We had a "shadow person", living in our house (so to speak) for a handful of months one summer. I'd see it out of the corner of my eye, pacing around
the next room. It happened more and more often, and less and less noticed from the corner of my eye. One night, it rushed at me from the hallway as I
was turning on the kitchen light. It happened so quickly that I couldn't really do anything. Just continued the motion of my hand reaching toward the
switch and flipping it on. When the light came on, it was gone.
From then on, we would continue to see it moving around out of the corners of our eyes. The most interesting thing that happened, towards the end of
its presence in the house, it played hide and seek with us. It wasn't a very large group. It was just my brother, my friend, and I. Playing hide and
seek in the dark. My friend T hid behind the boathouse in some trees, and my brother was over there seeking. I turned my head, so I didn't see them
anymore. But I heard someone run into the shed next to the tree fort I was hiding in. Looking across the yard, my brother was still occupied, so I
assumed T had ran into the shed to hide. So, I went into the shed when the coast was clear. Nobody was in there. Whatever, maybe I heard one of the
dogs or something. Peeking out of the shed, I see my brother and T, opposite end of the yard (1/2 acre). My brother had found T, and I watched them
both walk back to the house and
go inside.
Taking the opportunity to hide somewhere else, I ran out of the shed towards the back part of the yard. To my left was our above ground pool, to my
right was a huge pile of wood for the stove. I ran behind the pool. No sooner had I ducked down and turned, facing the wood pile, T ran up. Except,
instead of coming behind the pool, he went behind the woodpile. Also, I noticed he had taken off his black hoodie, and put his red ballcap back on. I
poked my head around the pool to see where my brother was, but I couldn't see him anywhere. So I ran behind the woodpile.
Behind the woodpile, was nothing. No T. No anybody. My mind went to "shadow person", since we had in a sense, become acclimated to it being there. I
don't know if it was actually trying to play hide and seek with us, or what. But my point is, that we had grown accustomed to its presence. Me
especially, being the night owl of the family. Anyway... Nothing behind the woodpile, so I decided I was done. Came out from behind the woodpile and
walking towards the house. Guess what I see...?
My brother, and my friend T, both coming out of the house. T still dressed in the black hoodie, with no red ballcap. There is no way that I could have
seen T running around, if he was in the house the whole time. Not enough time for him to go from inside the house, to outside the house, to inside
again. We stopped playing hide and seek that night. More, just because hide and seek in the dark is just boring with only three people (Four I suppose
if you count the shadow person). After this night, it wasn't long before the "shadow person" vanished forever.
It sounds ridiculous, I realize all that. This next part, maybe even moreso. At the time, I was less skeptical and more open minded about things like
the paranormal. So, I was trying to communicate with whatever it was. Nothing exciting, I mean I had no idea if it was possible. I started writing
notes and leaving them in the room it was always chilling in. Of course, nothing was ever communicated back to me, in any form. There is one last
interesting thing..
The last time I ever saw it, the last time any of us ever saw it, or felt it. I had just written a note, and placed it in the room it always chilled
in. I put it on the fireplace, and turned to leave the room. Suddenly though, in "my minds eye" I saw a bright flash of white light, and a big white
"orb" or "blotch" (think the fuzzy circular shapes you see after rubbing your eyes too hard), which quickly vanished. And that was it. Nobody ever saw
it or felt it again. Whatever "it" was. I don't know.
I have no explanations - only the experiences. My mother, and my brother had also seen it. My friend T, I'm pretty sure also witnessed it. However, I
can't say I took his word without a grain of salt. He was one of those friends that you couldn't be certain if they were just saying stuff to be part
of the group or not.. But whatever, not important to me, since I know what I experienced. Again, I don't assume any explanations. In my head, in the
rest of our heads? Maybe. Something more than can be explained? Maybe. All I know is that it was a very interesting summer.
My mom felt it was a guardian angle or the like. I don't know about that. It seemed pretty neutral to me. Its presence made my mom feel comfortable
though, so whatever the explanation, it helped her. This was the first summer after my parents had a messy divorce. Not much more to say on that. I'm
not jumping to any conclusions. I really have no idea. Like I said, all I can say for sure was, I, we, had these experiences.
Somewhere in my post history is a
slightly more detailed telling, but I don't have time to find it right now.
Dunno. Cheers!
edit on 4-10-2021 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)