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Aliens rooted deep within our religion and society?

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posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 02:08 PM
It has been a debate that "god" is infact the early humans interpretation of an alien being of some sort the way he would always talk to you is telepathy very similar to eyewitness and abduction reports I have watched and studied my entire life. The star the 3 wise men followed was possibley just a UFO of some sort. The virgin Mary had a baby possibley through artificial insemination creating a half alien/human hybrid we call "jesus" and believe is a direct son of "god" is really the work of some extraterrestrial beings. The 10 commandments he gave us are what I believe are guidelines to every civilized civilization possible they are not sins but actually rules. Moses was supposedly following a black cloud that was telling him to follow but was this really just a giant ufo unknown by simple human beings of the era? When it went over The Red Sea did the ships propulsion devises move the water to the side or was that really just the unseen "god" we seem to have more faith in then the actual reports from humans and not some book written by some religious fanatic. They used to call them "chariots of fire" back then and this is why I believe aliens and ufos have had a long connection with human kind even before recorded history acknowledges them. I just want to know if anyone else here has any similar proof in this topic of "god being an alien" they would like to share with me.

[edit on 21-3-2005 by RaeB]

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:00 PM
Check out Chariots of the Gods if you haven't already. Interesting read, dives into a bit of this. I am also quite taken with the topic of alien influence on early man/religion. Ancient myths vs. biblical passages and how it equates to what we "think" we know about aliens. good stuff

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:57 PM
I've always wodnered the same thing. One thing that I've found out that really interested me was the how UFO's are depicted in ancient art.

Here's a couple pictures that can be found in the link below:

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 09:38 PM
I think a lot of us here have pondered the origins of religion and "God". There's a lot of similarities and possibilities but nothing concrete. What if undeniable alien contact occured and they told us that they had created us? Would people then start worshipping them or would a large part of the religious community be in denial? The affects on the human psyche could be enormous and very damaging to some people.

We may never know.

Science has given us a platform in finding our origins. Evolution. Was it natural evolution or were we closely monitored? I tend to believe in evolution. However, Im open to a few possibilities.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 05:26 AM
Good point Anubis. I tend to think that we evolved with them watching us very closely. I don't think we would of made it this far without them being there in close proximity because we have been having tribal warefare a few thousand years. I believe it's possible they have even invented some of our most common inventions but like ya'll said there isn't concrete proof which is needed to prove that god is infact and alien being of some sort.

[edit on 3-24-2005 by RaeB]

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