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Revealed: Chilling social media posts of mother who 'carried on like normal' ...

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posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: Fisherr
Hope this is what she is told.

I think that show was some of his best work. Likely because I can completely relate to his cynical nature.

On topic....just disgusting. Kids dying to be rich and make adult decisions...from the story is sounds as if her parents may have not been the best either. Says she and her mom moved into the place in 2019, though no other mention of her....says only her dad was at the hearing.
edit on 3/29/21 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: Dalamax
Because they are nut job eugenics enthusiast war mongering hypocrites?
a reply to: HarryJoy

Well....I'm not sure about all of that...but anyway Imo...the bigger problem of modern society is the creation of a false set of standards for what determines "success" an illusion created by the entertainment industry and big business.

The fact that the illusion is carried around with us all of our waking hours and accessed on a regular basis throughout the day insures that its influence will be greater than ever.

The reality is that some aspects of modern technology have had devastating effects on the psychology of humanity.

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: SeaWorthy
a reply to: pravdaseeker
To many of these stories, that is why I say early abortion is better than babies suffering at the hands of teen parents in many cases, unwanted, unloved, hurt and abused. That creates a whole new generation of angry mentally unstable people.


Personal responsibility to have avoided pregnancy in the first place was the best strategy. With the abortion route, the little girl is murdered either way.

Early a clump of cells at least no suffering for years.
Yes best strategy but when did a teen or victims ever have a strategy?

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 12:12 PM
Wait what????????????????????????????????

This wasn't one night to go party on her 18th birthday which is horrible in was SIX DAYS the child was left alone...geez...

Just makes me wonder how horrible the child's 20 months of life were too...Well I hope the mom get 40 years to think about it.

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

It's the UK.

She'll be told that's she's been very naughty and that she mustn't do it again.
Then the magistrate will tell her to run along because he's got to prepare for a big trial where he'll be locking up a pensioner for five years for not having a TV licence.

British justice......the envy of the world!

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: pravdaseeker

That was a beautiful baby and I would have taken her in as well.
I wonder why she didn't leave the baby with her family? Someone
would have taken that baby in if she had just asked.

posted on Mar, 30 2021 @ 02:59 AM
Wow, what the HELL did she EXPECT was going to happen by abandoning her baby for a week?! She expected to come back from partying after a week and her 6 mo. old would be "fine?!?!"

If you're going to be a bad parent, DON'T have kids. REEEEEAL simple.
edit on 30-3-2021 by Kromlech because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2021 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: Kromlech

British "education"........the envy of the world!


posted on Mar, 30 2021 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: pravdaseeker

Beyond this senseless tragedy, how ironic is it that this story appears in the dailymail, in the "Femail" section, which is chocked full of 'stars' and social media 'influencers' just like this broken down slut every single day! The same people who have made exactly zero contribution to society as a whole, but rather only to their own selfish selves. Kardashians indeed! Trash who are famous just for being famous. They are nothing more than leeches and whores!

I find it equally stupendous, and disgusting, that the dailymail feels compelled to run this story and use this MURDERER'S glamor pictures from social media. Her likeness should be banished from all media forever more; never again should her face be shown! It is beyond disgusting that even in death, media outlets will do absolutely ANYTHING to sell an advertisement, including posting numerous glamor shots of a child murderer.

Truly pathetic!

posted on Mar, 30 2021 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Is it also worth pointing out that the media scum are NOT screeching about how ALL women are potentially like this and that they should ALL apologise?

Maybe we need a 6pm curfew for ALL women.

British Media.........the envy of absolutely no-one, anywhere, ever!

posted on Mar, 30 2021 @ 05:17 AM
I understand your outrage FCD. I think my solution is still a viable alternative to erasing her from the book of life.
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

posted on Mar, 30 2021 @ 05:34 AM

edit on 30-3-2021 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2021 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: Dalamax

Emma Jayne Magson says no.

posted on Mar, 30 2021 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: pravdaseeker

I think your example only further amplifies the need for swift and furious justice on this murderess. Here's why...

When I was a kid my parents sold our house to a very nice younger couple. It was a very nice home in a very upscale area. They had tried for years to have children but were unable to. Then, they tried for years to adopt. The family was finally successful in adopting an infant baby boy. We had moved far away, but my best friend who lived across the street became good friends with the family and often babysat their little boy. One day the mother received a phone call. The boy was two then. In the brief time she was on the phone their adopted son slipped out the back door and drowned in the built-in pool in the back yard. Prior to this the mother had been a doting parent whose entire world revolved around their adopted son. The tragedy destroyed her. It's a truly tragic story.

Now, the reason I tell this story is as a counterpoint to your assertion that the woman in the OP should not be punished, and that she will have ample time to punish herself in the end. While it may seem counter-intuitive because my story seems to support what you are suggesting, the two women could not be more different.

On the one hand, you have a woman who wantonly abandoned her child, neglected it and ultimately killed the poor baby simply due to her own selfishness and vanity. And on the other hand, you have a woman who tried for nearly a decade to conceive and/or adopt a child, a person who was a model mother, and she tragically loses the child to a single moment of inattention. So, was the woman who took her eyes off her child for just one moment any less guilty than the one who abandoned her child for 6 days of partying? I'll leave that for you and others to decide. To find the real answer, we'll need to look deeper.

Unfortunately, in order to bring the matter into the true light of day we have to bring another couple of variables into the discussion, and these are the topics of abortion and adoption. I don't really have a strong opinion on abortion one way or the other (I'm sorry, but I just don't). I do, however, have a pretty strong opinion on adoption, and that opinion is that parents who wish to adopt a child are put through almost unimaginable scrutiny and pain when they attempt to adopt. For what? What purpose does this serve? In theory, it vettes out the prospective parents to not be parents like the ones who abandon their precious gift of life for 6 days of partying. However, in practice, it does absolutely nothing to ensure that parents who have a natural born child don't abandon their child for 6 days of partying. And, herein lies the problem, the injustice. And it is here where justice needs to be served, both swiftly and with great vengeance. Because, if it is not, then the 'system' has undermined any possible justification it has for the scrutiny and pain it puts prospective adoptive parents through.

