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what if all these UFO's we see are...

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posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 12:31 PM
just us in the future.

• What I mean by that is, maybe they are us from the future coming back to see what went wrong, Or to reconfirm or just witness historical dates from the past. (i.e.: Hiroshima, 9/11 or pearl harbor) and maybe one of the rules about time travel is u psychically cant touch or interact with the society that u visit (and what i mean by that is; its just not possible, its almost like your a halo-gram)

• I know the features might not resemble us, but we don't know what will happen to this planet in the future. There features might be a result of a atomic bomb, genetic mutation, global warming or even a huge asteroid.

• I feel that if time travel does become a reality. Going back into the past will be much easier (lol, to put it in simple terms). Wouldn't it be just great if we can see who did live on easter island, or see how they got those statues up, etc.

• yes i know a little crazy, but sometimes i have too much time on my hands at work here ._javascript:icon('

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 12:36 PM
Without some sort of proof there is really no way to tell, but I would not label it as crazier than any other theory concerning UFOs.

Think about human evolution this way: Caveman->Modern Day Man->Typical Alien Profile. What have we seen changing from past man to present man and which of those characteristics could logically go even further into future man. Less hair, smoother features, etc.

There is a certain sense of rational logic to the idea.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 01:04 PM
the idea itself is one I've wrestled with, the physical similarities are there, bipeds, 2 eyes, so on that level its possible.
I would think aliens that travel many light years to get here would be very different from us, more like the simpsons aliens or from the movie alien. Maybe something that looks like a pizza. Its almost out of a bad 50's flick that they look so much like us. like the aliens that speak english, and just have some make-up on.

that said, you run into time travel problems, paradoxes, as with any time travel idea. What if one crashes into the kremlin, and sets off a nuclear holocaust that ends life on earth ? Then they would never exist in the how did they get here in the first place ? not a great example, but I hope you get the drift

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest

that said, you run into time travel problems, paradoxes, as with any time travel idea. What if one crashes into the kremlin, and sets off a nuclear holocaust that ends life on earth ? Then they would never exist in the how did they get here in the first place ? not a great example, but I hope you get the drift

I definitely understand what your saying about paradoxes, but like i wrote before, it would have to be set up where u can't interact with the past, but just view it almost like a t.v. It would almost be on the lines of us being there but as a image or a 3-d projection.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 01:54 PM
It's surely possible that aliens are from the future..

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 02:03 PM
here is a thunker to add to that...

prion type diseases are spreading and mutating so fast that there is a lack of understanding of who and what are at risk...(this is fact, see FMD)
this all begins with the "mad cow" type prion.

cow mutilations seem to exibit signs of sample analysis taken of areas on the cow that would be the "tell tale" areas for prion study... (all areas of a cow that would contain the most prions)

"aliens" indeed could be the future of us (after evolution and eugentics)... trying to come back to change the worst "plague" that will ever hit us.

additional reasons to think this, are that their always seems to be a "UFO" in the locality of every world changing major event and or areas of interest... (time travel sight seeing tours)

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:07 PM
i was wondering about the same thing........
if the ufos were really us

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
cow mutilations seem to exibit signs of sample analysis taken of areas on the cow that would be the "tell tale" areas for prion study... (all areas of a cow that would contain the most prions)

"aliens" indeed could be the future of us (after evolution and eugentics)... trying to come back to change the worst "plague" that will ever hit us.

WOW! What an idea.

Maybe a prion disease actually causes human appearance to change in the future - frail, grey skinned, big buggy eyes...

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:19 PM
Now add in string theory, and alternate timelines.

Say on one timeline, Reptiles survived to become the highest intelligent life.
And on another timeline Insects became the most intelligent.
And on another timeline Wolves became the most intellent.

Now follow these species to their eventual evolution to "the technology"
"The technology" being timetravel/faster than light travel.
Now say these species can jump strings/timelines into other timelines and try and change things.
Now imagine a super-string/timeline war, where there is constant jumping between in a battle for supremecy of all timelines.
(Reptilians jumping into the whitehouse, as we are launching our own squad to invade their timeline and destroy their tech, etc.)

Pretty messy, but might make a great feature film eh?

