Fake people, fake food, fake disease, fake science, fake news, fake babies, fake medicine, fake climate. It is all fake people!
Don't get me wrong they are most certainly real, yes they exist. Artificially created in one way or the other, facts are being twisted, cherrypicked
to meet an agenda.
That's reality today and the future of tomorrow!
People are being indoctrinated though schools, programmed through television, segregated through media and politics.
The daycare society.
We have never been more estranged from our family than ever.
Our parents put us in daycare while we were young so it's only obvious we do that to our parents too.
Infertility is rising exponentially caused by endocrine disruptors, pollution, food.
The 'Any Gender Agenda' is pushing people to create life through lab experiments. In a few years time "we will be free" to choose our child
The processed food generation. We've never been more estranged from natural food production and consumption.
Meatless meat, milk less dairy, lifeless plants are being promoted as a 'Save Mother Nature' solution.
Make the people believe they are doing something extraordinary by driving an electric vehicle,
eating less or even no meat, wearing a mask or taking a vaccine for example.
Average Joe who has never achieved anything in his life can now feel superior among his fellow beings, running around with his health passport
living his life in full bliss and die with peace of mind.
Robotics taking over life while craftsmanship or basic survival methods become history and a forgotten knowledge.
There is no need the population can do anything for themselves anymore. Why waste breath if a machine can do it faster and better than you.
Isn't there a difference between efficiency and necessity?
Life is a cycle within a cycle within a cycle.
History repeats itself, the elite always win and gets its way.
Resistance is futile and only speeds up the process.
Yes I'm saying there isn't much you can do about it. Except it physically or mentally, that's up to you.
Obvious that's just my view and I can't see it to be a beneficial process into our next evolutionary steps.
Others will most certainly praise this type of society.
If you like artificiality then you have a bright future ahead of you.
For the rest, here is one last chance of hope,
Nature Always Finds Its Way.
edit on 8-5-2021 by intergalactic fire because: (no reason given)