I suggest further studies are required before we come to any definitive conclusion.
The pace our neuroscience is progressing and gaining momentum with each passing day, means some of the important questions that surround our
understandings of consciousness, where it resides, and how it emerges, may actually able to produce meaningful answers in the not to distant future.
Ummm...the most humbling thing...the abject realization that not one iota of anything matters...not one...
On a universal scale...the individual is so insignificant and so fleeting...
That's the plan, after all we are here for a good time, not a long time.
As to the scale of it all, we can conclude all we want there, as we have nether the tools nor mental capacity to understand but a fraction of the
grand scheme of it all.
That's the plan, after all we are here for a good time, not a long time.
As to the scale of it all, we can conclude all we want there, as we have nether the tools nor mental capacity to understand but a fraction of the
grand scheme of it all.
Ummm...not true Andy...not true at all...fact is you can know and understand it all...the information is stored in who and what you are...a micro of
the macro...
The file is just zipped is all...and the password waits for you...there on the other side...
Science is a misnomer because the burden of proof is on drawing a causal line between the mental attention of an individual and the redirecting of
causal chains around them, beyond unconsciously putting yourself in better positions through positivity alone.
Scientifically anyway. But who wants to limit themselves to strict science?
So here's some abstraction.
What about beginners luck?
If you have ever played roulette it is always seems like the 21 year old kid on vacation sits down and immediately goes on a rush of good luck. They
have no expectation beyond, "Ooo, I want to try out roulette".
It is almost like luck rewards, "Not wanting". Not desiring any specific outcome and going with the flow of what the experience gives you. Almost
like a lack of attention paid towards any outcome makes you make decisions with more positive results.
Like the kid at the roulette table is so unaffected by wanting to win they naturally pick numbers on whims that are like a light above a slot machine,
if you get the Twin Peaks reference.
But then again I only notice that when it happens, with nothing said for all the kids on vacation that bust out and go unnoticed.
I play Texas Hold Em, mostly online because it's free. And I hate high nonconnected flush draws. Like K - 10 suited. It's too 1/4 odds for me. But I
find certain times it "looks better" than other times. My mind just says "You know this feels like the time that hits".
Then someone raises big preflop and I fold it, because I'm a p****, and it always seems to validate my feeling and hit.
Where I'm caught up on that is, is it happening at an anamolous rate or does it just stick out because I had a feeling to play it, folded, and my
flush hit to mock me?
I can't explain why my mind picks up on a seemingly gleaned causal trajectory some times and other times it's an easier fold. It's a back of the head
nagging unconscious intuition thing. And my mind notices it on certain hands every time I play.
I feel like it may be a relevancy bias.
I want to say it's a repeating pattern of the software's algorithm being picked up on. A not so random number generator being employed, but the site
swears to the ingrity of their software.
An abstract idea in any case.
edit on 20-5-2021 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)
Well I think the secret is what catapulted all this stuff right into the mainstream, but there has been a shift away from the whole "visualize and it
will manifest" and now some "gurus" are actually saying don't focus too much on what you want, because that just means you are desiring it,
longing for it, which means you are putting out to the universe that you are "lacking" what you desire, so that's what you get: more of the
There may be some truth to that, but if you are dealing with mental issues, self loathing, then berating oneself because you're struggling to "not
want" just hurts even more. Because then you really start to believe "I'll never get what I want, because I can't let go of it" and from there it's a
downward spiral. Several downward spirals in my case.
So all I can do now is literally just get on with life, by trying to stay as busy as possible, to distract myself, so that I'm so tired by the end of
my day all I can "want" is a good night's sleep. XD
Indeed staying present is so hard. But it really is the best place to be imo, because you can simply focus on what can be done now, as opposed to
worrying about what you will or won't be able to do later. It's very much a work in progress for me, obviously, but we all start somewhere.
I find life is actually quite unpredictable more often than not. Just when I'm sure something is gonna happen a certain way, and I try to get ready
for it, it's like the "universe" jumps out and yells, "PLOT TWIST!"
Its amazing how much ones perspective and beliefs change over time....
I know longer believe in this law of attraction or ability to shape reality with our thoughts....