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
additional reasons to think this, are that their always seems to be a "UFO" in the locality of every world changing major event and or areas of interest... (time travel sight seeing tours)

thats exactly what i'm thinking, just imagine instead of just watching the video of some major event (that won't be fully recorded) you can watch it safely from start to finish and see the truth and not what was written in some book by 100 different authors.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:22 PM
I have put alot of thought into this as well, but have some trouble convincing myself. First of all the EBE's I don't think are evolved humans, but possibly biological or genetically engineered beings. In a sense they would be like biological robots that can be programmed to gather information and return to where they came. Could it be for humans in the future? I don't think so.

I have a problem with time travel to the past. I think the theory of relativity allows for travelling to the future, but not to the past. So what good would it do to travel to the future if you can't get back.

I still believe they come from another planet, and they look similar to us possibly because of a rule in nature that only humanoid type beings ever evolve beyond the capacity of animals.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by kdx175

(Reptilians jumping into the whitehouse, as we are launching our own squad to invade their timeline and destroy their tech, etc.)

Pretty messy, but might make a great feature film eh?

that would most def. make a great movie, lol, i think it would never end, cause the possibilities are endless. They can just jump back and forth forever and redo there fight.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:27 PM
Using this theory, how could one explain the different types, or races, of aliens that have been seen. (assuming they are all real.) Could one race have been man in the somewhat near future,(hundreds, or thousands of years) and another be man in the far future (thousands, hundred thousands...etc.)?

I have a hard time beleiving that man could become like what we call the greys at any point in the future. But of course, its possible.

But, many people have reported seeing, or talking to, very human like aliens. Who are only slightly different in appearance than we are. I beleive its very possible that they could be "us" in the future.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:33 PM
There was a book written by John Varley, called Millenium, that follows along these lines. It was also made into a movie that wasn't actually half bad. Interesting to think about. I always wanted to write a story about just this topic. Think about it, right before the missles impact in World war III we send them into the past and avert disaster. The book ends with a brontosaurus looking up at the sky and then flash, boom

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by rwatkins

I have a problem with time travel to the past. I think the theory of relativity allows for travelling to the future, but not to the past. So what good would it do to travel to the future if you can't get back.

I think i understand what your saying, But if what you say is true, then that means u can't travel either way. Cause either way you travel, you need the other to get back home. So i might not be understanding you 100%.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by whos_out_there

Originally posted by rwatkins

I have a problem with time travel to the past. I think the theory of relativity allows for travelling to the future, but not to the past. So what good would it do to travel to the future if you can't get back.

I think i understand what your saying, But if what you say is true, then that means u can't travel either way. Cause either way you travel, you need the other to get back home. So i might not be understanding you 100%.

That is my point. If you can only travel through time in one direction, then you would not be able to retrieve the information. So I don't think the aliens are travelling through time.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 10:04 AM
I just had a funny thought.

What if the aliens that crashed at Roswell are humans from the future and the reason they went back in time was to see what it was that crashed at Roswell?

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 10:36 AM
What if the UFOs are really humans from the PAST that travelled over from another dimension, that were created by robots, that were protected by intellgent onions..

The point is, the UFOs in the sky can really be ANYTHING. I have never really understood the idea of pinning them as aliens or ETVs from the begining.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Ksnazdnzon
What if the UFOs are really humans from the PAST that travelled over from another dimension, that were created by robots, that were protected by intellgent onions..

The point is, the UFOs in the sky can really be ANYTHING. I have never really understood the idea of pinning them as aliens or ETVs from the begining.

In a way no, but one thing that to me holds water is the Hill abduction case, where the Aliens claimed to be from Zeta Reticuli.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Phood

Originally posted by Ksnazdnzon
What if the UFOs are really humans from the PAST that travelled over from another dimension, that were created by robots, that were protected by intellgent onions..

The point is, the UFOs in the sky can really be ANYTHING. I have never really understood the idea of pinning them as aliens or ETVs from the begining.

In a way no, but one thing that to me holds water is the Hill abduction case, where the Aliens claimed to be from Zeta Reticuli.

Okay, the Zeta Reticuli thing was proven untrue. One of the people who claimed to be abducted drew something that looked like the star system but was later revealed to be not even close.

I don't think the aliens claimed anything, the lady had nightmares of abductions and through hypnosis revealed that the guy also did.

I'm not really sure how that proves that there were aliens or ETVs.

[edit on 19-6-2005 by Ksnazdnzon]

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