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Telepathy and mind control in US government

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posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 02:40 PM
Telepathy and mind control in US government

It has become obvious that peoples exist with the ability to communicate through thought (telepathy). I believe in extension to just being able to communicate with thought, they also are able to control ones mind through suggestion and by sending telepathic signals. These signals can be suggestional/requests to perform an action, or can cause pain such as localized hit or scattered/vibration effect over a larger surface of the body. I believe these people are part of our US government under the Homeland Security umbrella (probably the CIA, but this ability has extended to other law enforcement agencies). By taking some type of chemical substance, orally or intravenously, a chemical imbalance (??really not sure of the mechanism??) is instilled in the body or brain giving them this ability.

I believe people who possess this capability are now located in large numbers throughout my home town. At some point the existence of this chemical substance became well known, and more and more people wanted it and were administered the chemical.

To my understanding there are several levels of getting “made-up,” starting with being administered this entry-level chemical substance. The further you go through the process the stronger you get. This process probably requires more or different types of chemical.

Before I go further, has anyone heard of this substance, or a US government Agency which possess this capability.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 05:02 PM
Those kind of people are involved in every function on earth. And no, it aint a chemical they take (but that could be their front) to astral project. Dont mess around for a chemical to do what they do because you may end up deceived to a negative end by them or ones pretending to be them.

Those that are telepathic can do those things (which pose as a threat) you're saying.

The governement would be foolish for intentionally getting them to work for them. Unless the gov is actually rather spying on them and their world. I mean, who wouldnt in their right mind see them (those who astral project whatever) as a threat?

Plus, all of them that astral project are evil beings. They done terrorist things with chemicals and biological subtances that inflict harm. They behave as a gang. And it's prolly certain of them behind the anthax (sp?) mail.

[edit on 21-3-2005 by Sign Related 2]

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 08:17 PM
I am not talking about people with the inherent ability to communicate with telepathic means. I am talking about people who gain this ability utilizing a chemical substance administered to them. I'm talking about any joe blow on the street who this governmental body so chooses to hire; i.e., the CIA or now our local law enforcement; being able to give this joe blow telepathic capabilities. These folks can walk around stores and communicate with one another, as well as delve into anyone's mind within that store and obtain what they are thinking. I call it pinging thought sentences from unsuspecting customers.

Also consider someone is being interrogated for a crime. The interrogators can ask the suspect a question. The suspect gives a verbal answer, but consciously or even sub-consciously thinks another answer. People with this ability can ping that non-verbalized thought from the suspect.

I believe the government, through the previous developmental programs we all read about on this and other web sites, has gained the ability to control telepathy (I use this term loosely because this capability goes far beyond mere communication with thought). They have learned how it works and are capability of, through the use of chemicals, give themselves and any one they so chose telepathic abilities. This ability is different in people. Some are stronger than others. The more you come to the table with; i.e., if you already possess some degree of telepathic abilities; then once you are administered chemicals, you could be a very strong person with all types of capabilities the run of the mill joe blow may not have.

[edit on 21-3-2005 by janson0202]

[edit on 21-3-2005 by janson0202]

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by janson0202
Telepathy and mind control in US government

It has become obvious that peoples exist with the ability to communicate through thought (telepathy). I believe in extension to just being able to communicate with thought, they also are able to control ones mind through suggestion and by sending telepathic signals. These signals can be suggestional/requests to perform an action, or can cause pain such as localized hit or scattered/vibration effect over a larger surface of the body. I believe these people are part of our US government under the Homeland Security umbrella (probably the CIA, but this ability has extended to other law enforcement agencies). By taking some type of chemical substance, orally or intravenously, a chemical imbalance (??really not sure of the mechanism??) is instilled in the body or brain giving them this ability.

I believe people who possess this capability are now located in large numbers throughout my home town. At some point the existence of this chemical substance became well known, and more and more people wanted it and were administered the chemical.