That was all deception and jo dispenza is a false prophet and spreader of deception..a wolf in sheep's clothing...
I'll explain what changed my mind....
I had to spend two weeks in prison for my second dui and some disorderly conduct charges...
While I was in there I was having a tough time mentally getting through the hours without thinking negative thoughts making me anxious or very
Thank God the CO gave me a Bible which made all the difference and really helped me get through the first three days of 24 lockdown in a holding
Once I got moved I found the book that changed my life....A book by Joseph Prince, an amazing pastor....
Within it talked about people beating addictions over night by trusting Jesus and praying earnestly....
At the time I was craving alcohol and knew for a sure I was going to get a six pack when I got released....
I remembered what the book said and prayed hard and I woke up one morning and my desire to drink was supernaturally removed from me......
I didn't drink when I got out and haven't wanted a drink since....and this is after 20 years of active alcoholism....
Besides all that...in the book it explains the exact same concepts jo dispenza is teaching but instead with all the focus being on Jesus...
"Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you "
I was praying for a Revelation of how Jesus fit into all this information I was getting caught up in....
I wanted to put on the record I no longer believe in the op and regret spreading false teachings..
The title should read...
"The immense power of Jesus Christ sacrifice for you.....and the science behind grace, prayer, and right believing in Jesus...
edit on
14-9-2021 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)
originally posted by: DwindlingHope
In the end it takes you away from being fully present in the moment, just fully accepting what you have and realising the universe owes us
Wow, that sounds a bit like the sacred secret of contentment. That's a rare piece of wisdom that I am unaccustomed to seeing on ATS, in particular
this subforum. The Bible says:
“We have brought nothing into the world, and neither can we carry anything out. So, having sustenance and covering, we shall be content with these
things. However, those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which plunge men into
destruction and ruin. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some . . . have stabbed
themselves all over with many pains.”—1 Tim. 6:7-10.
Thus the Bible sounds a clear warning against becoming a lover of money and also minimizes the importance of material possessions. To live, we do not
need an abundance of luxuries. True, our food should be wholesome, but it does not have to be the most expensive kind available. While clothing and
shelter are basic necessities, a large wardrobe and a luxurious home filled with fine furniture will not add years to our life.
Many people know these things, but they still make the acquiring of money their main goal in life. Often this plunges them into ruin, even bringing
them to the point where they have no bread on their table.
Protection Against Fraudulent Schemes
Persons who are not unduly concerned about making money are also less likely to be ensnared by fraudulent moneymaking schemes. In the United States,
Japan and other lands, many people have been deceived by the exaggerated claims of “pyramid” sales companies. These firms require individuals to
pay an initial fee to work as sales agents and as recruiters. After investing large sums of money, however, many find that they have been trapped. The
products do not sell well, and the recruiting of new investors is hard. Not infrequently, unscrupulous men in the topmost positions abscond with huge
sums of money.
In Japan, when one “pyramid” sales company went bankrupt, the government took over the merchandise for back taxes. But this posed a problem, since
the cost of storing the merchandise in rented property exceeded $1,250 a day. As for the investors, they lost everything.
The Snare of Occult Practices
Contentment may even serve as a safeguard against hurtful involvement with the occult. Because of a desire to increase their funds without working,
some people have hired magicians to double their money. This is what one man in western Africa did. The magicians then instructed him to limit
communication with his wife and to keep everything totally secret. He was told to visit the cemetery on special days, to do so in prescribed dress and
to offer prayers there. Later, the magicians gave him a parcel, to be untied at midnight on a certain Sunday. The man was assured that, on opening the
package, he would find that the invested money had indeed multiplied. The exact time arrived. Greedily he unpacked the parcel. What did he see?
Money—lots of it? No, just a bundle of newspapers. What a shock! The man was ready to commit suicide. In fact, even afterward his wife had a hard
time trying to prevent him from taking his life.
If this man had believed the Bible and followed it, he would have been spared financial loss and bitter disappointment. The Scriptures not only urge a
person to be content but also warn against involvement with the occult. For instance, the Israelites were instructed: “You must not look for omens,
and you must not practice magic.” (Lev. 19:26) “There should not be found in you . . . a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a
sorcerer, or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium.”—Deut. 18:10-14.
