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Science Says

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posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 08:01 PM
Well, in honor of the Corbett report finally being given the axe on YouTube, I thought I'd make a thread on his video that got his channel taken down as it happens to be on a subject that's been really getting on my nerves.

In this video, Corbett breaks down the ways science is being used as propaganda and being elevated to a near cult status to guide modern life.

I like science. Science is great. I spent many years of my life and not an insignificant amount of money to be able to say I am a scientist. I'd be the first person to say science is pretty great and has probably given us a better understanding of the world than just about any other way.of looking at things.

It's based on some pretty solid principles of observation and falsification. Which is tested using well defined sampling and observation methods and subject to review and falsification by peers.

Which is exactly not what the 'Cult of Science' that drives covid and many other modern day issues in which 'science' should be trusted with blind faith is not.

If someone is telling you to 'trust the science' they don't understand the first thing about science. Any scientist worthy of the name will never tell you science is infalliable, will never tell you a study is fact, will never tell you their science proves anything and would welcome any challenges to their data and findings in hope of coming as close as truth to possible.

That is science. Not arbitrary orders based on a study, not ultimate truths.

Science is and always has been nothing more than a logical way of observing the world and coming to conclusions based on said observations. It's a tool, not a religion. There is no 'trust the science' there's look at the data available and come to logical conclusions based on said data, if data changes, update conclusions.
edit on 9/4/2021 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: dug88

I have come to this conclusion that not everyone and I don't mean that the rude way, is capable of simple or higher logic, sometimes it's emotions and sometimes, it's just being a dickhead and refusing to back down.

Often it's just lacking interest. Many do not care and do not want to know how the world works they live in. I don't blame those either. Living was much easier without knowing all the wrong things happening in the world.

For myself, I want to know how things work, want to be able to understand cause and action. For that I am ready to teach myself new skills.

And just for example when I ask the question "what will the immune system do to my cells after a certain time? Will it learn that it is attacking it's own cells? Will this have a bad end?

And then I look at the statistics, that I doubt are accurate, look at the unkown factors coming with this shot... and I wonder why the # so many seem to be okay with trusting science, when science itself has zero clues about long term effects.

What parent in their right mind can mindlessly allow such an injection? It's not like this technology is compareable with the traditional way or how the mechanism of vaccines were discovered. Yet as a critical thinker you get ridiculed for not acting like lemmings (which is not true, it was staged that the Lemmings went over the cliffs)...

small rant over.

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 09:42 PM
It's hilarious when libs attempt to play the science card. A good example... my idiot neighbor has this sign in her yard:

She gets triggered by any discussion of the gun control debate, but especially by the climate change debate. She accused me of being ignorant about global warming, claiming I "didn't understand that it's settled science". This same person believes in astrology and claims that essential oils possess some sort of "vibrational powers".

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

I have come to this conclusion that not everyone and I don't mean that the rude way, is capable of simple or higher logic

You don't have to be diplomatic about it. The average citizen is a moron. Mind-controlled, barely sentient.

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 10:09 PM
Pa reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

I have come to this conclusion that not everyone and I don't mean that the rude way, is capable of simple or higher logic,

I disagree. This plays right into the propaganda. Only a select few humans are capable of thinking logically(talking to God, whatever makes them elite) and therefore guiding others.


Everyone is capable of thinking scientifically. It's a skill that should be taught from a young age. Instead, it's barely touched on unless you fork out the money for a college education and even then, not until year 3 or 4.

Scientific literacy is a skill that can be taught and acquired. Institutionally, it's only taught to those who invest heavily into the system, otherwise you're left up to your own to learn and most people spend their time watching entertainment...

...and entertainment teaches you that being smart is bad mmmkay...just look at friends...look how joey was treated vs ross mmmkay....being a retard like joey's good...but being smart or a scientist like ross...that's bad...mmmkay..just look how awkward and annoying Ross is, don't wanna be like him do ya? Joey's cool though, he get's girls and everyone likes him. Best be dumb and goofy like him. That lame science stuff gets ya nowhere but having your wife cheat on you with and leave you with for a girl.
edit on 9/4/2021 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

It goes far, far beyond the virus and vaccine.

