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Even Pfizer has to state Vaccine is not approved in application announcement

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posted on May, 14 2021 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
No wonder the instruction sheets are printed with invisible lemon juice ink 🦃🐡

Of all the folks I know that have gotten the jab, not a single one has put any thought into it other than what they hear in MSM....I highly doubt anyone even knows the inserts even exist.....sad.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 11:05 AM
I hate when our governor keeps saying that the vaccines are safe and effective. Eight of the Yankees are fully vaccinated and have covid....But I guess that the vaccine is effective only for causing the disease from forming.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
I hate when our governor keeps saying that the vaccines are safe and effective. Eight of the Yankees are fully vaccinated and have covid....But I guess that the vaccine is effective only for causing the disease from forming.

Well, phase 4 approval is when companies are allowed to advertise and push the vaccine. None have that so they have to rely on politicians to do their dirty work.

This is going to cause more issues than help in the long run. Most humans are too oriented to instant gratification these days to even realize it or even question it.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

That it. Right to try.

Still can't help wonder about what's in the small print and how that might have been expanded (or included possible expansion) for these vaccines.

Again, not bashing Trump but looking back it seems as though it's something that may have, at least, contributed towards the easy way we're all expected to be volunteer guinea pigs.

If the "insurance" that was spoken about from Weiners laptop should somehow turn out to be the 'rona, then a few things would have had to have been put in place for our current situation.
I'm not saying that I have a firm belief about any of this but speculating from a conspiratorial viewpoint.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: GraffikPleasure

originally posted by: carewemust
As long as the drug is experimental, and you're a willing guinea pig, you can't sue Pfizer when a medical problem develops.

But maybe you can sue the Federal Government for pressuring you to get injected with the experimental drug.

My former employer is forcing everyone back in office AND everyone must get vaccinated...

Is that allowed? Seems like I keep finding mixed results on the web.

I guess you don't have to work there, but still seems excessive.

What the employer is doing is illegal.
You can not mandate an experimental[biological agent]/drug.
If it where my employer
I would already be shopping
for a lawyer

edit on 5/14/2021 by spoonbender because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: spoonbender

originally posted by: GraffikPleasure

originally posted by: carewemust
As long as the drug is experimental, and you're a willing guinea pig, you can't sue Pfizer when a medical problem develops.

But maybe you can sue the Federal Government for pressuring you to get injected with the experimental drug.

My former employer is forcing everyone back in office AND everyone must get vaccinated...

Is that allowed? Seems like I keep finding mixed results on the web.

I guess you don't have to work there, but still seems excessive.

What the employer is doing is illegal.
You can not mandate an experimental[biological agent]/drug.
If it where my employer
I would already be shopping
for a lawyer

Just tell them that you ARE vaccinated. If they ask for proof, tell them to take it up with HIPPA and get back to you.

Easy Peasy.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
This should clear up any argument for those saying otherwise.

Seems to me this is saying the same thing that those saying otherwise have been saying all along, EUA is a form of approval.

You don't accept that? OK, now what?

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
This should clear up any argument for those saying otherwise.

Seems to me this is saying the same thing that those saying otherwise have been saying all along, EUA is a form of approval.

You don't accept that? OK, now what?

So I shouldn't believe a press release from the company that makes and distributes the drug? A release that I quoted and clearly states it isn't approved?

Or are you suggesting Pfizer itself doesn't understand what approval means?

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe
I'm saying that it says it has emergency use approval. The argument is that that is a level of approval.

Not the level of approval you demand? Ok, now what?

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Vasa Croe
I'm saying that it says it has emergency use approval. The argument is that that is a level of approval.

Not the level of approval you demand? Ok, now what?

Nothing....those that got it can go on their merry way, just as I will. If something happens to any of the 170 million that got it, they have no recourse either. And it is emergency use authorization....there is no emergency use approval. Sure it is splitting hairs but one would suggest the FDA checked and approved it and they won't take that on until they actually approve it.

I also have to wonder why they are only applying for approval and licensing for the drug for over 16 year olds.....and why Pfizer is the only one that has started the process.

Anywho....other mRNA vaccines have come up for approval before....none have passed.
edit on 5/14/21 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Vasa Croe
I'm saying that it says it has emergency use approval. The argument is that that is a level of approval.

Not the level of approval you demand? Ok, now what?

Now we wait a few years to see what longer term effects are.

Have you read anything that explains what it will do, if anything, a few years from now?

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

People are wrong to trust anything the FDA, WHO or the
CDC says.

Because all the testing is only short term. But if anyone
believes the long term testing isn't being done on the
population? They have their head stuck in neutral and
parked up their ass.

The amount of credible persons in the medical field
relating these same concerns is crucial. And mainstream
is not only silent but lying.


Nobody in their right mind
should be defending this experiment.

edit on 14-5-2021 by Randyvine because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

The comment I specifically replied to was about this statement clearing up the argument but it says the same thing that has been said all along. That jab has emergency use approval. That is good enough for some, some need full approval and some are not going to get it even if it does get full approval.