To my understanding there are several levels of getting “made-up,” starting with being administered this entry-level chemical substance. The further you go through the process the stronger you get. This process probably requires more or different types of chemical.

Before I go further, has anyone heard of this substance, or a US government Agency which possess this capability.

Yeh, its called '___'....

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by janson0202
It has become obvious that peoples exist with the ability to communicate through thought (telepathy).

Obvious, or rumoured?

I believe in extension to just being able to communicate with thought, they also are able to control ones mind through suggestion and by sending telepathic signals.

Why do you beleive this?

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by janson0202
It has become obvious that peoples exist with the ability to communicate through thought (telepathy).

Obvious, or rumoured?

I believe in extension to just being able to communicate with thought, they also are able to control ones mind through suggestion and by sending telepathic signals.

Why do you beleive this?


I lived it...

More to come.

[edit on 24-3-2005 by janson0202]

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 01:05 PM
I have chosen to revisit this thread by providing a link to a web site I currently have under construction. The site fully details the subject and governmental harassment I am currently enduring.

**link removed**

I have also seen someone else on this forum speaking of the very same type of occurrence. I will be dropping by his thread real soon to lend some support.

There are others who are receiving the same type of mental harassment, here is one to a thread posted at another forum. I will be dropping by her post to lend some support.

I can only imagine why these harassment and torture techniques initiated. I assume it is some type of cover-up where the victom was ID'd as possessing some capability, then they wanted to remove this capability so as not to be able to hear their communications. I will discuss this further at a later date, once I have had time to build my web site a bit more.

My site will also contain photo's of persons obviously involved in the harassment of my person and head. I'm sure they won't like that one bit.

[edit on 16-7-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 03:34 AM
Other countries are already adopting this method to control their cilivians.I know this because i am not an american.......
And they even give this ability to my friends and family members

I cannot even count how many times i was confronted by my family members because of what i am thinking.But i am sceptical about them using chemicals,i dont know how they give ppl this ability but i know they can give it.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 06:26 AM
I've always thought a lot of telepathy was bunk because not all of us think verbally. I made a thread on this a while back, here:

And reading feelings is even less useful, as a lot of people feel 'vague', or a collection of emotions.

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Kronn
Other countries are already adopting this method to control their cilivians.I know this because i am not an american.......
And they even give this ability to my friends and family members

I cannot even count how many times i was confronted by my family members because of what i am thinking.But i am sceptical about them using chemicals,i dont know how they give ppl this ability but i know they can give it.

I am 100% sure this capability exists and is thriving in the good ole USA. I also agree that this capability exists in countries such as UK, Canada, Russia, etc. I also strongly believe it is chemicals providing some type of imbalance in the brain or body allowing this to exist. I believe there is some type of brain structure that enhances these capabilities, makes one stronger. There are alternate processes one can go through to enhance and fine-tune (develop) these capabilities.


Originally posted by ktprktpr
I've always thought a lot of telepathy was bunk because not all of us think verbally. I made a thread on this a while back, here:

And reading feelings is even less useful, as a lot of people feel 'vague', or a collection of emotions.

One way of combating someone from eaves dropping on your thoughts is to read a book prior to going into a circumstance where they exist. You could also think the same thought over and over, that way the only thing they will pick up is that thought. Or it will at least distract them for a while. They can delve deep into your thoughts, control your mind, and make you answer questions (subconsciously maybe) without you knowing it.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 04:11 PM
I have the same experience.

It was made obvious to me (so exposed to it consistently that I couldn't deny it to myself any longer) that they could read my mind in 2006. Then it was made obvious they could read not only my thoughts but mental images that had no words associated. Then it was made obvious they could do so at least two days before I actually thought anything.