Many refer to the Middle Ages as the "Dark Ages," a period of time when superstition and religious fanaticism became so prevalent that anyone who actually tried to find truth was literally killed for their pursuit. Michele de Nostradam, aka "Nostradamus," is revered for his prophetic writings, but an even greater achievement came about because of his understanding of medicine. Specifically, it was he who introduced the concept of hygiene to those under siege by the Bubonic Plague. And yet, he was looked upon as a "kook" and scoffed at. His prophetic writings are so difficult to understand and use today precisely because he was legitimately afraid of being accused of witchcraft for going against the religious understanding of the day. He mixed them all up at random to destroy any timeline and used multiple linguistic trickery to give himself plausible deniability were he so charged.

Leonardo da Vinci is today revered as a master engineer and painter, but during his life only his art was accepted by the public. His drawings and sketches, many of which resemble modern inventions, were kept to himself, then entrusted after his death to one of his pupils to be later published. One wonders how many centuries inventions like the airplane were delayed because of this.

And there are countless others. These are only two examples of many. During the Dark Ages, science was forbidden for fear it would conflict with religion... and religion kept the leaders in power. At the time it was Christianity that was abused for this end, but the sad truth is that it could have been any religion, any belief system that kept the people believing as they were meant to believe.

We have many parallels to those times today. The idea of science has been co-opted to replace Christianity as the new religion of choice. We, the peasant class who have not been educated properly in scientific procedure, are told what science says and are expected to follow whatever that is. In the meantime, anyone who actually uses science to try and understand what is going on is belittled, ostracized, and even killed should they become too much of a threat to TPTB. A few "scientists" are kept behind closed doors, protected by an impenetrable wall of secrecy, to provide ammunition for the propaganda machine that then informs the people of what "science said." It's no different, really, than the prophets and scribes and Pharisees who once kept the holy writings to themselves, while instructing the people on what "God demands."

We are told that using energy to better our lives is evil and is causing the planet to heat up sufficiently to drown the population from rising seas, and that the only way to avert this extinction-level catastrophe is to pay those in power to placate the carbon dioxide. We are told that a cold is a "pandemic" and that the 0.4% chance of succumbing to this disease is more terrible than removing the rights from the public and forcing them to live in squalor and pain... even worse than literally killing a substantial number of the people and plunging many more into perpetual poverty.

Much of this propaganda is also subtle. We used to be able to learn directions and find our way around... today, if GPS were to suddenly stop working, many couldn't find their way to a store or to work. We used to be a nation that could repair our own devices; today it is becoming impossible or at the least extremely difficult. None of that is due to government force, but rather to corporate and social stigma. Ten years ago, a tornado outbreak acriss this area toko out the power and shut the stores down for a week. I survived fine; I even threw together a way for neighbors to charge their batteries. Others around me helped out in their way: one man who owned a generator was loaning it out for a few hours to allow people to keep food cold a while longer and get water out of a well for cooking and drinking. The rest of the time, he loaned it to a gas station so people could get gas... those pumps are electric.

In the cities, there were riots breaking out and continuous looting. No one knew how to survive. The difference was science. We knew how science actually worked and used it to obtain the things we needed together; in the city, they only knew of science as the words in that boring textbook they had to pretend to read.

The OP is correct, and I only wish I could give 1000 flags to this thread. "Follow the science" is a direct admission of ignorance of science, and in my opinion, proof that the speaker of those words is not just unintelligent, but essentially incapable of living without assistance from others. It seems many of our leaders fall into this category. The result is that we are moving, quite rapidly, into another Dark Ages where invention and ingenuity is discouraged by any means necessary.


posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: dug88

Entertainment only mirrors reality. Anyone gifted in school quickly learns that their gift is a curse and a deviation that must be hidden away, lest the bullies have to enforce what they would not. It has always been that way. Might makes right, and brains are only good for feeding pet zombies.


posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I came to post on this thread and then read your reply...

