posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to:
First, Hi Anthony and welcome to ATS!!
Second, you may think you have it figured out, but I'll bet you a fish sandwich you don't! It's not a straight forward proposition, and until you
understand the "invisible avatar" thing, you'll never get it.
I strongly recommend you look up a member named OperationMindcrime, and look over the 'Avatar Creation'
The rules for making avatars have changed fairly dramatically over the years, and some of the older threads are no longer usable because the process
is different now. OM can guide you through the process and help you create a fantastic avatar. He's created all of mine, with input from me of
Note - You can just skip to the last page on the linked thread and post a request there. If you read back a few posts you'll see how it works, and OM
is a great guy to work with!
Welcome aboard!!