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Monsanto Employing Troll Army To Silence Online Dissent?

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posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: hounddoghowlie

what really is hard to understand, and pisses me off. well no so much hard to understand.

is knowing all that farben and some it's daughter/ sister companies were allowed to stay in business.

Indeed mate.

Here are the words from their prosecutor at Nuremburg - some pretty profound stuff.

From 3:33

'Follow the money' was a phrase you used to hear in investigative journalism so when it comes to 'funding' then thought some interesting points were also made here.

Back to nowadays and some relevant reading in Inannamute's thread from back in 2008.

True conspiracy - Monsanto and the world food supply

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 09:37 PM
The list of corporations that can rightfully be called among the “worst in the world” just grows and grows.

Somebody want to tell these people that Weyland-Yutani and SPECTRE weren’t intended as how-to guides?

Pretty sure Monsanto was caught hiring actual fascist pramilitaries in South America to put down strikes. Around the same time Coca-Cola hired a death squad to murder a union leader.

The executive boards of these organisations need to start being held accountable for their crimes.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

No really, Monspanto has been able to get legislation away from exposing their trash in food labels, I remember I signed up a lot of petitions so we know what foods in our grocery stores have their crap, but soo far their money gets its way in politicians pockets.

posted on Apr, 3 2021 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: karl 12

What? Geez these companies. There like ages old. And there doing it wrong. That is? If you want to silence decent or people, instead of hiring an army of trolls to give them a gloss over on the popular believe system, aka also known as the newsletters people gloss over once in the morning and once at night? If it is, then that wont work.

Descent would still exist.

What they need is to hire themselves a new secretary of education and make it be known law, that no seed be grown, that Monsanto dont own. Then it will be all legal and stuff.

I personally nominate this guy? As the smartest guy in the world. And also secretary of commerce for the whole wide world. I think that he could do a hell of a better job then the current establishment. I imagine it will be a world full of unicorns and floating mountains. In the land of imaginataro, any imagination can come true. But? That only applies to maybe 00.01 of the population, the lucky few to live in the land of imaginataro. As for the rest of the shmoes? Who live on planet earth?

They get a dose of reality, and its unreal.

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 07:20 AM

originally posted by: underwerks

Why do your diagrams only list Democrats

Try not to get too involved with the puppet show mate but as far as I can see the techdirt article is factually correct and doesn't just include members of one party - feel free to do your own research and post the resulting venn diagrams.

If you want to speculate about true bipartisanship then probably also worth looking at the membership of the Trilateral Commission and the Council On Foreign Relations.

43:43 / 0:42

Does seem the potential for collusive behaviour is off the charts though and although certain links have been removed there's more relevant info below.

3) There is no scientific proof of adverse health effects from GMO

This is one of the most disingenuous pieces of the GMO PR campaign. In reality, the FDA doesn’t even test the safety of GMO crops. Instead, all GMO foods are assumed to be safe unless there is already evidence to the contrary. In other words, the FDA relies on self-reported data from the companies that manufacture the crops as to their safety.

Even worse, due to legal and copyright restrictions surrounding GMO patents, independent scientists have to ask the biotech companies’ permission before publishing research on their products. As a result, almost all of the long-term animal feeding studies that have ever been conducted on GMOs have been carried out by the biotech companies themselves, on their own rules and with their own standards of reporting. What few independent studies have been conducted have shown a range of adverse health effects from reduced fertility to immune system dysfunction, liver failure, obesity and cancer. Yet still, for some reason Obama’s Food Tsar Michael Taylor refuses to make FDA testing of GMO safety mandatory…I wonder if it’s because he used to be the Vice President of Monsanto?

5 GMO Myths Busted

Also this chap.

edit on 4-4-2021 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: Mandroid7

He's on the board of Monsatan, from what I read.

Yes mate did read that he acquired 500,000 Monsanto shares at $23 million - also millions in 'donations' to Cargill.

Here's some further info:

The Vanguard Group owns over $3 trillion in investments in different, and mostly hated, companies like Monsanto. They also hold the world’s largest companies such as: Bank of America, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley. State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, Capital Research Global Investors, and FMR (Fidelity) are all the key owners of – well, essentially the world. And this includes Monsanto. You could say that just four companies control all the big banks and all the major companies on the planet.

Who are Really the Top Shareholders of Monsanto?

Don't think many folks realize that Gates IS a Rockefeller and looks like they're all in it neck deep when it comes to 'cryptoeugenics'.

Once a person gets past the PR BS then here's what they've got planned for the future of the world's food supply:

Rockefeller's "Reset the Table:" Food Tyranny & Transform Food Supply

The Rockefeller Foundation has released a new report, "Reset The Table" -- an implied part of "The Great Reset" -- describing a radical transformation of our food system in the face of the most significant disruption to our food supply in history. The report calls to provide food to all (like UBI), use schools as community nutrition distribution anchors, de-fund farms/ranches via "true cost accounting" that includes CO2, provide funds to BIPOC, collect realtime data for AI/automation, and much, much more. Christian breaks down this report, which builds upon the assault upon global food supply and your ability to feed your family

edit on 4-4-2021 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 08:42 AM
If you buy organic then it ensures you will not be buying their bioengineered plants. Hit them in their wallet.

posted on Apr, 4 2021 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen

Monsanto has a full team to deflect the effects of lawsuits 😃

Or they just keep paying them and keep making money.

What should be concerning is the money trail supporting the ‘funny’ science that keeps coming out about biotech foods. Or that according to a report that was released last summer, the global elite have up to 32 TRILLION dollars stashed in offshore banks around the globe, which can fund lawsuit after lawsuit against the people who are tired of being poisoned.


Following on from the 'funny science' described in this article..

How Monsanto Silences Scientific Dissent

There's also a pretty damning documentary below featuring internal Monsanto emails and documents involving (cover up of) the dangers of glysophate.

posted on Apr, 8 2021 @ 10:27 AM

posted on Apr, 8 2021 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: cooperton
If you buy organic then it ensures you will not be buying their bioengineered plants. Hit them in their wallet.


The only way to insure that your food is organic is to grow/breed/cultivate it yourself.

Sadly, the term "Organic" and the labels indicating such (as well as Non-GMO) are purely marketing terms now. No different really than saying "25% less sugar!" when it's loaded with Sorbital.

posted on Apr, 8 2021 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: TXRabbit


The only way to insure that your food is organic is to grow/breed/cultivate it yourself.

Sadly, the term "Organic" and the labels indicating such (as well as Non-GMO) are purely marketing terms now. No different really than saying "25% less sugar!" when it's loaded with Sorbital.

Yeah ideally you grow your own. They relaxed the organic standards? The Organic label once guaranteed no GMO and minimal synthetic pesticides/herbicides

posted on Jul, 11 2021 @ 09:21 AM
New OP video links:

Monsanto Employing Troll Army To Silence Online Dissent?

Historical background:


posted on Jul, 19 2022 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: Phage
Interesting. The article is four years old.
Any new developments?

Any new developments on your end?

posted on Jul, 19 2022 @ 12:57 PM
Online corporate trolls who also have a private hit squad.
Globalism has been screwing American farmers for decades now.

posted on Jul, 19 2022 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals

Online corporate trolls who also have a private hit squad. Globalism has been screwing American farmers for decades now.

Thanks for bumping the thread my friend and the facts speak for themselves.

If you 'follow the money' then it really all does boil down to the Rockefeller family.

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