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This is it. The reason for the DUMBs. Combined Ecological Meltdown 2048-2080.

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posted on Mar, 27 2021 @ 01:30 AM
This is pretty much all you need to learn to get the answers for every single Conspiracy question you have ever pondered or asked....all of it....everything.....its all wrapped up in this one single issue.

Religon...Secret Societies...Royal Families...Evil cabals....Governments....Industrial Complex Entities....UFOs....Free Energy Suppression.....AntiAgeing....MedBeds....all of it is entangled in this one single overriding Global Web.

This linked Model shows the absolute best places to stage your Shelter......the ABSOLUTE BEST ONES.

BUckle up Sunshine....things are going to get really hot then really wet then really cold really soon.

posted on Mar, 27 2021 @ 11:07 AM
I feel that the stars have aligned a bit here, as by chance I'm reading a book which crosses paths with the conspiracy I'm envisioning in this thread. In fact, there are three strands of conspiracy thought cross-pollinating in my brain, and I will endeavour to explain as neatly as I can.

1 - This OP. That DUMBs are being constructed, stocked, and populated with persons pre-approved for survival when the collapse of big agriculture & big fisheries occur between 2048 & 2080. Incidentally, the Newton quote from page 1 fascinates me - I had heard of Newton's Biblical studies on prophecy, in fact he spent more time on that subject than on his well-known scientific studies. The quote selected seems to show a near bulls-eye accurate average of the dates selected in this thread, with fisheries collapsing in 2048, and agriculture collapsing by 2080. That's too close for comfort, and knowing how much effort Newton put into his prophecy studies, I don't doubt for an instant that he's probably nearer than most to working out the date range in question.

2 - 'Act of War' by Brad Thor. A middle-of-the-road spooks & operators thriller author, I have enjoyed reading a few of his novels as a change from my usual fare of non-fiction books covering all manner of scientific research, religious/spiritual studies & alternative research. In the book I happened to be reading on & off before I even contemplated writing this thread (before I had watched the second documentary), the storyline posits that the Chinese see war with America as inevitable, and rather than lose on a level playing field, they will seek to undermine the US position using techniques of unrestricted, assymmetric warfare - anything goes, below the belt, no-holds-barred disruption, destruction, and whatever they can do to ensure that they win NOW, not in twenty year's time. I see the initiation of the pandemic, a virus launched from a coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, in research that had been outsourced from the US under Democrat rule, hence a false flag dressed up as a foreign accident. This has been the ultimate destabilisation of the otherwise politically stable Western world, and we are positioned, with dodgy vaccine technology being rolled out, for a potential culling that may yet prove to have been the ultimate in first strikes, possibly even reaching the magic number of 90% killed, issued at the behest of a cabal of powerful corporate interests including Chinese, and Nazi-facilitated bodies of money & power, scientific research & ideological indoctrination.

3. The operation in the book is called 'Operation SnowDragon', and involves a principle attack that knocks the American economy out of the park, reducing the population to 10% (by a method not yet explained in the book, I'm halfway through) & then moving in on the territory after 90% of the population has been killed off in the first wave attack. They would do so 'legitimately' because the Chinese have purchased all the US bad national debt, which was collateralised by providing mining rights in the Rockies, oil & gas exploration in Alaska, and many other such land rights as security for the loans - which, after the first strike, would be called in for payment. After the attack, the Chinese would move in, stake their rather legitimate claim, then fend off the remaining locals while they rebuilt China # 2 in their own image.

This may be why we now see an ineffective US president holding the fort until the vaccine program is completed, when the kill switch is tripped, resulting in a global 'hunker down' order, where government & corporate led groups will enter their DUMBs just prior to the kill switch leading to the 90% death toll predicted in the book (and as predicted by the Georgia Guidestones). The Chinese would immediately swoop in to stake a claim, even while the citizens of value remain hunkered down in the underground DUMBs, with those Chinese farmers using old tech to replenish the fertility of the land which otherwise is sterile due to the agricultural pesticide policies of big agriculture in the decades preceding these events.

