posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 07:08 PM
For the eyes that were blinded
And could not seem to see
For the road much to winded
That could not set us free
For the words that were wasted
In the fields of the fools
And the truth never tasted
Lost in rigidity rules
For the heart always hurting
Sings its own song to God
And the lights now diverting
Both of here and abroad
What will be now your standpoint
Where your feet touch the ground
Need another new viewpoint
Just another new round
What will be in the Heavens
What will be here on earth
Is it time to count blessings
For to witness the birth
Walls illusions are falling
Shedding layers a few
Still the deepest off calling
Tells our heart can be new
In the deepest of darkness
Find the light of the real
Now the lie will be harmless
Sacred no one can steal
What was lost by the ancients
In the greyness of time
Will within of our patience
Be remembered in rhyme
For what’s sevenfold broken
Christ will truly restore
In the sacredness spoken
For to live evermore