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Denmark's HALT of Astrazeneca vaccine due to blood clotting could be a political tool

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posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 05:54 AM

originally posted by: flice
Also, he said that increased amount of younger people experienced hemorraging in the skin after the 1st jab. This could be a sign of low amount of platelets and could also be causing internal hermorraging.

That's what's been reported by the New York Times regarding the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines and ITP (of course they don't acknowledge a connection between the vaccination and diagnosed cases of ITP after vaccination). Which I described as "bleeding issues" in the other thread about ITP. I guess your term "hemorrhaging" is a bit more professional, even when getting the spelling right is a bitch.

Hmm, I may have to re-evaluate my earlier opinion shared after "That being said" in my previous comment.
edit on 15-3-2021 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 06:40 AM

originally posted by: whereislogic
...Guessing is all I can do given the missing details in these sort of reports provided by unreliable sources who haven't been honest about the effectiveness of HCQ + Azithromycin + zinc + vitamin C + D3, for a year now (or the marketing campaign against this alternative treatment and in favor of vaccines instead).

What we don't need to guess about is that the treatment above (or HCQ specifically) causes neither blood clotting or hemorrhaging. QT prolongation is also not an issue in therapeutic doses. As the California doctor explains in the first video, but just in case you're not convinced, if it isn't an issue that needs to be considered when prescribing longterm usage of HCQ for rheuma patients...

Why would it then be presented as a huge issue for short-term usage in Covid patients, as The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine in conjunction with others and the media have been doing since April last year (the "marketing campaign" against HCQ I referred to earlier, see quotation at the start)?

Lancet lied About Hydroxychloroquine? (playlist)
edit on 15-3-2021 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 01:45 PM
More issues to pay attention to in regards to Astrazeneca.

- Germany halts use of Astra.

Danish doctors now warn people to pay attention to bruising... not as in hemorrhaging.
They are seeing cases when the patient experiences bruises on different parts of their body after having received the vaccine.
State that these and hemorrhaging requires specialist treatment.

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 02:24 PM
you vill take ze jab! or your freedom iz finished!

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: flice

originally posted by: bastion

originally posted by: paraphi
The EU has made a complete hash of the vaccination programme. They, the EU, has picked on AstraZeneca, both through spreading false rumours and acting like the Mafia. The EU is trying to divert attention. Picking on a British company is them trying to be clever.

The AZ vaccine has been administered millions of times in the UK. No significant problems reported.

Yup, I had my first Covid jab earlier this week; AstraZeneca was given as it's the one with the least risk of side effects or allergic reaction.

There's been one death out of 15m+ AZ vaccines, there's no evidence the death or couple of dozen clot cases are due to the vaccine as the incidence rate is lower than the normal background rate.

I hear you... and not saying this isn't the case because it very much could be.

The way Covid has dragged out now, it was inevitable that it would turn into a political tool. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in government chambers.

Incidently, it's election year for regional politics over here. Lots of balls to juggle for them right now.

The Plandemic has been a political event since the very beginning. Yes, it is still political in so many ways in Europe.

In Brazil we've learned that US made efforts to suppress the Russian injections.

Plandemic has not really been about public health, as the virus is equally morbid to influenza. It's all about politics and profits for Big Pharma. And of course looting the US treasury.

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: Salander

originally posted by: flice

originally posted by: bastion

originally posted by: paraphi
The EU has made a complete hash of the vaccination programme. They, the EU, has picked on AstraZeneca, both through spreading false rumours and acting like the Mafia. The EU is trying to divert attention. Picking on a British company is them trying to be clever.

The AZ vaccine has been administered millions of times in the UK. No significant problems reported.

Yup, I had my first Covid jab earlier this week; AstraZeneca was given as it's the one with the least risk of side effects or allergic reaction.

There's been one death out of 15m+ AZ vaccines, there's no evidence the death or couple of dozen clot cases are due to the vaccine as the incidence rate is lower than the normal background rate.

I hear you... and not saying this isn't the case because it very much could be.

The way Covid has dragged out now, it was inevitable that it would turn into a political tool. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in government chambers.

Incidently, it's election year for regional politics over here. Lots of balls to juggle for them right now.

