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Mexican child, 9, dies trying to enter US: border patrol

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posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Tempter


I have to wonder though, how do they know the child is Mexican, especially since he was with a Guatemalan woman and her child?

Was this an unaccompanied minor from Mexico? That's strange. Most unaccompanied minors seeking US asylum pass through Mexico, and are not from Mexico.

Most unaccompanied children arriving at the U.S. border are coming from the Northern Triangle region of Central America, which includes Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

Still, sad, very sad.

Own it because you do.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 03:12 PM
South Americans see kids like we did in the 20's, have 10 so hopefully 2 make it.

As to a solution, if I was Gov of said border state, I would deploy the Guard units to the border, and document, film the arrest of all illegals...force the Fed to respond as local TV news dudes could go viral around the world. USe the lefty tactics against them. I would deputize any landowners to apprehend tresspassers. I would get my Sherriff's on side and use all of them to enforce border security.

I would then sue Mexico for for expenses since it is they who have let migrants travel 2,000 miles across their country unchecked.

a reply to: Tempter

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: Tempter

How can we put an end to this?

That my friend is the $64.000 question , there is no easy answer because people will always want what's best for themselves and their children, if risking death is the price then for the desperate it's a price worth paying.

Not advocating for illegal migration as we have a similar problem in the UK but finding the answer of how to stop it has so far alluded successive Conservative governments.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: Tempter

Dude just said, with covid rules there should only be 250 max at this shelter. No coof rules max 1000 and today there were over 4000 at this facility. Not a crisis though right?

edit on 26-3-2021 by seeker1963 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: gortex

No, it didn’t “elude” them. The plan was to build a wall and guard it, and have Mexico assist from their side. And it was working.

But! The Democrats and bleeding hearts screamed how Inhumane it was, pitched fits, protested, and blocked funding.

This child’s death falls square in the lefts lap! Along with that senile senior citizen idiot they let steal the election.

Doors open kids, come on over! What a plan...

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 03:33 PM
Here is a plan. House all of them within 100ft of every senator and rep in Texas. And when that gets crowded, move em into the richest areas. Problem would get solved REAL fast.

a reply to: seeker1963

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 03:36 PM
Actually, its the $10k question. AS in how do these exceedingly poor migrants get $10k to pay the Yotes?

a reply to: gortex

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: Tempter

Death has officially made this a Joe Biden CRISIS. That it's a child is even worse.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 03:40 PM
Biden is a failure
His party is a failure
His anti-American civilisation-destroying polices are a failure

EVERY single leftist who faked being outraged at the pretend inhumanities of the border under the last administration is nothing but a lying piece of sh#t

Not a single one of you care about those people at all

That’s obvious

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: TexasTruth

No, it didn’t “elude” them. The plan was to build a wall and guard it, and have Mexico assist from their side. And it was working.

Wasn't talking about your country , we've had successive Conservative governments you have not.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 03:59 PM
First, you do what Biden is doing. You send people down to see what the heck is happening that people are fleeing there own Country.

Second, you do what Biden is doing. You try and create facilities (that Trump dismantled) so you can handle these surges. Which by the way happened under all previous Presidents including Trump.

Third, you do what Biden did. Pass it off to Harris and let her worry about getting it together with people who understand the problem.

Fourth, YOU NEED TO SECURE THE BORDER. And that DOESN'T mean a 2000 mile wall that EVERYONE knows will be scaled or cut or tunneled under. It means more boarder patrol officers, electronic monitoring, drones, and YES some wall.

Fifth, fine the living daylights out of any business or person that hires an illegal without proper paperwork.

Sixth, fine any landlord who rents to an illegal.

Seventh, get CONGRESS to do their JOBS, and finally pass legislation to correct the problem of immigration. I personally don't care if you kick all illegals out, or keep all of them. But it's been decades, can we do something? We're the United States of America for God's sake.

edit on 26-3-2021 by MiddleInsite because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 04:06 PM
“Do what biDen is doing”

Put a celebrated ‘open borders advocate’ and a brazen anti-American piece of garbage in charge of the situation

Good idea

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: slatesteam

Yes yes. It is very sad to see some on here ponder all the political implications while a child is dead.

