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Majority of aliens including the greys are not interdimensional beings.

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posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: Dumbdowned

You do not have Any Possible Way of Knowing Any of this . .........NEXT .

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: Dumbdowned

I have heard interviews of supposed people with high military background that state the “aliens” living in the earth are demons/demonic and the aliens that come and go from space are angels. It is almost a literal interpretation of heaven and hell with the demons living in fiery depths of earth. Is it possible that they are inter dimensional?

I would say yes but I believe that there are inter dimensional and non-inter dimensional “aliens”. I love this topic but mentally for me it gets difficult trying to visualize the different dimensions and how they work together. I recently watched a documentary on gravity and one of the theories they had was gravity was most likely inter dimensional due to some of the measurements they had performed.

Yes sounds very plausible.
their tech is achievable, now that we got laser, 3D printers, AI chips and quantum physics, etc.. anything is possible in the future.

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: Dumbdowned

humans are clearly a technological civilization and they would know so light years away.

if ET or UT's are here on earth than they have always been here

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: Dumbdowned

You do not have Any Possible Way of Knowing Any of this . .........NEXT .

Check out 1994 Zimbabwe UFO encounter.

Grey aliens wearing hoodies were jumping dancing left and right in front of many school kids.
Even sent out psychic messages to some of these kids.

Do you really believe they showed up physically in order to entertain some school kids?

and why Zimbabwe, why the school was named Ariel?

posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 10:18 PM

originally posted by: fromtheskydown
I think the 'Greys' are a built-for-purpose construct which allows the entities within them to travel without leaving their place of origin. Mind and technology merged together, which is something the human race could be heading toward and we will become the 'aliens' on other far off planets. Eventually.


posted on Mar, 3 2021 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: LeoStarchild
Future humans maybe!
If we can't achieve faster than light travel, we'll need a big timeframe to get anywhere in the galaxy.
Multi-generational spacecraft wouldn't work.
Hibernation for exploration not the greatest method. You need to program a known destination, and while everyone is hibernating you could be passing by other great discoveries.

But, if something like genetically tweeking telemeres or suchlike genes to achieve immortality would solve part of the problem. Next issue would be food: how to supply a spaceship with 100000 years of food. We don't. Working on humans microbiome in our guts would fix the problem.
Create a custom made microbiome that makes all the nutrients, water, proteins we need to survive that itself lives off the unwanted waste products of other gut bacteria that is perfectly balanced and bingo. No need to eat, drink, peeor poop. Nothing wasted. Dead bacteria feed living bacteria, who happily breed die and excrete every thing our body needs.

After a few thousand years, your human long time/long distance travellers may end up being telepathic, small, grey skinned, big eyed from looking out at black space, and crashing into the past at roswell.

Just a thought to ponder...

posted on Mar, 4 2021 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: Dumbdowned

That's still only anecdotal.

posted on Mar, 4 2021 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: Dumbdowned

The aliens themselves have said that they are simply people from other planets. Or have you forgotten that there has been thousands of years of contact between aliens and humans.

They're called sky people in man ancient cultures for a reason.

posted on Mar, 4 2021 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: CitizenNum287119327

Not read the book but am well aware of the future human line of thought. 459500-20&geniuslink=true

edit on 4-3-2021 by Baablacksheep because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2021 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: Baablacksheep
a reply to: CitizenNum287119327

Not read the book but am well aware of the future human line of thought. 459500-20&geniuslink=true

The time travel hypothesis mostly comes back to some wild leaps of logic by John keel, who built it up based on a handful of reports that aliens or MIB asked people about the date or wanted newspapers to look up the date. There isn't much else to it.

Plus people like the Hills were shown actual star maps depicting the alien's home planets. Time travels don't need star maps.

posted on Mar, 4 2021 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: Dumbdowned
a reply to: MidnightHawk

but are aliens really demonic in nature?

Hell least I hope that's the case.

The dinosauroids that purportedly travel here...are probably (besides possibly being some of the best top gun pilots in our galaxy) highly trained scientists, artists, engineers, astrobiologists and whatever else it takes to qualify for an expeditions to far away distant star systems.

From the scant evidence I've seen or collected from them (at a possible remote alien starbase, located on the Western Shore of the Chesapeake Bay at Calvert Cliffs, Maryland), they' are adapt at making pictoglyphs, geoglyphs and complex, ,hydraulic wave experiments on the beach.

My double nighttime sighting of a possible foo fighter --- in 1976 --- included a possible telepathic experience I had, when I could sense the presence of the ET; unless it was just a shot of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

posted on Mar, 4 2021 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
Plus people like the Hills were shown actual star maps depicting the alien's home planets. Time travels don't need star maps.

