posted on May, 2 2021 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to:
I spoke of a similar thing earlier today, unfortunately. It was in response to a video where a woman was screaming and cussing at a man to get down
and shut up, when a man was stating something she disagreed with.
What was she screaming? She repeated over and over that the man did not have the right to tell other people what to do, so he should get down and shut
Yet she did not realize for one second, see that she was doing exactly the same thing that infuriated her.
Same thing about a woman that was doxxed and harassed because she said she had a right to call out a woman that had posted information she did not
agree with. So she called the woman's job and had her fired.
She thought it was horrible that someone would harass her, send her personal emails, and print her home address. But thought it was perfectly okay to
find, and post the work place of other posters, and to make deliberate attempts to get them fired.
Yes it seems like never before people are very skilled at finding the grain of sand in their neighbor's eye, while being completely blind to the
boulder in their own.