originally posted by: SeaWorthy
a reply to: 727Sky
Unlike others I say you are lucky to have a premonition. As far as demons and spirits I believe in those as much as I believe in some Sky Fairy who
lets you screw up so you can burn in hell forever.
Interesting, you believe in some undefinable ability from a stranger but not unseen beings who manipulate and cause evil.
Not really.. But I do believe in depression and even Psychologist will say it exist. If he or she believes in whatever then it is up to them and it is
not for me to judge them one way or the other.. I only choose to give them my time or choose not to. Either way depression is not something I wish to
add to.
People want to believe in "whatever" it is up to them as long as they do not try to force their belief's on me and mine.
Having lived in a Muslim country, a Buddhist country and a Christen country everyone seems to think they have the answers and the one true way.
Miracles are claimed along with healings and the threat of eternal damn nation in all.... except for the Buddhist I have been around as they do not
believe in a god only a way of life.
I do not care one way or the other as I grew up with the fire a brimstone of the southern Baptist and then the threat of the sword or cane in a
Muslim country. Muslims in the name of religion treating women the way they do is not a place or a religion I ever want to be around again.
Moderate Christens who do not live in constant fear of judgement day are fine with me even though Christ said he came for the Jews Mathew 15: 23 not
the Canaanites (a non Jew). I knew a preacher of the First Born... If you were not of the Church of the First Born you were probably going straight
to hell with no lunch breaks... Kinda like the Catholics and the Protestants used to be without all the burning of witches at the stake and a few
other unsavory things all done in the name of god.
…22 And a Canaanite woman from that region came to Him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is miserably
possessed by a demon.” 23 But Jesus did not answer a word. So His disciples came and urged Him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after
us.” 24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”…
The older King James version of the story is best without all the revised updates to soften the story. He goes on to say it would be unfair to take
the bread from the children of Israel and cast it to the dogs.. WHOA!!! In any old world country you call someone a dog that is a supreme insult as a
dog does not know who it's father is/was..
But like I said anyone can believe whatever as it is up to them which one true god the want to pray to. All these true gods say believe in me or kinda
go to hell.. Hummm A dear friend of mine swore he could lay his hands upon his house and through prayer and his churches deacons prayers could heal
his plumbing.. I never argued with him but he did end up with a plumber after it was found out the great leader of the church was trying to make
babies with several wives in the church !! Just another faith cult IMO. Oh but my religion is different and better !! Golly Geez have I heard that all
my life......except from the Buddhist.... I suppose because I do not go to temple and give money for good luck and the newest building project.
Someone once said, “Be who you are and say what you will. The ones that matter don’t mind and the ones that mind don’t matter.” Could be a
truism or just more empty words unless you are around a cult member who disagrees with you then be prepared to defend yourself.
The religious factions preach and proclaim tolerance while in truth anyone who does not fall within their sects hierarchy are condemned to a fate
worse than death and in some cases instant death. Religions IMO are a destructive force which has been responsible for untold thousands of deaths and
wars, all in the name of some silent unseen sky fairy who has mankind write what the god supposedly wants us to believe. Key words being
writes what is to be believed" and then the man claims his hand was guided by some supreme god. Thousands of years of stifled growth and
advancement due to some written words supposedly by a god who promises paradise after you are dead yet written by men who seek power or live in a
fantasy of their own creation today.. I am not a very "organized religion" kinda guy.. but I am who I am and did say what I meant for the most part...
If offended I mean no offense as I offer only a different perspective for you to consider or disregard.. "Up to you" a great saying that
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