I am a product of the Virginia public education system.
I went K-12 in one county in Virginia that at the time wasnt one of the best school systems but now is rated about the middle vs other counties. A lot
of my graduating class went to colleges like UVA, Virginia Tech , MIT, Carnegie Mellon..
I was one of the few that actually graduated from college in 5 years.(yes it took me 5 years due to love of beer but hey I had a good time!).
When parents look at schools they need to look at how many kids actually graduate from college in 5 years in stead of how many go to college. I
remember in freshman orientation they told us about 33% graduate so make sure you don’t become a statistic.
My thoughts on this topic:
This is an incredibly destructive policy and will be absolutely horrible in its systemic destruction of self esteem on
I have always been a horrible math student with anything
Above Algebra. At the sane time I was the best student in my AP History and AP Government classes. So I was gifted in one area but not another. I was
so bad at Algebra 2 I had multiple F grades.
I was doing so bad that my mother took my keys away to the car I bought with my own money for $1000 and I was restricted to riding the cheese wagon in
the 11nth grade at 16 years old. Everyone remembers how this was a death sentence if you wanted a girlfriend..lol
My algebra teacher still believed in me though. So much so they she privately tutored me twice a week for 2 months on her own free time after
I have ADHD and never took meds but she knew I learned differently by doing the work instead of just learning by lecturing( which interestingly enough
is actually the worst way for people to learn anything studies say).
Because she believed in me I started to believe in myself and after 2 months I pulled up that F to A-.
She even had me teaching the quadratic equation to the rest of the class at the end of the semester!
I think our educational system has become too lazy with this one size fits all approach. Let’s just lower the bar for everyone so we can show
awesome data on excel spreadsheets to the feds so we can get more money and grants from the department of education.
Instead of really having discernment in the classroom and seeing who needs extra attention let’s just lower the bar enough so we can show to the
feds all our students are proficient in adding 2+2=4.
What would happened if that teacher hadn’t told me
“You are just as smart and capable as the other kids.”
“Let’s try a different way to learn for you”
That was such a massive self esteem booster for me in my life at that time. It’s helped me not give up a lot of times in my life when I didn’t
understand something.
We need to give all children the opportunity to excel at any subject.
I am forever grateful for that teacher who cared about me and did that for me. I have friends who are teachers and they tell me that never happens now
a days.
Can you imagine if that teacher was like
“Don’t worry we have a special test JUST FOR YOU
Cause of your skin color you are different”
edit on 24-4-2021 by Brassmonkey because: Spelling
edit on 24-4-2021 by Brassmonkey because: Spelling