Truly, there is wisdom in heeding the Bible’s recommendation about being content with sustenance and covering. That advice, if followed, may help
you to keep bread on your table and to continue enjoying it. This can also help in cultivating a happy content heart. Which brings us back to the part
in the OP I actually agree with (also rare for me on this subforum), although I wouldn't take it as far as those do who talk about the law of
attraction. After all, wise King Solomon said: “A joyful heart has a good effect on the countenance, but because of the pain of the heart there is a
stricken spirit.” (Proverbs 15:13) Indeed, the emotions of joy and sorrow are reflected in a person’s countenance. Of course, there are many
anxieties in life and these could make us very sad. “Anxious care in the heart of a man is what will cause it to bow down,” says another proverb,
“but the good word is what makes it rejoice.” (Proverbs 12:25) “The good word” there, refers to all these wise teachings that can be found in
God's Word, the Bible. So rather than permitting “anxious care” to cause our hearts to “bow down” with sadness, how wise it is to meditate on
that storehouse of good things, his inspired Word! Surely, this can bring joy back into a sad but righteous heart.
Solomon also said: “The brightness of the eyes makes the heart rejoice; a report that is good makes the bones fat.” (Proverbs 15:30) Good news
“makes the bones fat,” that is, fills them with marrow. Thus the whole body is invigorated, and a joy-filled heart is reflected when the eyes
shine brightly. Whereas mental depression, or a ‘stricken spirit,’ has a bad effect physically, ‘a joyful heart is good medicine.’ (Proverbs
17:22*) *: Which says (to be exact):
A joyful heart is good medicine,* [Or “good for healing.”]
But a crushed spirit saps one’s strength.* [Or “dries up the bones.”]
Accordingly, as a God of loving-kindness, God provides guidance that will foster joyous feelings if it is applied in life. Which brings us to one of
my favorite songs and Bible teachings (from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, as it's called, where he explains the various ways to true happiness, usually
starting with “Happy are the ...”, followed by some human quality that he encourages to be cultivated in order to contribute to true happiness,
this one is my favorite; possibly because the song about it is so beautiful and it itself makes me happy, often bringing tears to my eyes for its
beauty. I'm not merely talking about the music, but what is being taught and encouraged, as per Jesus' teachings there; like the sheer spiritual
beauty of what has become known as the Golden Rule):
This song elaborates on some of the things mentioned in the song above (or some other ways of putting it):
If you're familiar with the Golden Rule, you may notice that this is one example of how to apply the Golden Rule, cause who doesn't want to be
forgiven by someone they've wronged or by someone who feels you've wronged them?
The term “Golden Rule” does not appear in the Bible. However, many use this term to refer to a rule of conduct that Jesus taught. In his famous
Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: “All things . . . that you want men to do to you, you also must do to them.” (Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31) The Golden
Rule has also been expressed this way: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”—Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
What is the meaning of the Golden Rule?
The Golden Rule encourages us to treat others as we would like to be treated. For instance, most people appreciate it when others treat them
with respect, kindness, and love. Logically, then, we should “do the same way” to others.—Luke 6:31.
Why is the Golden Rule beneficial?
The Golden Rule applies in virtually all situations. For example, it can . . .
- Strengthen marriages.—Ephesians 5:28, 33.
- Guide parents when raising their children.—Ephesians 6:4.
- Promote good relations between friends, neighbors, and workmates.—Proverbs 3:27, 28; Colossians 3:13.
The Golden Rule captures the spirit behind a major portion of what is commonly called the Old Testament. Jesus’ rule of conduct “is
what the Law [the first five books of the Bible] and the Prophets [the prophetic books] mean.” (Matthew 7:12) In other words, the Golden Rule sums
up a basic tenet of the Old Testament: love of neighbor.—Romans 13:8-10.
Is the Golden Rule simply a matter of give-and-take?
No. The emphasis of the Golden Rule is on giving. When Jesus gave the Golden Rule, he was speaking about how to treat not only people in
general but even one’s enemies. (Luke 6:27-31, 35) Thus the Golden Rule encourages people to do good to all.
edit on 18-9-2021 by
whereislogic because: (no reason given)