The Plandemic has been a political event since the very beginning. Yes, it is still political in so many ways in Europe.

In Brazil we've learned that US made efforts to suppress the Russian injections.

Plandemic has not really been about public health, as the virus is equally morbid to influenza. It's all about politics and profits for Big Pharma. And of course looting the US treasury.

And you know what... The EU just greenlighted the Sputnik vaccine

Denmark still hoping for Israeli collab I think. The Danish government was just publicly challenged by one of their supporting parties. They flat out accuse the Danish government of wanting to sell health care data on 500.000 citizens in return for vaccines.

And at the same time, Denmark has made our own vaccine, made by Danes, tested in.... Holland.

But ffs, we are selling electrical power to Sweden and buying their electrical power, so it all makes sense in some insane way.
edit on 15/3/21 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2021 @ 07:39 PM
OMG...The USA paid for 300 million doses of AstraZeneca.

Did we pay for it and have it shipped to Europe?

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 02:23 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
OMG...The USA paid for 300 million doses of AstraZeneca.

Did we pay for it and have it shipped to Europe?

This footnote:

The agreement between the federal government and AstraZeneca states that “at least 300 million doses will be made available” to the government with up to $1.2 billion in government support.

So it could mean that you pledged to buy them but haven't received them yet?

LOL and you bought them Nov 18, 2020? Were they even ready to say in the media yet that the vaccines would be ready in 2020? I mean, that's showing quite some trust, you bought more of those than of Pfizer?!
edit on 18/3/21 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 02:59 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
OMG...The USA paid for 300 million doses of AstraZeneca.

Did we pay for it and have it shipped to Europe?

Someone should do a count for every nation how many vaccine doses they've paid for already (all brands), and by how much it exceeds their population, i.e. how many times over they could theoretically vaccinate their people with what has been paid for (ignoring international trade in vaccines afterwards).

Just for fun (maybe just some of the bigger players in the market).
edit on 18-3-2021 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2021 @ 07:59 AM
Live right now.

Denmark's Health Department explains their rationale to keeping halting the Astrazeneca vaccine while other countries resume the usage.

Says that they need one more week to come to the best conclusion whether to completely cancel the Astra or resume using it.

So far Denmark has 10 reports of clotting, where one of those is the special case with a very rare issues.

posted on Mar, 19 2021 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: flice

Just seems weird. In the UK, we have around 3'000 blood clots per month on average. You can get blood clots from sitting down. And, just for reference, the contraceptive pill causes roughly 1 blood clot per 1'000 women. Clots linked to the Astra Zeneca vaccine equate to one every 323'000 or so - has Denmark banned the contraceptive too?

posted on Mar, 19 2021 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: Flavian
a reply to: flice

Just seems weird. In the UK, we have around 3'000 blood clots per month on average. You can get blood clots from sitting down. And, just for reference, the contraceptive pill causes roughly 1 blood clot per 1'000 women. Clots linked to the Astra Zeneca vaccine equate to one every 323'000 or so - has Denmark banned the contraceptive too?

Yep, that question, or something similar was asked during the press conference, but they walked around it by saying that you couldn't compared the two things.

My guess is, I think someone else here wrote it as well, they will take the time, and then have the argument that it's safe and continue using it. So a political tool.

posted on Mar, 20 2021 @ 03:58 PM
German researchers might have found the cause of Astrazenecas blood clotting ability.

Preliminary findings show that the vaccine gives the immunesystem the ability to combine blood platelets and turns them into clots.

They are working on getting confirmation.

At the same time, doctor in Oslo says the faith in Astra is lost and goes against the will of the government officials.

posted on Mar, 31 2021 @ 01:39 AM
This is the original thread about the Astrazeneca vaccine and how danes experienced blood clotting and brain hemorrhaging from it.

The other thread got started later on basis of 3rd party articles that was born from the article that this thread is built upon.

Today a document leak from inside the Danish health department shows that on march 10th the day before Astra was put on hold, the government was informed that there was serious cause for concern inside the health department, a concern downplayed in the media as a cautionary move.

