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if Telepathy is real would you be able to tell the difference between your IM?

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posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 05:47 PM
I recently read that not everyone has a inner monologue.

Not having an internal monologue does not mean that there is something wrong with a person.” Research backs this up. Kross says people who are hearing impaired have internal monologues that involve signing and some people see images instead of hearing words.

So those that do have a inner monologue like myself I believe it’s evidence of your Higher Self/Soul communicating with you. However I am in control and I don’t always listen to this voice that is often correct on situations. It’s fascinating how if you hear voices outside your head it’s considered “schizophrenia”. Despite plenty of evidence if you go to any Haunted Location in the World your more likely to encounter this phenomenon. Which is called Disembodied Voices. DVP. I have captured both EVP and DVP on film and audio as my House and property is haunted. And a while ago I captured this voice on Audio as a DVP. It was 4th of July and we were playing around with gun powder. I knew I was a safe enough distance away from the match yet in my head I head a clear “Get Back”. Which you can see me step back on film. At the time I thought it was my own original thought. Yet when I reviewed the audio I heard a clear “Get Back”. So was that telepathy? I thought it was my own inner monologue giving me guidance. Yet it was something external subliminally programming my movements.

Good or Evil I chalk this experience up to Good because it could have easily told me to “Move Forward”. I’ve had some people on other forums tell me it was the sound from the Fireworks. Echoing. Yet how does that explain I had the same thought to move back at the same time it says “Get Back”? You can even see me move my camera back. So is this telepathy or is subliminal programming? I’m not even hunting Ghosts. Just a couple of white guys playing around with gun powder. And if this can happen to me how common does it happen to people? How many people are being negatively influenced by Spirits communicating via Telepathy?

I just uploaded this video to show you guys specifically even though I’ve had this on my phone since last year.

It’s the mind job to preserve the body. I’ve been thinking that those who experience Suicidal thoughts and are Depressed could that be Telepathy from outside forces? Would you even be able to tell the difference between your inner monologue and a outside Spirit? I couldn’t. I thought it was my original thought to step back.

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: Xiden

I know telepathy is real. My twin brother and I have been aware of it with one another since we were in junior high. Strangely, it only works when he is the sender and I am the receiver. But because of it, my family doesn’t allow us to be on the same team in games where it involves one person having information and the other person having to guess it- like Trivial Pursuit, or Taboo. 😂😂😂😂. When he sends me an answer or thought, we say he “twinned it to me.” “Twin that answer to me, brother.”. 😂 I suspect we “talked” to each other as babies, before we could talk, and as toddlers and young kids, we probably communicated telepathically all the time, but didn’t know it was anything special.

You raise a good question. In my experience, though, after it happened the first time that I/we were conscious of, it’s pretty clear when it’s telepathy or when it’s just my internal dialogue.

This doesn’t count as telepathy, but my sister has on several occasions heard God speak directly into her. She said it is absolutely no doubt that it’s God, and that it’s a voice that can’t be described except that it’s perfectly crystal clear. Once he said to her, “But I notice.” and recently, He had a message for me through her, which I still feel so in awe of (that God would give a message to ME!). It concerned one of my dogs who was in much distress at the time, and gave me great comfort.

Your video- I don’t see the part where you step back? And I don’t hear a “get back” on the video. Could you give a time stamp?

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: Xiden

I know telepathy is real. My twin brother and I have been aware of it with one another since we were in junior high. Strangely, it only works when he is the sender and I am the receiver. But because of it, my family doesn’t allow us to be on the same team in games where it involves one person having information and the other person having to guess it- like Trivial Pursuit, or Taboo. 😂😂😂😂. When he sends me an answer or thought, we say he “twinned it to me.” “Twin that answer to me, brother.”. 😂 I suspect we “talked” to each other as babies, before we could talk, and as toddlers and young kids, we probably communicated telepathically all the time, but didn’t know it was anything special.

You raise a good question. In my experience, though, after it happened the first time that I/we were conscious of, it’s pretty clear when it’s telepathy or when it’s just my internal dialogue.

