**Apologies (clearly, I'm Canadian) if this has already been posted. I did a search and did not see anything on this topic** - MODS, feel free to
change the forum if this is not an appropriate one for this topic.
This video is of the press conference on April 29, 2021 by The Constitutional Rights Centre here in Canada. It announces and details the legal
challenge of the unconstitutional COVID-19 measures which have been put on to the police across the country to enforce. This enforcement of these
"rules by decree" are being enforced on a population into accepting the loss of freedoms, which are upheld by the Canadian constitution and the
Charter of Rights and Freedoms. These documents are also what the police in this nation are sworn to protect.
I think these police officers are doing the right thing. They are literally being placed in existential conflict with the oath that they took when
they were certified as police officers and the orders they are receiving from their bosses (politicians and top police brass) - NOT the legislatures
where laws are made.
If these people do not step up and challenge this in a court of law as to how they are supposed to navigate a "rule by decree" situation during a
perceived national/ international emergency, then who will?
I personally support their efforts and I hope it is heard far and wide. Though I fear it will be silent as the mainstream media apparently purposely
ignored the press release and there are only about 1000 views on the YouTube video since it was posted yesterday. Figured I could help that out
slightly by posting here, at the very least.
I would love to hear what ATS has to say about this - because it certainly does apply to ALL countries that this is happening in.
"The constitution of Canada does not belong either to Parliament, or to the Legislatures; it belongs to the country and it is there that the citizens
of the country will find the protection of the rights to which they are entitled."
– Nova Scotia (A.G.) v. Canada (A.G.)
[1951] S.C.R. 31
"After all, the Constitution is a document for the people and one of the most important goals of any system of dispute resolution is to serve well
those who make use of it."
– Reference Re Residential Tenancies Act
[1996] 1 S.C.R. 186, @ p. 210
edit on thppmFri, 30 Apr 2021 14:50:20 -0500k2104America/Chicago3050 by Sparkymedic because: Formatting
we need more cops that stand up to the government. they should know what they should be doing and shouldn't be doing. no more of this "just doing
our jobs" excuse.
Good news Sparky! Hopefully we see more police step forward once they see their colleagues doing so.
I have been around them when they have had to enforce Covid “laws”. They have all been wearing masks covering their face but they say that the
eyes are the window to the soul. Their eyes can’t hide the guilt or shame that some of the officers are feeling while “following orders”.
My bro-in-law is a copper in Vancouver, I will be sharing this with him.
I am absolutely opposed to this covid lockdown fascism, on a freedom basis, quite aside from the fact they THEY DO NOT WORK.
The police by themselves have made the correct moral and legal decision to refuse to enforce many of those fascist dictatorial rules.
However, I think it may be counterproductive to actually draw this through the courts as it has become increasingly clear the system has become
politically corrupted, and I am sure the judges will "read in" some garbage excuse that is NOT in the constitution and formally "legally" decree to
allow this facism abomination to proceed.
If that happens, the police will then have no choice to enforce those rules they are not enforcing currently.
"Lockdown" is a term used in PRISONS, not a medical term
Based on who they list on the Application, they have people from the RCMP, some large municipal and regional police in Ontario and I think the OPP
too. There are many John or Jane Does on that name list too. What a shame they feel the need to remain anonymous. I do understand why though.