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Texas governor repeals mask requirement and OKs businesses to operate at 100 percent capacity

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posted on Mar, 13 2021 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: whereislogic

This comment wasn't very convincing or useful anymore without the previous one. Sorry for breaking a rule I have some issues with accepting.

Is science really all that "self-correcting" (as advertized; see articles in the previous comment)? Not when financial, philosophical or ideological agendas are involved. But it's still touted or marketed as such. It has become more of a slogan that really does not accurately reflect reality, and it's debatable if it ever did (the way it has been described as for example in the quotations in some of the articles in my previous comment; which I know no one will bother to read now, so this comment has become pretty useless as well).

Without having read the articles, it's difficult to correctly understand what I'm referring to here. As well as how I tied it into this situation:

Lancet lied About Hydroxychloroquine? (playlist)

The New England Journal of Medicine was also involved in publishing papers using the data from the same company that isn't mentioned in the video above, Surgisphere. But I'm not going to get into that subject again cause I already did before in the commentary that was removed.
edit on 13-3-2021 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2021 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

For anyone looking into Fauci, I would strongly advise also looking into his wife. Conflicts of interest abound..

The questions run very deep surrounding him and his activities. Certainly questionable enough that it becomes clear that blindly appealing to his authority is probably unwise (at best).

Same goes for a lot of these people. Somewhere along the line it was discovered that nothing needs to be hidden.. You just need to create a cohesive Narrative in mainstream information channels. Peoples minds will do the rest.

This Texas thing is being treated as some unique event, and we see people saying literally the same things every time. Are they aware of it?

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