist lamented a few years back, "We have discarded eternal man and cut mutable man into pieces to be enquired into by different sciences, each of which claims autonomy. The pieces fit into one another less and less."

The cutting continues and indeed the pieces fit less and less. One example involves a body of recently published research that focuses on the existence of a new aristocracy in American society. It quantifies trends of increasing privilege for a new, well-educated, "meritocratic" elite of "brights" and of decline in the economic fortunes of the "less-brights" who comprise a great majority of our population. The trends suggest growth in the disparity between the classes and an unpromising outlook for all but the privileged elite for whom income and other rewards will improve.

In this "meritocratic" system the masses are destined to be locked into a world requiring them to perform all the "non-cognitive" or "routine production" and "service" jobs of society -- housekeeping, fire-fighting and plumbing to assembly-line functions and key-punch operations.

^^^Now, that is all changing over to AI automation & cyborgs and hybrid-transhuman programmed sheep. After 9/11 everything changed, most didn't even recognize it and now everything is changing once again but on a global scale right down to our DNA and how we think. A new reality matrix is enclosing. Will the sheep accept or reject the new program?

Book excerpt from pg 24-25:

Source: Anthropological Intelligence: The Deployment and Neglect of American Anthropology in WWII, David H. Price, 2008.

Quote Pg 288:

Source: Czechmate: From Bohemian Paradise to American Haven - A Memoir by Dr. Miloslav Rechcígl, Jr., 2011 - sponsored to join the club in letter on page 290.

"Cosmos Club in Capital Rejects Rowan, Rusk Aide, as Member; Galbraith and Others Resign --Application by Kennedy Is in Effect Withdrawn COSMOS CLUB BARS ROWAN, RUSK AIDE Club Founded in 1878"

Carl T. Rowan, a high State Department official, has been refused membership in the Cosmos Club...

NY Times, Jan. 10, 1962

John F. Kennedy withdrew his application from the Cosmos Club of Washington when Carl T. Rowan, then director of the United States Information Agency, was refused admittance.
NY Times, Sept. 13, 1976

Judge Kennedy is not the first Supreme Court nominee to resign from discriminatory clubs. Justice Antonin Scalia resigned from the Cosmos Club in Washington shortly before his nomination was confirmed last year; Justice Harry A. Blackmun remains a member of the club.
NY Times (Nov 14, 1987)

One of the original "Whiz kids"

Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara has been elected to membership in the Cosmos Club. NY Times, May 1962

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 04:02 PM
The Club appears to host many lectures on bio-threats & bio-security and Daszak is often the front runner.

The earliest one I found is from Feb 2011

Many more concerning EcoHealth Alliance and Cosmos Club via this twitter search link.

Not a real Club unless you have your own Foundation: Cosmos Club Foundation created in 1967.

The John P. McGovern Award Recipients:

Become a COSMOS SCHOLAR - limited Institutions, and of course Georgetown Univ and Johns Hopkins is on their list.

   Nothing like a casual conversation over cigars, bourbon, & Nukes!

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 03:51 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

I finally managed to watch/listen to the whole discussion in one sitting, with bathroom breaks.

Yes got to the end of it and am now halfway through the Bosley presentation - some sterling research on your part there my friend and plenty of info to dig through.

Really does look like this club played an integral role in aviation history from the airship connections and the Wright brothers staying there right through to it being the first NASA HQ - the cryptography theme also seems to be a constant one and do remember Donald Menzel being closely tied to US Intelligence agencies as a cryptographer (not an astronomer).

Also the inevitable CIA and eugenics connections and David Starr Jordan's name has popped up time and time again in eugenics research (let's just say it's not good).

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

members including Rockefeller's, Kissinger, Vannevar Bush, former Justice Anthony Scalia, Carl Sagan, Dr. Leonard Carmichael (MKULTRA).

Yes alarm bells also started to go off when I read that (also McNamara's membership) - did see from your link that Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller was simply described as a 'business executive' although couldn't see what the W21 abbreviation stood for.

As already discussed Nelson played a major role in forming their 'Special Studies Project' involving Laurance Rockefeller who helped found the modern day disclosure movement.

Nelson recruited Henry Kissinger, who was then on the faculty of Harvard University, as director of the project; he had first met Kissinger in 1955. He also brought on board such luminaries as Edward Teller, Charles Percy, Dean Rusk, John Gardner (president of the Carnegie Corporation) and Henry Luce, along with his brothers Laurance and John D. III.

The Club's contemporary connections to EcoHealth Alliance and John Hopkins don't sound too reassuring either.

Once again some great research there mate and thanks for posting it.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 11:12 AM

originally posted by: easynow

Great topic karl 12, very interesting stuff, thanks for posting

Not sure if it's worth mentioning or not,

but "Cosmos" is listed on this security clearance chart ...

Yo mate good to see you and certainly a very intriguing club with some rather high ranking and familiar sounding members - there's some related discussion over on this thread regarding Cosmic being a NATO designator and don't know what you made of the Senate report (describing how America is not in charge of it's own airspace) but thought Kevin Randle hit on a few great points at 3:20.

posted on Jul, 13 2021 @ 07:14 PM

originally posted by: karl 12

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

I finally managed to watch/listen to the whole discussion in one sitting, with bathroom breaks.

