posted on Mar, 8 2021 @ 08:34 AM
They've been around for a while now, but some of the newer ones are pretty surprising. You know, the ones you use for jump starting a vehicle with a
dead battery. I'd been looking at getting one for a while. The old style usually had stuff like an air compressor and some other gizmos on them,
and I didn't really want that. Those ones were pretty heavy too. Then I started seeing some of these really small Lithium Ion packs. All they are
is just a rectangular battery case about 1.5" thick and about 7" long and 4" wide. I wondered if they really worked. Well, I am happy to report,
not only do they work, but they work GREAT!
Like I noted, I'd been looking at getting one for a while, but I wanted one which was big enough to jump start my truck or one of the tractors. I
finally wound up finding one which was a 4000 Amp peak current device (the biggest one I could find). Over the past couple of weeks we've had some
real cold stretches and the batteries in all the diesels were struggling. Our New Holland skid steer loader was really struggling and the wife wound
up totally killing the battery one morning trying to get it started (it was about -17F below zero). Battery was completely dead. Normally, I just
fire up the generator and put the chargers on the equipment, but I couldn't even get the genset started, and that thing always starts! Then I
figured I'd try to start my truck and jump it from that. No go either! (and we're running anti-gel in everything too).
Well, that same day the starter brick showed up. Couldn't use it right away because it's real specific about giving these things a full charge for
at "least" 24 hours, if not 48 hours. So, I charged it that day and took it out the next day (which was even colder) and hooked it up. BOOM...skid
steer motor fired right up (and that's a big bore 80hp diesel too)! Battery pack was still showing an 80% charge, so I took it over to my truck and
hooked it up. BOOM! Truck started right up too! Amazing! Unit was still showing a 75% charge so I decided to give one of the tractors a go.
Started that right up too.
Color me impressed! I am so impressed I bought one for the wife to put in her car.
Anyone else tried one of these things?