This doesn’t count as telepathy, but my sister has on several occasions heard God speak directly into her. She said it is absolutely no doubt that it’s God, and that it’s a voice that can’t be described except that it’s perfectly crystal clear. Once he said to her, “But I notice.” and recently, He had a message for me through her, which I still feel so in awe of (that God would give a message to ME!). It concerned one of my dogs who was in much distress at the time, and gave me great comfort.

Twin Telepathy is another interesting concept that I forgot about in this post.

Your video- I don’t see the part where you step back? And I don’t hear a “get back” on the video. Could you give a time stamp?

0:12 seconds. You can see my phone being steady to start to shake.

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: Xiden

Maybe this thread will just be the two of us. 😂👍🏻

On the negative influencing from outside forces: my last boyfriend told me about an experience he had several years ago. He had to work one night, and when he got into his car to drive there he heard a perfectly clear voice say “Someone is going to get shot tonight.” He said he heard it not in his mind, but as if a person were sitting in the passenger seat. When I asked if it was a male or female voice, he said it was more male than female, but really was more of an androgynous voice. The rest of the night went pretty normally but when he drove home, a car with a man driver pulled up to him and was waving wildly for him to pull over. He said the man was clearly agitated and angry, and so he didn’t pull over. When the light turned he went on his way- but the car pulled behind him and followed him aggressively, and he could see the driver screaming and gesticulating angrily at him. This was in DC, and my ex-boyfriend was going home to where he lived in a Virginia suburb. The crazy man stayed RIGHT on his bumper all the way through the city, and several times pulled along side him and made threatening gestures. He didn’t know the man, by the way. When he got to the Beltway, he was sure he would lose him, but the guy kept harassing him. They got separated at one point and my ex took the next exit, a left hand exit, and the crazy dude crossed 5 lanes of traffic to get behind him again, on the exit. Anyway, this kept on, and my ex is trained in evasive driving maneuvers, which he did all kinds of crazy through the neighborhoods but couldn’t get rid of this guy. The ex finally got home, and ran inside and locked the door behind him. As he was pulling the door shut he saw the guy stop his car in the middle of the street and jump out and run after my ex. He came up to the door and banged on it. He left the front stoop and went around the the windows on the front of the house and banged on them. He eventually came back to the front door and violently turned the door handle. He stopped for a moment and then tried again, really shaking the handle and when it sounded like he was going to break it, my ex shot through the door- or, he meant to, but ended up shooting the floor right there. That got the guy to high tail it back to his car and leave. They found a knife in the bushes the next day, where the crazed man had been banging on the windows.

He said that at several points during the crazy ride hone, he heard that same voice again, but laughing maniacally. He said it was the same thing- clear as a bell, outside of him, next to him in the passenger seat.

It sounds to me like he had a bad spirit with him that night. No one got shot, but someone did fire a gun.

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: Xiden

Ah, thank you. You do clearly step back. Is it possible to hear the “get back” without any specialized equipment?

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 07:46 PM
Telepathy has been scientifically proven in scientific experiments in the beginning of the 20th century, end of the 19th. I remember reading the scientific articles years ago. If anyone is interested I may try and find the references but it may take hours of research or more. Otherwise I would post it.

It had to do with a person in a locked room on one side of the Atlantic being given information and then a person on the other side of the Atlantic in the United States, being fed the information. Now this is before the telephone and all that jazz. I think it was still just telegram.

Anyway the information was transmitted correctly and accurately over the Atlantic Ocean basically instantaneously.

I was going to mention that this is not an innate ability in a human. It is rather demonic. Wicked spirit forces convey the messages.

A poster above who said their sibling is telepathic notes that they hear the voice of God. That would ring true with the fact that it is of demonic origin the ability they possess.

God does not communicate that way with humans he has the Bible he uses for communication to humankind today. Demons who deceive you do. He doesn't even have prophets like he used to in the past.

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: Xiden

Ah, thank you. You do clearly step back. Is it possible to hear the “get back” without any specialized equipment?

I heard it without any Headphones on when I watched it the 1st time. But that’s only because I know what the Spirits in my House sound like. So I can pick them out even though all of that background noise. Listen for a “whisper” type of sound like half a second before I step back.