Yes alarm bells also started to go off when I read that (also McNamara's membership) - did see from your link that Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller was simply described as a 'business executive' although couldn't see what the W21 abbreviation stood for.

From page #9 on above link:

I assume corresponds to Marquis Who's Who

The Jesuits have so many connections & rabbit holes it's like an abyss.

posted on Jul, 14 2021 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Ah yes should have spotted that one - thanks for the heads up.

Also well done on spotting that some time after this post Lockheed Martin decided to remove themselves from the WEF member list.

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

BTW, Lockheed Martin has mysteriously disappeared from the WEF Partner List.🤔

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 02:04 AM
Yes the CIA was definitely involved with UFO reporting & disinformation. But not because they're covering up ETs.

Because a number of what were then completely black CIA programs, i.e. U-2, A-12/SR-71 and Corona satellites (particularly film return re-entry) were associated with UFO reports, and the CIA knew this, but wanted to cause confusion to prevent USSR from figuring out too much.

Because the CIA did the same thing: it examined Soviet "UFO" reports from civilians as clues to discern space activities and launches from Soviet sites, which were all unacknowledged being a secretive closed society, in contrast to most (but not all) US space activities.

One should assume that there are continued UFO reports from black government projects to this day and intentional confusion regarding these may be policy.

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 03:17 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Hey Karl, thought you would be interested...

Here is the eye-popping flowchart he attached to tweet:

His website with further spicy details: D-State Analytics

posted on Jul, 15 2021 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Love the data mate - eye popping flowchart indeed.

Newly posted interview here with Farrell.

edit on 17-7-2021 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: karl 12

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268

The little CIA video about the "Enquirer" - that is so sneaky.

May be a bit boring for some but when it comes to globalist long term agendas there could be some relevant info below for thread discussion.

The vid deals with Bertrand Russell's book 'The Impact Of Science On Society' and apparently there's an absolute need for an 'external enemy' to unite an emerging world government.

Also looks like technocrats like Kissenger and Brzezinski are big fans of the 'uniting external enemy' concept.

Bertrand Russell in 1953: bio warfare is more effective for depop and social engineering than war and will lead to global governance:

Are mere numbers so important that, for their sake, we should patiently permit such a state of affairs to come about? Surely not. What, then, can we do? Apart from certain deep seated prejudices, the answer would be obvious. The nations which at present increase rapidly should be encouraged to adopt the methods by which, in the West, the increase of population has been checked. Educational propaganda, with government help, could achieve this result in a generation.

There are, however, two powerful forces opposed to such a policy: one is religion, the other is nationalism. I think it is the duty of all who are capable of facing facts to realize, and to proclaim, that opposition to the spread of birth control, if successful, must inflict upon mankind the most appalling depth of misery and degradation, and that within another fifty years or so.

I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others, which, one must suppose, opponents of birth control would prefer. War, as I remarked a moment ago, has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full. There would be nothing in this to offend the consciences of the devout or to restrain the ambitions of nationalists. The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of that? Really high-minded people are indifferent to happiness, especially other people's. However, I am wandering from the question of stability, to which I must return.

There are three ways of securing a society that shall be stable as regards population. The first is that of birth control, the second that of infanticide or really destructive wars, and the third that of general misery except for a powerful minority. All these methods have been practiced: the first, for example, by the Australian aborigines; the second by the Aztecs, the Spartans, and the rulers of Plato's Republic; the third in the world as some Western internationalists hope to make it and in Soviet Russia. (It is not to be supposed that Indians and Chinese like starving, but they have to endure it because the armaments of the West are too strong for them.)

Of these three, only birth control avoids extreme cruelty and unhappiness for the majority of human beings. Meanwhile, so long as there is not a single world government there will be competition for power among the different nations. And as increase of population brings the threat of famine, national power will become more and more obviously the only way of avoiding starvation. There will therefore be blocs in which the hungry nations band together against those that are well fed. That is the explanation of the victory of communism in China.

These considerations prove that a scientific world society cannot be stable unless there is a world government.

Impact of Science on Society, Bertrand Russell, 1953 (pg 103-104)
Awake yet??

For more on Cambridge Apostle Lord Bertrand Russell, Fabian socialist, Royal Society, Technocrat figure, a devout Malthusian and life long promoter of eugenics and population control, see this article .

(post by Wballz removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Oct, 31 2021 @ 08:31 PM
Harvard Scientist Avi Loeb and his Galileo "We're serious about UFO Science" Project just recruited a CIA Disinformation agent and Deep State Defense guy...the UFO Threat narrative runs deep.

The Galileo Project Welcomes Christopher Mellon and Luis Elizondo as Research Affiliates

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts — October 30, 2021 — Today the Galileo Project lead Professor Avi Loeb announced the additions of Mr. Luis Elizondo and Mr. Christopher Mellon to the project team as research affiliates. Noting their depth of experience investigating the subject of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), and their shared interest in open and transparent study of the phenomena, Loeb welcomed them as the latest members of a diverse and growing Galileo Project team.

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