posted on Apr, 19 2021 @ 09:30 PM
Of course, it is probably a more normal exotic animal with mange, a COSPLAY dog or even a routine local critter BUT I've read oodles of credible
sounding reports of assorted strange (or thought extinct) animals and most importantly, to me, knew an old coot who swore that he saw "pterosaur" type
critters in some Southwestern mountains that fed on baby Bighorn mountain sheep.
In fact, he watched the small "colony" for some years from his telescope at the base of the mtns.
He wasn't a liar or a nut, from my experience, so it made me wonder.
Add in the thousands of similar sightings and even some better quality security cam footage of other "raptor" looking critters that's out there ...
and who knows? It's not like the critters never existed or there aren't secret labs doing genetic experiments.
edit on 4/19/2021 by Baddogma because: removed an "a"