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my tectonic chain reaction theory

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posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:19 PM
okay first the introduction :
the recent earthquake and tsunami in southeast asia was so strong that it tilted the earth 1 inch and second it caused the earth to spin 1/1,000,000 faster than it ussually is.second the more recent 7.0 earthquake in japan has caused me to think this
second the conclusion:
the powerful earthquake in southeast asia is the beginning of a series of tectonic plate movements and you know like the domino effect if you knock one domino down the others fall down as well this is what my theory is then after that earthquake the earth quake in japan happened another shred of proof to my theory.
third the main point:
the tsunami in asia is the first of an domino effect and much more earthquakes will come as an factor of the powerful earthquake and the japan earth quake is proof

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by missinglink
okay first the introduction :
the recent earthquake and tsunami in southeast asia was so strong that it tilted the earth 1 inch and second it caused the earth to spin 1/1,000,000 faster than it ussually is.

The earthquake did not tilt the earth. Geophysicists calculated that, because of the type of plate boundary, part of the crust of the earth sunk in underneath another part, and that this resulted in an effectice shrinking of the circumfrence of the earth. And this resulted in a theoretical altering of the daylength. However, that changing of the daylength has not even been verified.

the powerful earthquake in southeast asia is the beginning of a series of tectonic plate movements and you know like the domino effect if you knock one domino down the others fall down

This is not how plate tectonics works. Its not too far off tho, but its not really what is happening. The sumartran earthquake didn't set off any others.

after that earthquake the earth quake in japan happened another shred of proof to my theory.

Thats certainly not proof. Its one earthquake, and then another much later. Its pretty meaningless as is. If you were saying that these plates are rigid, and that jouncing one moves the rest, then there'd be instantaneous earthquakes all over the world, certainly in more than japan.

\More earthquakes are going to happen. There were earthquakes before the tsunami maker, and there will be earthquakes afterwards.

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 07:47 AM
I would have to agree with you missinglink. It does look like dominos. I have been watching them for a while now and I have said the same thing to myself more than a few times. I took it one step farther in this thread

Nygdan, you are quick to say it cant happen. Yet there is no hard core proof out there that says it cant. Science only observes and learns about what already exists. If it has not been proven, then how the plates move and why is still up in the air. IMO it is better when you keep an open mind and think about all the possable and impossable theorys even after you draw a conclusion. On that note, why do you think it cant happen? What is your theory to the odd quakes around the world?

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 01:33 PM
nice post and yes i heard on coast to coast am that the rotation of earth has infact changed and the thing that nygdan about the daylight changing thing yes i think that might be a possibility

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 10:34 PM
i think theres another big earthquake coming afterthe japanese one

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by mrsdudara
If it has not been proven, then how the plates move and why is still up in the air.

This interconnected-domino plates idea is not based on any evidence or decent theoretical speculations, and appears to be contradicted by the evidence of plate structure and how plates move.

, why do you think it cant happen?


What is your theory to the odd quakes around the world?

No theory is needed as there are no odd quakes.

i heard on coast to coast am that the rotation of earth has infact changed

Coast to Coast is inaccurate, if not incorrect. The lenght of the earth's rotation period has changed, but nothing else about the rotation has changed.

the daylight changing thing yes i think that might be a possibility

Its a somewhat sensible theory and if its true that the circumfrence of the earth was indeed changed, then it should follow that the length of a rotation changes.

i think theres another big earthquake coming afterthe japanese one

Undoubtedly. There is no need for the domino-plate theory to conclude this tho. Earthquakes happen constantly. Big ones happen all the time. And its not a surprise at all that there are destructive earthquakes anywhere on the ring of fire.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 05:30 PM
hi todays indonesian earthquake is a another shred of evidence to my chain reaction theory!!!!!

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by missinglink
hi todays indonesian earthquake is a another shred of evidence to my chain reaction theory!!!!!

I have to agree with you,it does seem as if this is a "chain reaction" scenario. It just makes me wonder what the outcome will be.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 08:00 PM
Hi, interesting theory, and yes with todays biggie (8.7 mag) I tend to agree with you. Although, I think the domino metaphor needs to be stretched to reflect your "theory" in a non-horizontal way. Circular perhaps, even perpendicular would be fascinating...

Good stuff.. my mind is working faster than my intellect in trying to find the correct metaphor that fully encompasses the scope of what you are hinting at..

I hope that all make sense. At the least just wanted to say your post does make sense to me.

posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by missinglink
hi todays indonesian earthquake is a another shred of evidence to my chain reaction theory!!!!!

How? It contradicts your theory. It wasn't part of a chain reaction.

What earthquake wouldn't you think is a 'shred of evidence' for it?

I have to agree with you,it does seem as if this is a "chain reaction" scenario

The OP was hypothesising that a quake in one region leads to more quakes in other regions because the movement along one fault forces movement at another, sort of like those desktop pendulums that knock one another. This isn't a 'chain reaction', its an after shock on a very unstable fault in a region practically filled with faults. There are thousands of earthquakes a year in that vicinity.

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