But aliens do? Hah! Where did they get their map, a Circle K on Jupiter? Because they are so advanced, were they able to fold it up the correct way?

posted on Mar, 4 2021 @ 07:23 PM
My opinion is that the grays are basically like droids but with some level of intelligence, developed to setup bases, explore, research and report back. They have no sexual organs and no emotion thus they are the perfect entities for these sorts of tasks.

The amount of time that it is possible to survive around a single star in our galaxy is very limited on the cosmic scale. There is a very high probability that other stars where intelligent beings existed are no longer suitable for life. Their methods of finding new places to go could easily involve genetically engineering life forms.

So it makes sense that Grays don't have reproductive organs. Unknown what nutrition they get but they do have mouths for that, I would be interested. I believe the Grays do the building and groundwork and are basically slaves to some alien races. Divergent evolution could easily produce human-like creatures on other planets, so it's no surprise that a lot of human-like entities have been observed visiting us before as well.

Best place for them to hide would be underwater bases.
edit on 4-3-2021 by Marsoups because: typo

posted on Mar, 4 2021 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: Marsoups
Have heard some of the same things that the Grays are basically an AI entity that is a scout/slave for other beings

posted on Mar, 4 2021 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: Dumbdowned

You do not have Any Possible Way of Knowing Any of this . .........NEXT .

Yes, they could just as well be magical faeries, how did the OP come to these conclusions?

posted on Mar, 5 2021 @ 06:34 AM
We all have our favorite theories about different aspects of the whole "UFO phenomenon", like the origin and/or nature of the entities, their crafts, the physics they use for their propulsion systems, etc. but the real problem is that we're all so... compartmentalized that none of us can see the big picture. So we work with what we have, which inevitably leads to 99.999...% of our theories being a complete crap... and only 0.0...1% of them actually hitting any targets.

Today, I'd like to focus on that 0.0...1%... and the target of metamaterials.

Most people have probably heard of the "It from bit" physics view of the nature of the universe, essentially equating universe with a gigantic information-processing machine (aka computer), but what my amateurish theorizing has so far led to is a teeny-weeny bit different view of it.

Yes, information may be at the core of this "reality", but the real question then is: What exactly is processing all of that information?

To make a long story short, my answer has turned out to be: space itself.

Space computes (processes information), but not in the same sense classical computing architectures do (with memory being separate from the processing unit). Instead, and much like those cutting-edge computing architectures that have only started to spring up in commercial use, space is a medium with both memory and basic computing capability, all integrated into a single thing... that thing being a single point (or node in mathematics, or knot in physics) of discrete space.

... which leads us to the (AI) hardware described in Isaac CARET files...

My initial hypothesis was that CARET hardware was simply an implementation of optoelectronics, with photons (or EM fields, in general) being used as information "bits" (actual bits in the case of photons, but potentially much more than that, if one could figure out a way to simultaneously calculate a whole range of answers by using EM fields themselves instead of just individual photons).

Now, such hardware, alone, would be decades, if not even centuries ahead of what anybody has on their long-term planning tables, but upon closer inspection, I've realized that CARET hardware may actually be going even beyond that possibility.

The thing that one has to keep in mind here is that space (of this "universe") has fractal nature, which is simply to say that the same (spatial) patterns keep repeating at different scales... and, also, that fractals are usually plotted (graphed) in a top-down manner. Look at any fractal-plotting video, and you'll see exactly that... a graph being plotted all the way down... into infinity (in theory).

However... in a discrete space... there's actually such a thing as the bottom of a fractal (consisting of the smallest, indivisible points of space)... and if you start from the very bottom, you can plot that fractal in the opposite direction as well (in the bottom-up manner).

And that's where things get really interesting, because, if you figured out the actual structure of space at its fundamental (bottom) level, and knowing that space computes (information), and is also fractal in nature, you could (in theory) create a macro structure (a metamaterial) that follows the same structure of space itself, but on a much larger scale.

If you're having trouble following my explanation, here's the gist of it: It should be possible, in theory, to create a metamaterial that effectively "turns" (physically embodies) a chunk of space into a larger version of space itself.

Why would you want to do that?

First of all, such a metamaterial would exhibit exactly the same quantum effects of space itself, but on a macro scale. I hope that I don't have to explain why it would be extremely useful to be able to observe quantum effects with literally nothing more than your naked eye.

Secondly, unlike space itself, you could transport that metamaterial around.

And thirdly... all of the known "laws of physics" (all the fundamental constants) would effectively be different inside of that metamaterial.

Why would it be useful to have a metamaterial with "different laws of physics"?

Consider the radiation graph of a black body...