You and the OP both need 1000 stars and there is nothing about the topic that I can expand on.

Just... Brava

edit on 9-4-2021 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: dug88

I get your message, but I wasn't saying only a few select can think logically (enough to grasp certain higher things). I was saying not everyone. That's quite the other side of the coin.

The rest you wrote is coming from you, that's not my opinion, it's you going off a tangent because you think you know my political alignment. That you guessed because you compare it to what the elitists think.

That's not what I am used from your posts, I had to look twice if it's really dug88 writing this.

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 10:37 PM

originally posted by: dug88

I like science. Science is great. I spent many years of my life and not an insignificant amount of money to be able to say I am a scientist. I'd be the first person to say science is pretty great and has probably given us a better understanding of the world than just about any other way.of looking at things.

And this is exactly why it's being used.

There is one basic way to control people. You tell them what you want them to do, and they do it. It's just a matter of convincing them to do it.

In the early days of man, the convincing usually took the form of brute force. The problem with brute force is you have to be the stronger to use it.

The next step was to convince people to do what you say was to claim that you were working for a higher authority. Heroic individuals, prophets, spirits, demi-gods, gods, etc. That's been used successfully for much of human history. Even today, most governments will claim allegiance to some god to show that they are on the side of good and right so the people should respect their authority.

Governments today want to get away from the concept that there is a higher authority than government. Mainly because it's getting too easy for people to see that their government doesn't seem to adhere to the tenets of the religion they claim authority from.

Enter the new higher authority, science.

Both the old control system of religion and the new control system of science use the same methods. You tell people what you want them to know, you hide from them what you don't want them to know. The king's high priest is replaced by the government's scientist. The sermons are held on the TV. And the non-believer must be shunned and eradicated.

In the immortal words of Frank Zappa:

Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is the best.

edit on 9-4-2021 by VictorVonDoom because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I agree wholeheartly. I agree with the OP, IDK what I messed up in translation that you both think my small rant was against science or acting like I know it all, because I obviously don't.

The contrary! I was just trying to make a point that... because not everyone can (or want, wrote that too) follow logic and determine cause and action for themselves, doesn't mean those that are able to, shouldn't be allowed to question it.

I explain it differently. You have those parroting science that can not verify it for themselves also talking down to those, that have the ability to research and ask educated questions. Kind of a twisted world I would say. When those that have the least clue, are encouraged to stop these "conspiracy theories" when it's just valid questions.

Educated questions that aren't hard to arrive at like: "If that mRNA forces my cells to produce these spikes, that my immune system can now attack... is the immune response of the human body completely understood?

What happens when the control mechanism responsible for search & destroy of these spikes fails and starts attacking whole cells? Can it even do that? Does it work that way?

I can ask those fairly educated questions, someone just parroting science without knowing anything about it, not. For a doctor my questions might be dumb, but at least I can formulate them because I understood what the vaccine is doing inside my body.

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

Oh..yeah..I started going off onto this tangent I've always the back of my mind that 90's sitcoms intentionally made people stupid.

It's not so much of a tangent though. Take a look back at popular media of the 90's early 2000's, smart people and scientists were looked down on, look forward to today's times, more modern sitcoms like that one about the socially awkward nerds, science is still portrayed poorly, but the archetype of the allknowing scientist is present.

I dunno...I've always had these weird ideas about sitcoms propagandizing stupidity for some reason your.comment just reminded me of it.

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: dug88
The 90s sitcoms with the fake laughter. Liked the movie "naked canon 33 1/2" and how it made fun on it with the "laugh now" lights for the audience.

No seriously, all sitcoms are for me is a collection of cliche and stereotyping the viewer can easy detect and predict.

Same with, IDK if it's a thing in the states, TV series about poor peoples living conditions. It's just so the viewer can feel better about themselfes.

posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

Oh, no! Don't think I was disagreeing with you at all! On the contrary, I am in complete agreement on this topic with both you and the OP. I simply wanted to expand on your example.