The first time I think this happened was in 1981. But just before 2006, when there was more consistent mindreading, a perpetrator (perp) family member told me to go see a a neurologist for testing, although nothing was wrong with me. She told me to bring home the test results (MRI, EEG), told me to throw them away, then asked when and where I threw them away. Apparently the MRI and EEG tests helped them tune into my brainwaves.

Around that time, another perp family member sent me to a dentist who replaced silver fillings with white ones. Both family members and the dentist turned out to be perps (I did not know it at the time.)

If you watch, the perps around you are not reading your mind directly. They stop what they are doing, look down and sometimes walk to a quiet place, and seem as if they are listening to a phone call through an ear plug (but there is no phone or ear plug). Then they lift their head and make a statement to you (that was transmitted to them.)

It seems wherever you go, the perps come crawling out to find you and let you know they are perps. That is because the transmission may be emanating from/through you. And they are tuned in to the transmission.

The following are involved to condition the target: drugs, hypnosis/psychological methods, and some kind of wireless technology. Perps are targets that are completely under control. I would love to find out what you have discovered since you posted this 4 years ago.

[edit on 5-6-2009 by quetee]

[edit on 5-6-2009 by quetee]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by janson0202

You said :
By taking some type of chemical substance, orally ...

These guys immediately come to mind -


... (also Hashishin, Hashashiyyin, or Hashasheen) from which the word assassin is thought to originate, was the Persian derived designation of the Nizari branch of the Ismā'īlī Shia Muslims during the Middle Ages.

Source : Wikipedia

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 11:44 PM
That is very interesting. Even if these people take the chemical, I highly doubt that they would as good abilities as if they were to meditate frequently. Yes, they have telepathy, but you can achieve a higher state of being. I would suggest deliberately messing with them, such as saying " I know you're watching and I think you are very ugly. Your face looks like a pug. I am about to fart, how about you leave the room?" Just things like that, it would be funny and they would know not to mess with you since you can mess with them back. Besides, the gov. and people participating in harassing you will get bad karma for using these abilities for ill intent.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 11:49 PM
It's mechanical based on subvocalization...Link

So much for conspiracy theorists being crazy...we have a decent bead at times...and the chemical aspect is a relevant point of ponderance...

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 08:20 PM
You have hurt to many innocent people. I think the government mind reading vampires only stuck to bad people but that was not enough. Your making stuff up now to make any one you want look bad with that tele drug. I'm on to you. Could of been a good thing , but you messed it all up. You set the wrong people up. You torture people now. They just don't know it. You make yourself look good. But you're scum liar. I will tell you your game. , The biggest lies are the ones close to the truth. That's what you play . You win. Now what? Your running out of lies. It's the same olé same olé. I'm doing this I'm doing that. You're !#×@% $$! Nuts. Do you work at a bank? What's that stuff you're putting in our food? Tele drug.You are like a 12th grade bully. A very evil one. You bend the laws as far as your kind can with out them breaking. Well i can see where it did break you are super glue expert. Coward you are. I see you play hide and seek good to. I say dominoes fall, and game over. Oh yeah stop messing with our human children. That's where you begin isn't it? You are a evil little punk. Give up. Or get exposed. There's so much more I can say.not now,

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 03:09 AM
a reply to: janson0202

I'll tell you this - they have built a new "system" for their minds, and now, they can live in a doctored collective state, the problem is that they are still primitive. Being primitive, they cannot handle the fact that some humans stand alone - and because of this, these "loners" or "lone wolves" appear as the enemy.

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 04:59 AM
a reply to: MemoryShock
Well tech-based is more likely than telepathy. Still, why does it have to be a bad thing? I actually have a lot of fun with it. See, the thing is, it is what you make of it. If you consider yourself a "targeted individual" tell a few creepy jokes, if no one shoots you, why worry?

Chemicals, aren't necessary something that gets from an outside source, the human body is capable of producing them all by itself. Adrenaliine, for example. If your chiped someone only has to trigger a certain part of your brain and boom: euphoria!

