Imagine for a moment that a gun is trained on you, and on all your family members, including the children of your children who are yet to be born.
Imagine that the gun has already fired a magical array of bullets, and that there's no way to escape from the path of those bullets, no matter how
much you wish that you could, no matter how you screamed & raged in view of the enemy who fired that gun.
There is no way to stop those bullets - there's at least eight & a half billion such bullets, all of which are on their unstoppable path to tear your
life away from this planet.
The only sliver of hope that remains is found in the knowledge that the bullets will take sixty years to hit you. But when they hit, it will be an
unparallelled disaster, quite possibly culling the human population of this planet to what the billionairres would consider a more 'sustainable'
number of individuals **cough, cough - 'slaves' **
Your family, friends, children & grandchildren are all likely to be hit by these bullets.
Those who fired the gun will tell you that human life on this planet is unsustainable, and that the disaster that awaits us is unavoidable because of
all the horrible nasty climate change which is in fact all your fault - it has become a trope of tropes, a sort of champion of concepts bundled up
together, in a sheaf of accusations & blame, guilt-tripping & induced paranoia. It is propaganda, pure & simple, and that crazy schoolgirl who choked
down all that propaganda has been screaming at you as the champion of propaganda queens, utterly deluded, arrogant beyond measure, puffed up &
self-righteous, an idiot who doesn't realise that she has been tricked into being simply a useful idiot.
Please don't forget the Georgia Guidestones. It's not a conspiracy - the people & powers behind those 'guidestones' are absolutely real, and
committed to your extermination, by any means necessary. Everyone's focused on the dangers of the new vaccines, and sure there's quite a bit to be
concerned about there, though I'm not sure if I buy the idea that the vaccines contain a sort of 'kill switch', which Bill Gates, largest investor in
the World Health Organisation, a man with zero medical background, appears to be fostering in his personal fantasy of getting rid of us all in the
most efficient way possible. Perhaps this pandemic though has been primarily an exercise in social control, and the destruction of the middle class,
creating a 'masters-slaves' social dynamic as the remaining effects of the social experiment unfold in the coming months & years.
You will own nothing, and you will be happy
Dear God in Heaven, can it be any more blatant, disheartening & disgraceful? It oozes a spirit of abomination..
Certainly the levels of propaganda & information manipulation have been blazingly obvious - the first year on record where influenza deaths were zero,
with Covid-19 deaths at influenza-type levels when compared to the deaths from influenza in the previous years leading up to 2020. Doesn't that seem
suspicious? That suddenly, nobody has died of the flu, but everyone who died had Covid-19? Did Covid-19 enlist the help of the Stasi or the Mafia to
go round killing off the flu virus, just to make room for the Covid-19 virus? It's patently absurd, when you look at the numbers. Clearly Covid-19
is being vastly over-reported as a factor in deaths within the segment of society that would usually fall prey to the flu. Sure, Covid-19 exists, and
it seems to have been engineered to do some pretty funky things - but the flu just decided to take a holiday over the course of 2020-2021...? Let's
be reasonable here.
Back to the magic bullets.
Aggressive farming practices of excessive tilling, poisoning & sterilising, eroding the soil & expropriating the trapped CO2 from the soil into the
atmosphere every time the fields are being prepared for planting, all of it is leading to some whacky climate issues, but global warming as we have
been sold it is a myth, and the most deadly long-term factor is desertification. If we don't address the problem of desertification, then in 60
years, the land which has fed us & our livestock for hundreds & thousands of years will not be able to sustain crops of any sort - particularly if at
some point in the proceedings, Monsanto decides to shut up shop & simply stop providing seeds, at a strategic moment when they can ensure the maximum
deaths from starvation, while they in their 'gated communities' (read: elite DUMB-type bunkers & heavily patrolled open territories around those
DUMBs) can get along just fine while the outside world is reduced to starvation & societal collapse on a literally global scale, making New York look
like Port-au-Prince, quite possibly. Perhaps at another strategic moment they will whip out a kill switch biological weapon, targeting those who had
certain vaccines given to them historically, making them susceptible to said kill switch.
I wouldn't put anything past them at this stage, but I can't pretend to know exactly what route the depopulation agenda will follow.
Magic bullet. The only way to fight back is to implement citizen-led sharing of critical information that provides for REGENERATIVE FARMING
PRACTICES. We need to re-cultivate the microbiome of every square foot of natural soil across the lands that support our food cycles - it is the only
way. Simple & proven techniques also literally cancel out 'climate change' (the expropriation/out-dumping of CO2 from the soil during heavy tilling
just prior to the planting season..). By making the soil healthy, by agricultural methods which hark back to the old ways, resisting the urge to
till, we will trap vast reservoirs of CO2 in that healthy soil,
giving the 'cancel culture' a dose of its own medicine, by cancelling 'climate
change' completely, forever. No more propaganda, because the truth will be undeniable.
Regenerative agriculture. Multi-species grass-fed ranching & so forth. Cancelling industrial methods of agriculture which sterilise & toxify the
soil, bringing nourishment back to the Earth beneath our feet. Watch that movie, and lobby against big agriculture's methods, support the
regenerative agricultural models instead.
The best news?
Godspeed ATS - bring it home.
Take it to the world, rail against Monsanto & the like. Vote with your conscience, as a matter of the heart, deflecting those magic bullets with some
Matrix-style shenanigans...
edit on MarchThursday2103CST12America/Chicago-060042 by FlyInTheOintment because: clarification