That graph is dependent on the physical constants (Planck constant, speed of light, etc.), so if your metamaterial effectively has completely different "constants" (which, obviously, aren't actually constant anymore) inside of it, what you can accomplish with it is to... shift the whole graph to the right.

What does that mean?

It means that all the photons with wavelengths below (that is, frequencies above) some threshold value could not be absorbed by that metamaterial, because they would be literally impossible to absorb due to the quantum effects.

Furthermore, shifting that graph to the right would be equivalent to creating a pseudo-white body (something that perfectly reflects photons in a range of wavelengths). Shift it to the right even more, and you would get an actual white body that would perfectly reflect literally all the photons, of any wavelength in existence.

Thinking about flying straight through the Sun?

No problem. Just create a metamaterial that can't absorb (will perfectly reflect) photons of any wavelength that Sun can possibly generate, and you've cut your thermal (heat) problems by roughly 99.999...%. You will only have to worry about not absorbing too much of the kinetic energy of plasma particles, which is (at least should be, if I'm right) orders of magnitude lower than the energy carried by photons.

So... if my hypothesis is correct, and some of the UFO hardware is indeed made of such a metamaterial, then the easiest way to test it would be to irradiate that metamaterial with photons of extremely high wavelengths (frequencies way, way below infrared), and if the metamaterial starts absorbing those photons, then that would be the definite proof.

Of course, since we're all so... compartmentalized, and I have no access to any "UFO debris" whatsoever, I can't possibly conduct such a test, so I'm gonna leave that part to those who do have required access.

On a side note... here are some questions to ponder:
a) What is the energy (and the wavelength) of the strongest (sub-)infrared LASER that has ever been generated?
b) Would it be possible to create a (sub-)infrared LASER that could actually damage the metamaterial described above?
c) Would such a (sub-)infrared LASER even work within Earth's atmosphere?

edit on 5-3-2021 by clusterfok because: .

edit on 5-3-2021 by clusterfok because: typos: wavelegth, frequency, low, high... probabilty of using any of those terms wrongly is apparently directly proportinal to the number of their uses...

posted on Mar, 5 2021 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: Marsoups
My opinion is that the grays are basically like droids but with some level of intelligence, developed to setup bases, explore, research and report back. They have no sexual organs and no emotion thus they are the perfect entities for these sorts of tasks.

The amount of time that it is possible to survive around a single star in our galaxy is very limited on the cosmic scale. There is a very high probability that other stars where intelligent beings existed are no longer suitable for life. Their methods of finding new places to go could easily involve genetically engineering life forms.

So it makes sense that Grays don't have reproductive organs. Unknown what nutrition they get but they do have mouths for that, I would be interested. I believe the Grays do the building and groundwork and are basically slaves to some alien races. Divergent evolution could easily produce human-like creatures on other planets, so it's no surprise that a lot of human-like entities have been observed visiting us before as well.

Best place for them to hide would be underwater bases.

I kinda disagree...

Male dinosaurs on our planet, sported an internally sheathed penis.

Hence...I would tend to speculate that male dinosauroids --- or "grays" that you call them --- sport an internal one as well.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: MidnightHawk

Greys are not super beings they are sub human beings. They are like freaking robots. They are levels below the beings we have called Angels and Demons. They are just here collecting samples Etc for the superior races. If you read account of abductions etc often you will hear of greys doing the grunt work then out comes a mantis being, Reptilean, Nordic alien etc who is clearly in charge.

Hell they may be working for us too. I have no clue what they charge an hour or what their per diem is now.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: Dumbdowned

Geez Dude , are you Really that Naive ?

posted on Mar, 7 2021 @ 02:11 AM

originally posted by: Jackfish28
a reply to: MidnightHawk

Greys are not super beings they are sub human beings. They are like freaking robots. They are levels below the beings we have called Angels and Demons. They are just here collecting samples Etc for the superior races. If you read account of abductions etc often you will hear of greys doing the grunt work then out comes a mantis being, Reptilean, Nordic alien etc who is clearly in charge.

Hell they may be working for us too. I have no clue what they charge an hour or what their per diem is now.

That's like a mind of corrupted man thinking. Aliens don't even think about nor doing any of that stuff, believe me.
They are higher intelligent beings that watch over activities on our own planet and they do scientific experiments on just about everything here on earth.
They have samples of species to mix and create hybrid beings and could bring in any alien races you've mentioned.
Nordic Aliens are no match for these Greys because it's always the Greys who accompany Nordic (hybrid) aliens when needed to achieve their goals from us.
They are by far the most advanced ET beings here in our solar system that's why our military activities are under their watch all the time.

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: Dumbdowned

Geez Dude , are you Really that Naive ?

Prove it then that it was a hoax.

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