Conclusion ~

We're f(^@>d.

But seriously, where do we go from here? They have raped the planet consistently for decades, knowing that the economic bubble to end economic bubbles, the petrodollar itself, is inevitably bound to collapse completely at some point, so they took as much from the system as they could, the only preparations made being the DUMBs for high value citizens to survive - and everyone else, with or without China's express assistance, will be screwed when the perfect storm of petrodollar collapse, dustbowl agricultural collapse, and sterile seas collapse, culminates in a global collapse of empire to out-rival anything the Ancient World saw.

This will literally be a Great Decimation, with wars to end all wars sparking off all over the globe, as the powerful slide into their DUMBs to ride out the storm, as the hardy Chinese move in to claim their new territory. Unless another group decides to mount a resistance, and unless they act soon.

Daniel 12: 1

“At that time Michael, the archangel who stands guard over your nation, will arise. Then there will be a time of anguish greater than any since nations first came into existence. But at that time every one of your people whose name is written in the book will be rescued.

edit on MarchSaturday2113CDT11America/Chicago-050007 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling

posted on Mar, 27 2021 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
Isaiah 51:6


and last but not least....
John 14:2
“In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”

Be filled with joy! Those the Son set free, are free indeed.

Get set free

Great and CORRECT answer.

An estimated more than 50 million abortions are carried out every single year, those are lives of children that would have had there own children and one of the main reason's for the growing elderly and shrinking young population is this ongoing genocide.

But the Lord told us of this and even of the DUMB's.

Look, the days are coming when people will say, ‘Blessed are the barren women, the wombs that never bore, and breasts that never nursed!’ 30At that time ‘ they will say to the mountains, “Fall on us!” and to the hills, “Cover us!”’ 31For if men do these things while the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry

posted on Mar, 27 2021 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: one4all
I was taken by Humans wearing Blue Onepiece Jumpsuit style Military type Uniforms who operated a very large Craft.

They showed me a very good reason for building DUMBS.

The woman who is the Guest in this video is the very first person I have ever encountered online since I joined ATS that has IMHO BEEN TAKEN BY THE SAME GROUP..... I HAVE READ A LOT OF PEOPLES HISTORIES OF CONTACT WITH DIFFERENT GROUPS CALLED NORDICS AND PLEADIANS......none have had her bang on correct attention to detail that this Woman has....not to mention how well she has come to terms with her new reality.

This Group showed me what is coming.....not good....not good at all....Im not sure whats up with the bigger Picture in terms of others relationships with these People ....but I know what I know.

We will need J-Shaped underground shelters located @ the correct junctures.

I believe you but beware we are in an overlapping reality, parallel reality's sometimes bleed over into one another and reality convergence (AKA probably cause of Mandela affects) as well as divergence are probably just a function of the universe.

God has both physical and spiritual and other angel's, the watchers were physical for example but higher dimensional and abused there ability for there own goal's.

Won't get into my own Childhood experiences but let's say some of these other being's are definitely not good, MJ 12 ARE traitors to the human race that is a definite fact and there is far more to this planet and it's history than any of these sides know or will acknowledge.

As a young man I had a series of three extremely vivid dream's, they were like reliving memory's rather than dreaming and I was me but a very distant in time and far more advanced and intelligent version of me, still we, those ancient people looked just like you and me.

First dream I was a young man on this - other - world and we were living under a curfew as our world had been invaded by a militaristic power whom looked a little like us but had black hair, dark eye's, grey skin and wore grey uniform's and they were all cloned very few variations on them.

Our race were actually ancient, far more evolved than the invaders and we were peaceful, we lived in agrarian life style and long, very long before we had been explorers of the universe, we did not use vocal speech though we could instead we used a single language like a form of telepathy were we could know the abstract thoughts of one another and so work both faster and far more complicated than any computer AI could ever do.