I am not suggesting here that prospective adoptive parents should not have to undergo some sort of fitness test for being a parent, that's not the point. What I am demanding though is, neglectful parents who willfully allow grave harm or death to come to their natural born children, under their care and custody, should be punished with a vengeance like no other. Children are the single biggest responsibility a person can ever possibly have.

Oh, and one final thought; if you were to ask my own personal opinion of who, between the two women discussed above, was more guilty? My answer would be...neither. They are both equally guilty. It's the harsh reality between life and death.

edit on 3/30/2021 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2021 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk

On the one hand, you have a woman who wantonly abandoned her child, neglected it and ultimately killed the poor baby simply due to her own selfishness and vanity.

It would be hard to convince me she didn't want to kill the baby in the first place...6 days

I also wonder why she didn't just abort the baby in the first place if her life was just too busy to have one...

posted on Mar, 30 2021 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero
For many girls in the UK a bay-bay is merely a fashion accessory and a means to secure themselves some social housing and £benefits£.
You may think I'm being harsh when I talk like this but it's what they've been trained for by our system.

There's also the attitude of not giving a fig what anyone thinks and they can do whatever they please.
Also, they seem to think that iif its OK to "accidentally" have a bay-bay then it's OK to "accidentally" lose one.

Yet on sosh-meed they think they are genius superstars full of compassion for all the right causes. How do these people expect to "save" they world when they can't even save their own offspring?

posted on Apr, 1 2021 @ 03:03 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: pravdaseeker

I think your example only further amplifies the need for swift and furious justice on this murderess. Here's why...

When I was a kid my parents sold our house to a very nice younger couple. It was a very nice home in a very upscale area. They had tried for years to have children but were unable to. Then, they tried for years to adopt. The family was finally successful in adopting an infant baby boy. We had moved far away, but my best friend who lived across the street became good friends with the family and often babysat their little boy. One day the mother received a phone call. The boy was two then. In the brief time she was on the phone their adopted son slipped out the back door and drowned in the built-in pool in the back yard. Prior to this the mother had been a doting parent whose entire world revolved around their adopted son. The tragedy destroyed her. It's a truly tragic story.

Now, the reason I tell this story is as a counterpoint to your assertion that the woman in the OP should not be punished, and that she will have ample time to punish herself in the end. While it may seem counter-intuitive because my story seems to support what you are suggesting, the two women could not be more different.

On the one hand, you have a woman who wantonly abandoned her child, neglected it and ultimately killed the poor baby simply due to her own selfishness and vanity. And on the other hand, you have a woman who tried for nearly a decade to conceive and/or adopt a child, a person who was a model mother, and she tragically loses the child to a single moment of inattention. So, was the woman who took her eyes off her child for just one moment any less guilty than the one who abandoned her child for 6 days of partying? I'll leave that for you and others to decide. To find the real answer, we'll need to look deeper.

Unfortunately, in order to bring the matter into the true light of day we have to bring another couple of variables into the discussion, and these are the topics of abortion and adoption. I don't really have a strong opinion on abortion one way or the other (I'm sorry, but I just don't). I do, however, have a pretty strong opinion on adoption, and that opinion is that parents who wish to adopt a child are put through almost unimaginable scrutiny and pain when they attempt to adopt. For what? What purpose does this serve? In theory, it vettes out the prospective parents to not be parents like the ones who abandon their precious gift of life for 6 days of partying. However, in practice, it does absolutely nothing to ensure that parents who have a natural born child don't abandon their child for 6 days of partying. And, herein lies the problem, the injustice. And it is here where justice needs to be served, both swiftly and with great vengeance. Because, if it is not, then the 'system' has undermined any possible justification it has for the scrutiny and pain it puts prospective adoptive parents through.

I am not suggesting here that prospective adoptive parents should not have to undergo some sort of fitness test for being a parent, that's not the point. What I am demanding though is, neglectful parents who willfully allow grave harm or death to come to their natural born children, under their care and custody, should be punished with a vengeance like no other. Children are the single biggest responsibility a person can ever possibly have.

Oh, and one final thought; if you were to ask my own personal opinion of who, between the two women discussed above, was more guilty? My answer would be...neither. They are both equally guilty. It's the harsh reality between life and death.

There is the small detail of intent. One was inattentive for a moment. Tragedy ensued and consumed her, no? The other intended to leave an infant alone for days on end and party. Tragedy ensued and she wanted to be a kardashian.

posted on Apr, 1 2021 @ 03:07 AM

originally posted by: Tulpa
a reply to: Dalamax

Emma Jayne Magson says no.

The chick who got stabby when her boyfriend hit the throttle? I’m not sure how her negative attitude to my socially beneficial solution is authoritative?

posted on Apr, 1 2021 @ 03:15 AM
a reply to: Dalamax

Well, I don't think either person consciously "intended" to kill their child (but maybe I'm being naïve). I think in the case of the 6-day party slut, she just wasn't smart enough to even care. To her, kids were like Doritos...'don't worry, I'll just make more'. (probably a sick pun on a corporate slogan, but she was a sick person, so there.)

posted on Apr, 1 2021 @ 03:59 AM
a reply to: Dalamax
Certainly not authoritative .

But I don't recall a men's march. Nor did I see any #toxic femininity "trending".
She got a pretty hefty sentence, too.
Strangely, the media were pretty quiet about it at the time and I'm not aware of any calls for a curfew.


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