It would seems people were just arguing over the level of approval.

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff
Have you read anything that explains what it will do, if anything, a few years from now?


posted on May, 14 2021 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Vasa Croe

The comment I specifically replied to was about this statement clearing up the argument but it says the same thing that has been said all along. That jab has emergency use approval. That is good enough for some, some need full approval and some are not going to get it even if it does get full approval.

It would seems people were just arguing over the level of approval.

That is pretty much what is going on. I think a lot of it is ego for folks that have gotten it and had no idea it has not gotten approval nor been licensed.

I do find it odd that there is such a huge portion of the US that is all about eating organic and healthy foods and take precautions about everything they put in their body as far as foods, seem to be the ones diving at the chance to get vaccinated. It is almost like a weird badge they want to wear....

I have never in my 44 years seen anything like it....

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
That is pretty much what is going on. I think a lot of it is ego for folks that have gotten it and had no idea it has not gotten approval nor been licensed.

Why would you think that? Just because it is important to you doesn't mean it matters to other people.

I do find it odd that there is such a huge portion of the US that is all about eating organic and healthy foods and take precautions about everything they put in their body as far as foods, seem to be the ones diving at the chance to get vaccinated. It is almost like a weird badge they want to wear....

I have never in my 44 years seen anything like it....

That cuts both ways. The people that are obviously not all that into a healthy lifestyle just chomping at the bit to let anyone and everyone know, "no way in hell am I taking the jab" cause it could be unhealthy, are doing the same thing.
edit on 14-5-2021 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 03:54 PM
Imagine thinking that people should have to ‘prove’ they are vaccinated against one of the least harmful virus’ out there after living this long without EVER having to ‘prove’ you are vaccinated against The measles

Imagine being that thick. There are thousands of diseases and illnesses and hundreds of different vaccinations for very deadly and very contagious viruses

NONE of which require ‘proof’ of vaccination to enter a store

But we have the lowest of IQ’s calling for this ruling for one of the very least deadly virus’

“Tell me what to think cNn”

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: xuenchen
No wonder the instruction sheets are printed with invisible lemon juice ink 🦃🐡

Of all the folks I know that have gotten the jab, not a single one has put any thought into it other than what they hear in MSM....I highly doubt anyone even knows the inserts even exist.....sad.

Then I guess my reading the raw data studies from Moderna for the past year, and deciding for myself based upon that data, and the fact that this strategy has been in development for 15 years *since the las SARS outbreak), including trials, when they only modified it to attack this specific spike protein, means I am uninformed???

Please....get your head out and understand that there are people that do understand the nuances and the data that make educated decisions regarding their own body. Don't sit there at your keyboard and judge me.

My body, my decision, RIGHT????

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: Krakatoa

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: xuenchen
No wonder the instruction sheets are printed with invisible lemon juice ink 🦃🐡

Of all the folks I know that have gotten the jab, not a single one has put any thought into it other than what they hear in MSM....I highly doubt anyone even knows the inserts even exist.....sad.

Then I guess my reading the raw data studies from Moderna for the past year, and deciding for myself based upon that data, and the fact that this strategy has been in development for 15 years *since the las SARS outbreak), including trials, when they only modified it to attack this specific spike protein, means I am uninformed???

Please....get your head out and understand that there are people that do understand the nuances and the data that make educated decisions regarding their own body. Don't sit there at your keyboard and judge me.

My body, my decision, RIGHT????

Never told you what to do myself....thats been all MSM and politicians.

Research it all you want. It isnt approved, nor licensed.

I am no anti vax kinda person.

You say you have researched and checked into it....let me know when you find anything mRNA approved by the FDA for humans....not holding my breath. a side note....Moderna hasn't even applied for approval.
edit on 5/14/21 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2021 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
That is pretty much what is going on. I think a lot of it is ego for folks that have gotten it and had no idea it has not gotten approval nor been licensed.

Why would you think that? Just because it is important to you doesn't mean it matters to other people.

I do find it odd that there is such a huge portion of the US that is all about eating organic and healthy foods and take precautions about everything they put in their body as far as foods, seem to be the ones diving at the chance to get vaccinated. It is almost like a weird badge they want to wear....

I have never in my 44 years seen anything like it....

That cuts both ways. The people that are obviously not all that into a healthy lifestyle just chomping at the bit to let anyone and everyone know, "no way in hell am I taking the jab" cause it could be unhealthy, are doing the same thing.

Logically it makes no sense. If you get vaccinated then you should not care. Unless you don't really believe you are vaccinated...

Similar to the mask BS. I have studied masks a couple of times in my life and know what they filter and what they don't as far as micron levels. Nothing anyone is wearing in public is doing anything. N95 and up will.

It's all hype and sheep stupidity to me. Just like the vaccine....nothing is actually approved.

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