posted on Apr, 11 2021 @ 10:36 PM
To be clear, I won't be disclosing sources. The Chinese government did a massive clamp down on the Sino net wrt posting military sightings and
various 'leaks' recently. There are some still posting bits here and there. The where the there and here are I won't disclose. That said...
Some folks in china spotted and photographed some interesting stuff on a trailer on a highway.
This is clearly part of an aircraft. There is a running debate in some quarters. The sections of the air frame do not match the J-31. That would
suggest this is portion of a J-20. Those who play with photoshop and are even better versed with the J-20 than I say there are some nontrivial
discrepancies with that hypothesis. Not all the lines match up. If this is a J-20, there are nontrivial revisions to the aft end. That said, it
does have far more in common with the J-20 than the J-31. And yet...those differences.
So what, oh my ATSers, is it? Is it a new 5th gen? The rumored J-XY 5th gen aircraft for the carriers? The rumored two seater J-20? Or are folks
all wet and this is a generic J-20?
speculate away.