posted on Mar, 31 2021 @ 10:41 AM
So has anyone else been getting this exceedingly annoying covid-19 popup on their phone keyboard that covers the suggestion bar??
It started this morning after writing Coronavirus in a comment here on it just doesn't go away. It covers up spelling suggestions and if you
click on it, it takes you to the WHO covid fact page.
I'm wondering, is this some keyboard specific nonsense...or is this something built into android?
Has anyone else been seeing these?
ETA: I found's keyboard specific:
android:"@drawable/ic_coronavirus_action_strip" />
mVirusInfo = new CovidInfo(context);
mTypedWordHelper = new OnKeyWordHelper("coronavirus");
mTimeHelper =
Looks like it should be easy to get rid of. Guess I'm.firing up android studio later and doing some keyboard hacking...
I think I'll change it so it links to ATS instead of WHO
Well it's a start
I'll post a link to an apk later if I can get it to build lol.
edit on 31/3/2021 by dug88 because: (no reason given)