Your example of asking doctors questions is very apt... I do it all the time, and unfortunately even some doctors seem to take umbrage at the idea that someone can question what they "know." My present doctors listen to me and attempt to formulate an answer based on what I have presented. Oftentimes I am way off the mark, but other times I have actually made them stop and think, and then incorporate their thoughts in my treatments. I still bow to their superior knowledge in that field, but doing so does not mean I cannot question and attempt to better understand, nor does it mean I cannot suggest alternatives. The result has been that my health is much better... save for that circulation issue, of course.

Sorry if my post came off sounding like something it wasn't. I would be more comfortable writing in math, but unfortunately ATS doesn't allow foreign languages.


posted on Apr, 9 2021 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: dug88

I think there's actually a place for those mindless sitcoms... if they are used properly. James T. Kirk said it best: "The more advanced the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play." Half the time, if you walk into my office, you don't see the simulation I was running on a new circuit... you see minesweeper. Why? Because I am analyzing the results of that simulation and formulating alternatives to improve it, and if I don't give part of my head a break I'll go insane(r)!

Unfortunately, TV and those comedies are today far too often seen as something to emulate or, as has been suggested, a way to look down on others to feel better about oneself. I don't know how many here remember the old cartoon "Beavis and Butthead." For those who don't, it was a cartoon drawn by Mike Judge, who also created "King of the Hill" and wrote/produced the movie "Idiocracy." Beavis and Butthead were two school-age delinquents who were constantly making crude jokes and laughing at them while everyone else considered them idiots. I saw an interview with Judge where he said he drew it to shame people who acted like that, but to his dismay many came to try and emulate the duo.

I have a running joke... Beavis and Butthead are real! I actually met them! One night at a Skynyrd concert, just outside the mosh pit, I heard the all-too-familiar "hyuh-hyuh-hyuh" and turned around. There stood two young guys, obviously teenagers, who literally looked, dressed, acted, and sounded like Beavis and Butthead! I kid you not. In accordance with some of the looks they were getting from other aging rednecks around them, I decided prudence was urging me to move to the other side of the crowd.

But back on topic, the fact that people would try to emulate something like that when it was obviously (to me anyway) intended to ne an example of how not to be, is what I find so troubling. I can sit and watch reruns of "Gilligan's Island" or "The Beverly Hillbillies" (two of my all-time favorite sitcoms) and never entertain the thought of acting like Gilligan or Jethro. To me, they are the simplicity of play. To others, however, they seem to be an example of life aspirations.

So I don't think it is the sitcoms themselves so much as the willingness of people to do as a silly sitcom suggests.


posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 12:07 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck
It's all good, it's probably me though, it's 7am here. I am going to have to read this again with better concentration. Gods in white, we call them.

Umbrage is a good description. I once got three different opinions from three different doctors in like under five minutes. I learned how to question them. They did not like it often, because I tend to ask follow up questions until I am satisfied enough so I understand what's being done, what can go wrong and how it works. They learned fast that using complicated words to make me give up just make me ask for their explanation.

When they cut me open on the back I wanted to know exactly what they are doing.

Math is beautiful. She's a 10.

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: dug88

When i was growing up, my grandfather had an excellent collection of astronomy textbooks. I studied the solar system and the constellations.

I knew there were 9 planets.

Now Pluto isnt. And i know there are 8 planets.

Thats how i understand science.

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

When I went in for open heart surgery, I had doctors chewing barbed wire and spitting 16-penny nails. The operation had been suggested to me earlier, but I had turned it down because I simply could not put my life on hold at that time for six months without destroying it (and that of a few other people who were depending on me). So the surgeon was already upset. Then the fill-in for my regular doctor asked why I had stopped certain medications... because my cardiologist had OKed it (I couldn't afford it and was having some mild reactions anyway). He didn't believe me, so every time I asked what a medication was he started accusing me of refusing treatment.

To say I was relived to see my cardiologist walk through the door was an understatement.

