posted on May, 18 2021 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to:
Maybe that's what it is, being eccentric and brilliant often goes hand in hand with autodidact-ism. He's one and he has fun, I think the eccentricity
might come with the ability to easy sponge up new information.
My foster dad / uncle was very eccentric I would say, but in a funny way. When he did something eccentric and I asked why, answers were like "because
I can" "because I want to" "because I want to see if I can" "why not?".
He would run against a door by accident, and give the door a preaching to "gdamn pay attention where I walk you.... door", taking himself not too
serious and laugh about his own stupidity. I think he did the latter one on purpose and only when someone was around, not walking against the door,
but using the situation to bring some "strangeness" into daily life or else it's so boring.