The Flood & the Tower of Babel Event
“It is the very nature of thought & language to represent what is immaterial in picturable terms.. To ask how [these two separate types of
language, ed] first came together [in the lingua arcana, ed.]would be great folly; the real question is how they ever came apart” CS
Lewis, 'Miracles
Most people know & understand the basic narrative of the Biblical flood – there is in fact more evidence to support widespread global flooding in
deep antiquity is actually more prevalent than the shills would have you believe. Archaeological/ anthropological excavations around the regions of
the far North, around Alaska, Canada, etc, have found evidence of huge forests washed suddenly away, great creatures such as mammoths also being
washed away in the mud & destruction, apparently showing that their last meals survived intact within their stomachs, as they were held within the
permafrost as the aeons went by. A pole shift was potentially to blame for the sudden shift in the environment which led to such devastation.
Evidence in the form of shared mythology around a sudden global flooding event is present in the folklore of almost every single tribe & race on the
planet, and it is easily sourced if you wish to look.
A great book covering the lost continent of Lemuria, which also examines the global flooding evidence, is also a fantastic read describing aspects of
the culture & purposes of the ancient builders, and what seems to have happened at the end of their reign:
The Lost Civilisation of
Lemuria – the rise & fall of the world's oldest culture
The 'Great Flood' event is seared into the subconscious of the human race, and as a result there is no denying it – it happened, and it happened at
the end of the last ice age, around 10,000BC or thereabouts.
A second event which everyone is aware of, to some extent, has a central bearing on the purpose of this thread, and that is
the Tower of Babel
incident, described in the Hebrew Old Testament, the Book of Genesis, part of the Christian Bible also. This thread is largely about how language
has been central in the understanding of who we are, how we came to be, what our spiritual circumstance is, and how an understanding of the
philological history of our language can help us to move into a position of proper righteous authority in our lives.
The tower of Babel is often misunderstood, and it's easy to see why. On the surface, it appears that God has come down to Earth, in person, with a
couple of angels alongside him, saying that humans should not be permitted to work together as one, because if they do, they will be a threat to the
authority & kingdom of God. This is not true, it is a false interpretation, and the deep meaning, the context of why the incident was necessary, is
actually a story of compassion, knowing that the future risks to the wellbeing & the very existence of humanity, was dependent on them NOT engaging in
unilateral expansionism/ research as a monoculture, particularly because of the artificial advancement of knowledge beyond our psychic maturity, due
to the influence of the Watchers who rebelled, the immortals, we could call them (though Psalm 82 describes the LORD's judgement against those rebels,
that they would die like men - ultimately that is, in point of fact it may not yet have happened for some, or all of them).
The risks of such a path for Mankind would have been dire. The potential for epic global conflagration became greater when the humans were unified
with charge over so much knowledge – because any sudden fracture would lead to immature drives to conflict so brutal & extensive, that nothing would
be left in its wake. Although the incident led to a confusion of language, this actually served to ensure that for a very long time, conflicts
remained local & minor, in regional relative to what could have resulted otherwise. The problem was that the Watchers had imparted so much knowledge
to the fledgling human race, that they would not be psycho-spiritually mature enough to handle it wisely, in a way that didn't end up with something
like Darth Vader in control of the ultra-fascist technocratic Empire searching out cultures to destroy & peoples to assimilate. We were supposed to
have matured slowly, discovering all the wonderful information the Watchers imparted, but piecemeal & slowly, over a very long period of time,
measured in millennia, not centuries.. The artificial advancement of the timeline was crucially seen as an immense risk, thinking in terms of the
deep programming of the unconscious psyche.
I find the very idea that God confused the languages & separated the peoples into different territories incredibly fascinating, and it's wonderful to
learn of all the different cultures that sprang up afterwards, indeed the ancient history of the world is fascinating in itself, but once you add the
fact that at least some of the Watchers & their offspring, the Nephilim, appear to have survived all attempts to eradicate them, ever more
fascinating. Consider that these immortals may have been hiding in the shadows, living 'life after life' with knowledge of incredible technologies,
some perhaps at their disposal, though not sharing them with humanity until we were almost at the point of discovering certain things for ourselves,
perhaps they were waiting for us to develop certain technologies so they could take advantage & leapfrog over us due to knowledge they had retained,
though we ourselves were scrapping our way along in the knowledge of what they were up to. I think that time has certainly come now, we have parity
or near-parity with these surviving immortals.
Which makes the way that current events have been unfolding doubly fascinating, and indeed exceedingly worrying,if your perspective is the same as my
own.. One particular quote I think we all should bear in mind in these times is as follows:
“Truth must ... use force, where deception has gained the upper hand”
And I refer to the dangerous route espoused by the far left, subversive radical anarchists, working as a loose collective to take over in society,
social justice warriors, snowflakes, 'cucks', and all the cancel culture, BLM Marxists & so on. Police being stood down, alternative thinkers &
conservatives being treated derogatorily as 'alt-right' as a means of shutting them down, any resistance to the narrative shouted down and such
persons unjustly accused as 'conspiracy theorists'. And of course the gender wars & the woke revolution have a lot to do with this inflaming of
social media groups as well, though I won't go into that here.
We can only hope that in some measure, we can rise against this tide of destructive BS, to reclaim our heritage & provide a path towards a better,
more connected, liberty-filled future, not ruled by the Davos elite, not ruled by Tech Giants partnering with nation states..