However, anongst these concerns the fact that the otherwise healthy people suddenly had clots was a huge problem, because as the SSI wrote:

"We cannot allow people dying from vaccines who would most likely not have died from Covid itself."

"We are seeing signs of inflammation likely due to the vaccine."

As of today, Germamy as well had banned Astra for all people under 60 due to the findings.

And I might add, polishing my own feathers, THIS was exactly what I found and highlighted in several other threads.

As far back as 2012, tests were conducted on the Sars-1 virus and 4 vaccines was developed but got halted before human trials. Why?

Because ALL 4 vaccines in 2012 in all delivery methods caused cytokine storms in mice.
The vaccine succesfully killed the virus but then proceeded to cause inflamation in healthy tissue.

These events along with Astrazeca suddenly changing its name, is alarming. It shows how pharmacutical companies dont give a damn about people, they only care about money.

posted on Mar, 31 2021 @ 01:52 AM
Also have to clarify since I cant edit the main title...

I have since moved from the idea that this was a political move. I think there is serious cause for concern for people using this vaccine if they are not in the risk groups..... but I have to say, using it if you are in the risk group is also a gamble.

The main problem being if we look back at 2012..... that if you get 1 shot and then get infected before the 2nd shot, there is a risk that your body will overrract to this mess.



Just so you dont get caught in being fed something you thought was safe.

Noone in the Danish health sector or independant experts think the name change is normal.
Astrazeneca says it is... but then why hasnt any of the others done so.
edit on 31/3/21 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2021 @ 12:54 AM
The UK now admits having found 30 cases of clotting related to the Astrazeneca vaccine.

This after several countries have booted the vaccine now called Vaxzevria.

In Denmark people are given the choice whether to receive the vaccine or not. If they choose not to, then they can freely receive another brand.

posted on Jul, 7 2021 @ 10:00 PM

originally posted by: flice
The patient who caused the Astra to be halted was a 60-year old in the health care sector who died from blood clotting shortly after having received it.

In Denmark, Astra has mainly been used to vaccinate in healthcare. Of course there are few citizens as well. At the moment we have been focusing on weakly persons like elderly and people with a risk of a bad outcome if sick from corona.

One another note:
EMA just went official that they have greenlighted the Janssen vaccine under Johnson Johnson.

However Moderne just delayed Denmarks 2 million vaccines as well...

Update 7.7.2021


Dr. Charles Hoffe reveals:

The clots begin as small protrusions from the arterial walls. Like a branch in sticking out into a stream, over time, it collects more debris.

When one breaks loose in 2, 5, or 10 years from now, that large clump of "gunk" will get stuck in the heart, or the brain, or the lungs, or lower legs.

The result will range from severe pain (legs) to heart attack, to stroke, to death from asphyxiation.

I almost died from a dislodged blood clot stopping in my lungs. Its a very frustrating way to kick the bucket, because you can't get enough air to keep from passing out, unless you sit perfectly still.

President Biden almost had a major stroke due to blood clots getting stuck in his brain...twice.

Almost everyone has blood clots. The last thing you want is to introduce an agent (ie. Covid-19 vaccine) that causes additional blood clots!

People who say, "I got vaccinated ________ weeks/months ago and feel just fine!", don't understand that they've had a ticking time-bomb implanted in their blood stream.

All to reduce the odds of dying from Covid-19, if they were to contract Covid-19, from 1.3%, to .8%.

The perceived rewards are not worth the risks (imo).

Two Thumbs Down:

posted on Jul, 9 2021 @ 03:44 AM
Well, this anti-AstraZeneca push by the EU has fizzeled out now that they have actually started to vaccinate people. Their legal case agains AZ was thrown out too. EU = politics of spite.

There are always disbenefits of vaccines and any drug come to that. Asprin has side effects.

More lives are saved from AZ than lost from some very, very, very tiny chance of a clot.

posted on Jul, 9 2021 @ 03:51 AM
If that is the case then why the Canadian PM got his got a second Moderna shot after getting his first COVID-19 vaccine from AstraZeneca? if we are to believe our public figures and polticans?

posted on Jul, 9 2021 @ 04:23 AM
a reply to: HawkEyi

Mixing vaccinations is not a problem.

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