Let your guitar listen to this and she'll sound better. That's a scientifically (not) proven fact!
He's the best. You may have a different opinion but in reality that's the TRUTH!
Hope you don't mind but since your links might work in your region or Country and not in others... I tracked down some similar rendition of the same
songs you listed.
And I agree... Tommy is a GUITAR GOD !
I remember the first time I caught him on a PBS Special many Moons ago and I thought Who The Heck is this Guy? I was so impressed.
We love drinking and good music and laughter and weirdness...
Sorry that I have been worried about my job for the last six months but my manager sucks!!!
TE, love, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, is just one of the things that does not need an actual introduction. And the whole harmonic/scale runs are Eric
Johnson worthy, and crap! We like the same music!!
And cartoons, and crazy weird physics, and stories, and... my man crush, Tommy Emmanuel! I was using the same strings before I even knew about him
(and still do). Not as technical (he carved out his own niche and built a most!!)
We need to, uh, “partake” (in the Bill Clinton sense of the word), and just laugh until Tuesday as then keep it down because voices carry!!
ETA: the video...
ETA II: Beaue Brummell (so? drunk), those harmonic runs are epic!! Play more guitar you crazy 2020 survivor!!
Love, Dave!! (*smoochees*, er, I have been doing the same with my sister, and she needs some loving. So been lacking...)
edit on 8-3-2021 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: Idiot driving no dude in a different time
edit on 8-3-2021 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: Finish a damn sentence!!!