We, me and a group of others including immediately two others were working on building a one way small craft that was to carry a transmitter outside the blocking shield the invaders had placed around our world, the thing had no wing's and was basically a cylinder with only room for the pilot whom was not expected to come back down, I was working on the distress transmitter that was going to send out a signal to other worlds hoping someone would hear us and be aware that the or a NEW ENEMY was on our planet seeking our ancient knowledge for evil conquering purposes.

The second dream we were older and the the enemy had planted devices that were boring toward the core of our planet, an ancient world were geological action's had stopped a very long time before, it was bigger than the earth but had a world ocean and land mass that were basically the rims' of huge ancient craters projecting above the water in circular archipelago's of islands.

These devices when they reached the core of our world would destroy it utterly and we knew this and the enemy had evacuated though they still guarded our world waiting for the end of it to come.

We worked as one and now not under occupation to try to save our legacy we built a number of escape craft, these things basically resembled rockets but used other energy to launch and fly through space, they had three pod's which were engines and these somehow slowed time inside the ship's once turned on so that near to the engines time almost stopped, warped space and propelled the craft, near to the engines inside we had sleep pod's for the children though we were limited due to the small size of our craft.

At the end we launched, three adult's taking turn's at controlling the ship's while keeping the children in suspended time, they learned from us through the constant mental telepathic link all we knew.

We launched just as our planet began to blow up because it was only then that the Enemy had retreated for there own safety and that was the only window of escape we had, thousands of our ship's in all directions heading toward the most distant worlds we remembered from our cultural memory of the time of our ancestors whom had been explorers of the universe and we wept as we looked back with a deep and profound sorrow to see our peaceful and peace loving beautiful world blown to pieces below us.

The third dream I had was me in charge of the ship, we were traveling together with two other ships but over time the other two adult's in my ship had taken there turn's and died off of old age while I Was now a very old man with white hair and beard, suddenly as we passed a nearby star system not our original target world I received a message not to resist we were bring brought in to land and lost control of my ship as did the other two ship's blacking out soon after.

When I woke I found myself in a cell with the children whom were now much older than they had been when we had boarded the ship so how long we had been in space?, there were very large stones making up the structure and huge metal bars blocking the only opening a window that opened at ground level to the outside showing us a green sky, tree analogues and grass like ground covering, nearby were the three ship's sitting on the ground.

Being linked we ALL felt the sudden death of the children from one of the other two craft whom the enemy had killed and we knew it was the same enemy that had wiped out our planet, they had taken time to identify us because for them they had killed us off a very long time ago and had now expanded across much of the universe like a plague but once they had identified us and were we were originally from they decided there was no reason to keep us alive.

It was like an ancient fire woke inside of us, it was like the very soul of our world had come with us and was not going to let us die so it took us over, our eye's glowed like fire and a halo of fire like aura surrounded us and our hand's and feet, under this angry spirit's control I touched the metal which melted in my hand's and then lifted the children out before climbing out with them, what happened I do not remember other than the knowledge that this was now our world, we would turn the sky blue and wipe out the enemy from the planet.

Sound familiar, the story told by many that claims we are related to the Pleiadean's, if so they would have to be descendants of other survivors of our true ancient home world, we are likely NOT the physical descendant's but maybe spiritually related.

If that is the truth then the Grey's and Lizards are someone else, possibly the same enemy or what the enemy became.

But here is the crux, put your faith in Jesus he is most definitely real and I personally have more belief in him than some vivid dream's.

edit on 27-3-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2021 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I've had ancient dreams also, I have recounted a few on ATS, I believe I lived before, at least once - something like 12,000 years ago, I felt that I was part of a team despatched to put down a dangerous rebellion, and it felt as though the threat was universal, some insidious deception that threatened to upend the peaceful order of the Cosmos - the universe which knew itself & the glories of the Creator God behind its protoconsciousness; an awareness which extended to give a sense of that 'force', that force being the protoconsciousness of the universe (NOT the Holy Spirit as some claim) which accounts for abilities like clairvoyance, echoed in the physical laws of the universe with matters such as quantum entanglement.

I believe that there is a dangerous conspiracy at work in the world now, but that the contradiction of that conspiracy may involve greater powers than have previously been thought to exist.

