posted on May, 14 2021 @ 01:08 AM
I drink/have drinken energy drinks for a few years and overall I'd say: avoid them at all costs. Super addictive, not safe, expensive, causes a host
of health effects. Cofee, same deal. Wreaks havoc on your system esp if its chalky and acidic, then you dump sugar and lactose in there, makes for an
upset stomach.
That being said, if you absolutely must (like if your dependent already on them or considering stronger stimulants), Id reccomend 'vpx redline'.
Redline is super strong and imho cleanest choice, made by a pharma company, and has a better vitamin mix than monster including 5-htp and other stuff.
Trust me, DONT to drink the whole thing. Use the gauuge to drink 1/4 or half at most, esp on the first go. Dump it out if its a self-control issue, no
shame in this. Drinking the whole thing seems like a great idea sometimes but def gives u heart racing/anxiety.
Another nice drink is 'Inko's Energy Drink'. Tea based, decent taste, strong enough. I also the occasional hi-ball.
Id also say caffiene pills are a valid choice. Ive managed to wean myself down from 2-3 monsters per day (or equivent) to like half of a hydroxycut
hardcore and im feeling alot better lately.
I'd be hypocrite if I said 'dont do it', like a cigarette smoker saying smoking is bad, but really you dont want to get hooked on this sugary crap.
There are alot of newer ones that are crazy strong and have creatine in them too, I just cannot imagine that's healthy. I found these choices to be
the lesser evils, but dude def just stick to eating and excersizing healthy for energy. These stupid drinks havent gotten me anywhere in terms of
bettering myself.