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What is Easter?

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posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 05:34 PM

Easter, Latin Pascha, Greek Pascha, principal festival of the Christian church, which celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his Crucifixion. The earliest recorded observance of an Easter celebration comes from the 2nd century, though the commemoration of Jesus’ Resurrection probably occurred earlier. Easter is celebrated on Sunday, April 4, 2021.


I checked the internet and according to the internet and Roman Catholic and Protestant leaders, sure enough 4 April is Easter BUT Christ did not rise on 4 April he rose on 17 Nisan......

He died on the cross on 14 Nisan (this year 27 March 2021)

He was dead for three days.

He rose on the third day which was 17 Nisan......14 + 3 = 17

Lets look at the Jewish calender .....17 Nisan this 30 March 2021. So Christ was resurrected three days later.....30 March 2021 (this year)

So Easter has NOTHING to do with Christ's resurrection......

Oh Babylon how many sheep do you plan to keep.

I challenge all at ATS to prove me wrong.

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 05:55 PM
My Christian brothers and sisters,

Today I revealed a truth that can not be denied. This is a shock to many of the faith, no need to panic.

Today I have revealed to the world on ATS to have exposed the Catholic and Protestant world about their most precious and sacred doctrine in which involves exactly when Yeshua was crucified and resurrected as being in error. Throughout time, both churches have been told by Apostle John and disciples of other Apostles to return to the truth and yet they walk in their lies well knowing and refusing to stand up due to fear of expulsion.

God does indeed forgive those who put their faith into Yeshua sacrifice and resurrection, so lets get it right. Show God you truly love him by celebrating the resurrection on the proper day - 17 Nisan.

In 200AD when gnostics was in full swing the church talks about Jesus resurrection being after full moon blah, blah, blah. There is plenty of information concerning Jesus in Jewish, Greek and Roman literature.

Since we are discussing Jewish and Christian religion being tied to the same God, the God of the Jews, Yeshua is a Jew, the events occurred in Jerusalem so lets then stick to the Jewish calender, one of the most accurate in my opinion. 17 Nisan HE RISES!

THIS YEAR....Jesus rose from the dead on 30 March 2021....which is 17 Nisan - don't forget Mass on 30 March 2021.

edit on 28-3-2021 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-3-2021 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 06:28 PM

When the sun rises directly in the East (20th of March nowadays but slowly shifts as the eons pass)

It’s a celebration of the equinox, hijacked by multiple religions over the ages

Just as Christmas is a hijacked version of the celebration of the solstice (December 21st nowadays)

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
In 200AD when agnostics was in full swing

I won't get involved in this thread, but for the sake of good communication I must point out that you mean "gnostics"
"Agnostics" are something different.

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 06:49 PM
Thank you

I did indeed mean gnostics.

originally posted by: DISRAELI

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
In 200AD when agnostics was in full swing

I won't get involved in this thread, but for the sake of good communication I must point out that you mean "gnostics"
"Agnostics" are something different.

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 06:49 PM
Warning: Not for those that are scared of finding things are not how you know they are.

Submitted for your consideration, Easter. Please read 'Christian and Pagan Traditions,' 'Origin and history of the Easter bunny,' 'Origin and history of Easter Eggs.'

Finally, a Christian website that goes into the origians before the common knowledge ones.

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 06:51 PM
Excuse me.... I am talking about a Christian main stream belief not some pagan worship.

Damn .... and someone starred you... lot of dumbazz folk in this world... no disrespect to the poster.

originally posted by: Breakthestreak

When the sun rises directly in the East (20th of March nowadays but slowly shifts as the eons pass)

It’s a celebration of the equinox, hijacked by multiple religions over the ages

Just as Christmas is a hijacked version of the celebration of the solstice (December 21st nowadays)

edit on 28-3-2021 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 06:59 PM
Every easter I watch Jesus Christ Superstar and the original Night of the Living Dead.

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Ah sorry. I missed the point.

Carry on

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 07:02 PM
Not my taste BUT it did indeed spread the gospel through music.

Uhhhhhh maybe I will watch it later....

originally posted by: wheresthebody
Every easter I watch Jesus Christ Superstar and the original Night of the Living Dead.