Political implication? You betcha...the implications are political.

a reply to: mtnshredder

Own this! It's all yours!

June 25, 2019
The father and daughter lie face down in the muddy water along the banks of the Rio Grande, her tiny head tucked inside his T-shirt, an arm draped over his neck.

The portrait of desperation was captured on Monday by the journalist Julia Le Duc, in the hours after Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez died with his 23-month-old daughter, Valeria, as they tried to cross from Mexico to the United States.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
First, you do what Biden is doing. You send people down to see what the heck is happening that people are fleeing there own Country.

Second, you do what Biden is doing. You try and create facilities (that Trump dismantled) so you can handle these surges. Which by the way happened under all previous Presidents including Trump.

Third, you do what Biden did. Pass it off to Harris and let her worry about getting it together with people who understand the problem.

Fourth, YOU NEED TO SECURE THE BORDER. And that DOESN'T mean a 2000 mile wall that EVERYONE knows will be scaled or cut or tunneled under. It means more boarder patrol officers, electronic monitoring, drones, and YES some wall.

Fifth, fine the living daylights out of any business or person that hires an illegal without proper paperwork.

Sixth, fine any landlord who rents to an illegal.

Seventh, get CONGRESS to do their JOBS, and finally pass legislation to correct the problem of immigration. I personally don't care if you kick all illegals out, or keep all of them. But it's been decades, can we do something? We're the United States of America for God's sake.

You mean do what Biden’s doing and drop them off in the middle of the desert with nothing but the clothes on their back? Have you ever been to Gila Bend? Yeah, didn’t think so.

Biden’s a JOKE as are his policies.

You’re seriously going to defend this #? Shocked face.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Is that one of the kids that the dEmocrats and their supporters urged to “come on in”?

Yep, it is. You own that one too.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: slatesteam

Yes yes. It is very sad to see some on here ponder all the political implications while a child is dead.

Political implication? You betcha...the implications are political.

a reply to: mtnshredder

Own this! It's all yours!

June 25, 2019
The father and daughter lie face down in the muddy water along the banks of the Rio Grande, her tiny head tucked inside his T-shirt, an arm draped over his neck.

The portrait of desperation was captured on Monday by the journalist Julia Le Duc, in the hours after Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez died with his 23-month-old daughter, Valeria, as they tried to cross from Mexico to the United States.

I’m going to blame it on Obama.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

Really biden is inviting this people to come to the US that is what the senile old man is doing, inviting everybody into the US with tax payer money to give them housing, hotels, free money and under their anti constitutional bill on voting a free vote.

China old senile biden invited all illegals to come to America, that means all, including sex traffickers, gangs, terrorist, drug cartels, and the children they were sold by their families to coyotes for money to bring them to the US so they can go missing after some pedophiles collect them on the detention centers.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: MiddleInsite

Really biden is inviting this people to come to the US that is what the senile old man is doing, inviting everybody into the US with tax payer money to give them housing, hotels, free money and under their anti constitutional bill on voting a free vote.

China old senile biden invited all illegals to come to America, that means all, including sex traffickers, gangs, terrorist, drug cartels, and the children they were sold by their families to coyotes for money to bring them to the US so they can go missing after some pedophiles collect them on the detention centers.

Every one of them knows this already

They’re liars

biDen has personally and directly caused this crisis and every one of his disgusting base knows it

Not a single one of them care at all about the people involved

That’s obvious

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 04:25 PM
Didn’t three others drown in the river this week? Sadly, I think they did.

posted on Mar, 26 2021 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: Breakthestreak
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Is that one of the kids that the dEmocrats and their supporters urged to “come on in”?

Yep, it is. You own that one too.

It's someone that tRump drove to desperation because of his refusal to process asylum applicants and forcing them to stay in Mexico policies.

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