Now, in order to be off work for six months, I needed to make sure some of my ducks were all in a row... there were financial obligations to consider, my mother's estate was still being worked out, and the wife and I needed to be able to get to town once a week for supplies. It took me a couple days to line all that up. The last person I needed to talk to showed up right after the surgeon threw his hands up and stormed out of the room saying if I decided to have the surgery, to call him. I settled up what needed settling, and walked out to the nurses station. The surgeon was still there and I told him the operation was a go from my end. He looked up at me like he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Point being, I was still undergoing tests to make sure they could operate! No matter how hard I tried to explain the situation to him, he just could not get past thinking I was just afraid... no, I needed to verify I could live long enough to recover. I don't think he ever really grasped what I was concerned about.

Turns out, that six months turned into a lifetime... he didn't expect that either. I understand he makes some really pretty stitches, though.


posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: dug88

Thanks for the great thread Dugss.

Science has been bought, owned, and corrupted.
We are left with Scientism™, and it's many aspects.

posted on Apr, 10 2021 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck
Surgeons lol... more creepy than the anesthesia guy with the always suspiciously good mood "just giving you some oxygen" turned out to be fat lie each time. You didn't get the surgery in the end?

I had a similar experiences. I was haunted by pain in the back, just where the shoulder blades meet. Back then they couldn't remove a little bone splinter, and that splinter was okay, except for the 1-2 times a year where I would climb the walls from the pain, where nothing they prescribe you to take home helps, Had to get an injection each time.

It got worser and worser until in last autumn I demanded an x-ray. And there it was visible, that the splinter is dangerously close and moved compared to the older ones.

Can you imagine that I had to listen to one docter reciting my medical history and then asking me if I want to overthink this in a strange tone. I didn't understand first but then he closed "you won't get recipes for painkillers anymore".

Two others look at each other, look at me, look at him. Silence. I asked if he can repeat the last part of the sentence because I'm not sure if I heard it or if I'm dreaming up that a doctor asks a patient, that demands this pain reliefing operation, THAT COULD HAVE BEEN DONE YEARS AGO, is somehow addicted to painkillers that made life more worse than anything as they were really bad for my stomach.

I voiced out the distrust sentence and off he went. I straight up asked what's this about and they apologized and said they didn't get to that conclusion with my medical history and for godsake my doctor takes note of every complaint about the painkillers and if there is any alternative.

Same hospital...

Also during giving birth, the PDA tube slipped out of my spine and I repeatedly asked, after 30 hours of labor, on the emergency operation table if it's normal that I can feel my toes. And then they just cut into me. I don't know how long I screamed and tried to gett off the table. but it took them for eternity until they put me to sleep. The last thing I heard was a "bah" after me releasing myself on the table at the moment the lights went out. I thought I die. When the lights went out that was my last thought. "You're dying and the child too."

All because a patient is dumb and not to be listened to when she claims she can move her toes, to get back to the topic. I should have sued them, two years later I heard on radio that another women went throught the same tornment and she sued them, won the case against the same hospital.

I was just treated like # afterwards, except for the ICU care nurses that heard about what happened. Because of the narcotics, my daughter had to be revived. Because they wouldn't operate me earlier, it only took 30 hours and the second doctor 5 minutes into his shift took a look at me and decided it's way over time for a emergency ceasarean.

You know what the maternity nurse, fresh into her shift at 10pm told me around hour 20 when I begged for a ceasarean?
"Here, we're not doing ceasareans for fun, Ms X". It was the same maternity nurse that couldn't see what the doctor saw by just looking at me.

And later, my aunt told me about a Dress. that got a scheduled ceasaren and the few others while I had to suffer. The reason? I was later told silently I had the "wrong" insurance company for that "hospital" after one of the good ICU nurses asked me to see my insurance card.

Two weeks in ICU, no one from the surgeons or doctors that operated me that day, I ever saw again. They knew full well what they did, I didn't even expect an excuse but a few words about the incident and that I do not imagine the pain, as said, would have helped me.

This way I could only read how they put the blame on be moving too much while they transfered me over the OP bridge into the actuall EM operation hall. #ing butchers.

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