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: Breakthestreak

In a direct answer to the OP... Easter is a pagan holiday co-opted
by the RC Church. I's technically supposed to be the first Sunday
after the first Full Moon happening after the Spring Equinox.
If you were looking for something like a solid date (like for a
real Resurrection Day) it AIN'T there. Who's protecting the
children again? Oh yeah, the same ones using all of us lab rats.

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 07:17 PM
18 On account of this, the Jews demanded, “What sign can You show us to prove Your authority to do these things?” 19 Jesus answered, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up again.” 20“ This temple took forty-six years to build,” the Jews replied, “and You are going to raise it up in three days?”…

Three days .....died on 14 Nisan plus three days makes it 17 Nisan..... prophecy fulfilled!

originally posted by: derfreebie
a reply to: Breakthestreak

In a direct answer to the OP... Easter is a pagan holiday co-opted
by the RC Church. I's technically supposed to be the first Sunday
after the first Full Moon happening after the Spring Equinox.
If you were looking for something like a solid date (like for a
real Resurrection Day) it AIN'T there. Who's protecting the
children again? Oh yeah, the same ones using all of us lab rats.

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 07:18 PM
with a squeeky high voice.......

edit on 28-3-2021 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 07:25 PM
You are mixing astronomy (a forbidden practice) with pagan worship.

Nothing to do with Christianity...

Really bad explanation...full of holes and blasphemy.

and another star.....fascinating. Lets see how many.... I am excited...

originally posted by: Breakthestreak

When the sun rises directly in the East (20th of March nowadays but slowly shifts as the eons pass)

It’s a celebration of the equinox, hijacked by multiple religions over the ages

Just as Christmas is a hijacked version of the celebration of the solstice (December 21st nowadays)

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Funny that you say astronomy is a forbidden practice. The Vadican has its own official observitory and official astronomer, mainly used to verify dates and times.

Seems to be that you are saying Catholics are not Christian. Just seeking clarification.

Believe as you will but if you did not want to discuss this then why did you make the thread?
edit on 3 28 2021 by beyondknowledge because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 08:16 PM
Easter is a pagan belief ripped off by the Christians to further their own belief system.

Easter was originally called 'Ostara' and signified the return of life to the land according to the spring equinox. (Yes, the Pagans knew about astronomy - witness Stonehenge.)

The Pagans (i.e. - Norse, Celt, Germanic - basically northern peoples) had a deity called 'The Green Man'. He brought life back to the land after the winter and reigned in spring and summer.
In the fall, he 'died' or 'went to sleep' during the winter months. At the spring equinox, he 'woke up' or was 'resurrected' and was responsible for warm weather, rain, harvests, etc.

Christians came along and said - 'Hey! We got a guy just like that! Must be the same one!' And spread their new religion through appropriation of existing beliefs.

They ripped off Christmas too.

Edit - BTS beat me on this one. Should'a read closer.

edit on 28-3-2021 by Hoser793 because: credit

edit on 28-3-2021 by Hoser793 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 08:22 PM
I will discuss anything on topic and astronomy is not the topic.

To be clear about the Vatican .... the church leadership fell long ago. Lucifer walks the halls of the Vatican for over 1500 years.

The Vatican has idols throughout its city and particularly Peters Dome with all its statues...idol worship....I can go on and on, same with protestant churches....

originally posted by: beyondknowledge
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Funny that you say astronomy is a forbidden practice. The Vadican has its own official observitory and official astronomer, mainly used to verify dates and times.

Seems to be that you are saying Catholics are not Christian. Just seeking clarification.

Believe as you will but if you did not want to discuss this then why did you make the thread?

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Well you are close. The Roman Catholic Church is a morphing of Emperial Rome. They were loosing their power over the people so they changed the way they controlled the people. They added the cross to their weapons of control.

Easter is celestrial based even if you will not admit it. Easter.

Easter was to be the Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox.

All organized religion is man made to keep control of the people. Belief has nothing to do with organized religion.

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: Breakthestreak

When the sun rises directly in the East (20th of March nowadays but slowly shifts as the eons pass)

It’s a celebration of the equinox, hijacked by multiple religions over the ages

Just as Christmas is a hijacked version of the celebration of the solstice (December 21st nowadays)

I believe the word you maybe were looking for is "Ostara" celebrating the festival of Eostre or Haéusōs the dawn goddess.
edit on 28-3-2021 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

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