The enemy craft their evils in thick darkness, using complex rules & spells to ensure they are not automatically barred from the actions they seek to impose. But they themselves don't know the strength of the force that opposes them, and it is likely that they will be shocked into submission when they realise that they will witness the undoing of all their malevolent acts, when the universe rebounds & flings it all back upon them. That is when they, and they alone, will call for the mountains to fall on them. But then it will be too late. We are caled to act today, while it is still called today, in order to bring things back into a better balance, towards the harmony that should have existed, even if we cannot get it all the way there.. Incremental improvements are those we are called to.

The metaphysical ramblings of an insane man perhaps.

But I will stand by what I say when I claim that Christ is king over all that is, and I submit to His rule, I pray for wisdom by His Spirit, and that by communion with Him, I will enter into His will for my life, and I will be made useful to His purposes. Amen!

posted on Mar, 27 2021 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Perhaps one of the weirdest I ever had was back in the (early to mid I can not narrow down exactly when but it was a really strange vivid dream) 90's, I had this dream in which I was a pilot or executioner is the more apt name for this guy, he could not be more different to the person I am but was driven by a sense of justice, of rightness and even of anger against a group whom he had been sent to dispatch.

This group had left an empire of a thousand galaxy's and settled illegally upon a planet that was very much like a very early earth except for smaller oceans, no plant life other than cactus analogues and had huge creatures native to it's vast desert like landscapes that were very much like giant versions of the dinosaurs.

They had built there colony's in huge canyon systems like the grand canyon or like Petra in fact but scaled up to grand canyon sized and had used some form of camouflage to hide there presence but we had found them and there presence risked starting a war with another power in the universe though this planet was far from our own territory and orbiting a distant star.

The ship the pilot used was made by taking a slice out of a neutron star, hollowing that slice and cutting it down to the right size until it was just a thin (Relatively - remember how much neutron material weigh's a tea spoon full something like the same as the titanic) ring and reinforcing it with the technology's and materials they had access to, it resembled a ring space station in appearance but not in function and it's central hub was the command and control or if you like cockpit, it was to say the least huge.

The ship's job was to land on the planet not to slice through it and so gravitational manipulation was used to prevent the latter as it was not to destroy the planet or it's native life but to destroy the criminal's that had illegally colonized it and put in jeopardy a greater peace, once on the planet it worked just like a giant wheel miles in width with one part on the surface of the planet and the opposite side of the rim actually above the planets atmosphere by quite a way's then to literally roll over the criminals' and there colony's leaving unusual wheel tracks' that would then be destroyed by geological time as the planet resumed it's natural development.

It was a really strange one I will just put down to bad coffee, I don't even like playing a bad guy in an RPG never mind having lived what to my mind from this perspective was a pretty nasty person I mean why not just capture them and bring them back for trial or something.

And I absolutely agree about our Lord, Yeshua is the way, the life and the resurrection.

These were when all is said and done just dream's that were realistic to the point were the mind would have difficulty distinguishing them from reality, pretty compelling dream's as well filling with little details that we would never imagine - but you know the subconscious has access to the full brain and when we sleep we may actually be more intelligent so who can say what we can dream up.

edit on 27-3-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

FFS Nikola Tesla didn't have any SEcReT PaTeNtS!! Nor did he talk to aliens or invent effective power transmitting.

He was a clever man but there's so much BS surrounding him.

posted on Mar, 28 2021 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: ziplock9000

Not sure if you are cracking a pun or being serious but there were most certainly secret patent's (locked away by the US under the guise of National Security) and the FBI did indeed raid his hotel room and STEAL his private papers and design's after his death probably fearing they may fall into hand's other than there own.

And he was not alone in his invention.

edit on 28-3-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 03:40 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

It seems you & I share a similar subconscious, and perhaps we may even have known each other in a former life!

At the very least a 'weird dreams brother' for sure..

posted on Mar, 29 2021 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

More like a planned depopulation where this vaccine is the first step. They'll hide wheile the rest of the population die soff and goes crazy trying to blame each other for the mass extermination.

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