Just chill people, the skill of survival is a matter of adapting to your environment. Sure it can be scary, how fast we're advancing, but don't fall in to the doomy-trap. It's new, not the end of the world, or our individual freedom.

You can't change it anyways, so learn to deal with it. Humor helps. Also the personal required to constantly control and read everybody would be huge! Therefore it has to be some algorythm, or computer taking over the communication. Just like with controling the internet: It is impossible.... Maybe a few trigger words, or in this case thoughts that draw attention, but I've threatened to blow up the universe, set god and all aliens on fire... Nothing happened. Still free, alive, and cracking bad jokes.

posted on Jan, 23 2015 @ 01:35 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Tech based is certainly more likely. Not that there is an immediate need to actually vette this type of research right now.

It should be noted that there are a few flaws in your expression. Adrenaline does not necessitate euphoria. In fact, often times it does the opposite. It's a stress hormone and often artificially stimulated by cortisol production...which can be incurred through simple dietary habits (drink three cups of coffee and feel the cortisol then adrenaline then physical anxiety; it's a physiological reaction/mindset that can determine how one reacts to events and ideas). Other habits can inflect this as well...

Considering oneself a 'targeted individual' is not easily dismissed with jokes. It's a psychological issue that has more to do with a lack of variant social structure, education and viable avenues for social/professional progress.

I spent a lot of time in that topic and found that I don't believe the majority. I think that it is easy to construct wild theories because the rate of information intake exceeds the ability to learn context and subsequent extrarationalization. It's easier to repeat mundane truths and exasperated falsehoods then it is to provide individual prompts...which is why I think government telepathy is likely a very segmented experiment in actuality.

But the psychological phenomena of considering oneself a targeted individual likely points to more fundamental sociological problems...meaning there is some validation for paranoia. Our lack of direct communication with people we interact with everyday (in general; within society) in tandem with disparate media could be the cause of this type of introversion...who knows...

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 02:40 AM
I’m living proof of what they’re doing. Homeland has been watching me for a year now and most definitely have the ability of telepathy/mind control even with animals. I’ve had many experiences seeing this over the last year. They have taken control of all electronic devices around me and can even manipulate the characters in any television show or movie using some kind of cgi technology. They have taken control of all the games I’ve played in so many ways it’s hard to explain. They are constantly reading my mind and manipulate my gaming according to my thoughts however they choose. I can also hear the people who are investigating me inside my head somehow. I’m not sure how it’s possible but I can make out what their saying 24/7 it’s very faint and can only hear certain words but I can hear them conversating back and forth about me. They believe that I have committed murder of about 6 or 8 people and they do not believe that I am innocent and will not back off until I say what they believe I did. There is 3 people that are always watching me, a crazy lady who will not believe me at all, an older man who is very stubborn, and another dude who actually does believe me and says I’m too stupid to the other 2 and are constantly arguing over the situation I’m in. Also sometimes I can hear their boss enter the room and I guess other people that work there come in the room to check on the case because of how long that it’s been going on now. I know how crazy this may sound everyone but I promise you this is very real. I’ve had an mri done and it came back with very positive results, also I have never had any type of medical issue in the past that has to do with any type of brain activity, I am in perfect health. I’m looking for people that have gone through the same thing that I’m going through now and really need someone I can talk to about this about getting help. I want to sue these bastards so bad for messing my life up for the last year or so. They’ve made it very hard to play games or watch tv and trust me I’ve played games my whole life and have never come across anything like this before, this # is VERY real and not funny to me at all.

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 02:48 AM

originally posted by: janson0202
Telepathy and mind control in US government

It has become obvious that peoples exist with the ability to communicate through thought (telepathy).

It is absolutely incredible the power of the individual to micro read expressions. Empathize through micro actions. And predict through human behavior and a combination of everything to read their target.

Seriously... this area of study is fricking scary. Someone who can read you on the levels I mentioned, can get you to do near anything.

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