Also your story is crazy. It’s possible that was a Guardian Spirit. And the laughter was at how dumb the guy following your Ex Was. I’ve heard of Spirits having this ability before to predict the near future.

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: Xiden

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: Xiden

Ah, thank you. You do clearly step back. Is it possible to hear the “get back” without any specialized equipment?

Also your story is crazy. It’s possible that was a Guardian Spirit. And the laughter was at how dumb the guy following your Ex Was. I’ve heard of Spirits having this ability before to predict the near future.

The word demon comes from the Greek daemon and means ancient wise one replete with knowledge. So it is of no surprise that wicked spirits can "foretell" the future to a certain extent. That doesn't mean they actually have the ability of God who is an accurate fore-teller of events. And God has all the power to maneuver any situation to give him the outcome he desires.

Demons, wicked angels, use their superhuman knowledge, and to some extent their power to predict the future and maneuver things to go the way they want to. But their power is limited as well as their knowledge.

Many times they will give predictions that are hazy in understanding and broad in meaning and fulfillment. For example when king Croesus of Lydia approached the Oracle of Delphi he was given this prediction: "“If Croesus crosses the Halys, he will destroy a mighty empire.”

He took this to mean that he would have victory. It turned out to be the opposite. When he he crossed the Halys to invade Cappadocia he met defeat at the hands of Cyrus the Persian.

In the Bible there was a woman with a demon of prediction and she gave her masters much fortune foretelling peoples futures. When she started to follow the apostle Paul and cry out they he came from God and the demon kept doing it to pester him Paul finally turned on the woman and expelled the demon from her. And her masters grew irate that they had lost their means of making money and had God's servants beaten and imprisoned over the matter:

"Now it happened that as we were going to the place of prayer, a servant girl with a spirit, a demon of divination, met us. She supplied her masters with much profit by fortune-telling.  This girl kept following Paul and us and crying out with the words: “These men are slaves of the Most High God and are proclaiming to you the way of salvation.” She kept doing this for many days. Finally Paul got tired of it and turned and said to the spirit: “I order you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And it came out that very hour. Well, when her masters saw that their hope of profit was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to the rulers. Leading them up to the civil magistrates, they said: “These men are disturbing our city very much. They are Jews, and they are proclaiming customs that it is not lawful for us to adopt or practice, seeing that we are Romans.” And the crowd rose up together against them, and the civil magistrates, after tearing the garments off them, gave the command to beat them with rods. After they had inflicted many blows on them, they threw them into prison and ordered the jailer to guard them securely.  Because he got such an order, he threw them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks."

(Acts 16:16-24)
edit on 26-2-2021 by MidnightHawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 09:39 PM
The messages that come from external source are bubble thoughts similar to that generated by our brains but far more subtle. Typically we cannot percieve those messages above the background noise of our brain. But thoughts of higer urgency can break through that noise when required.

posted on Feb, 26 2021 @ 11:40 PM

originally posted by: MidnightHawk

A poster above who said their sibling is telepathic notes that they hear the voice of God. That would ring true with the fact that it is of demonic origin the ability they possess.

God does not communicate that way with humans he has the Bible he uses for communication to humankind today. Demons who deceive you do. He doesn't even have prophets like he used to in the past.

No, that is ridiculous and very wrong. You have no authority or wisdom to tell anyone that God doesn't speak to people because he does when he chooses to do so.

I have seen the risen savior and he spoke to me and as I saw him, we conversed via telepathy. I have also seen visions of hell and the devil.
The Lord showed me these things to make me understand I was going off the tracks of my life's real mission and purpose.

When the Lord himself chooses to speak to someone they will truly and instantly know he is the Lord,, and not some demon.
Demons don't help people by steering them towards a path of righteousness. They destroy you by separating you away from the wonderful Lord. That is what they do.

I have also heard demons taunting me using telepathy when I was in close proximity to 3 gang member type dudes in Phoenix Arizona who were possessed by them.

Be more humble about the Lord and perhaps you will discover some great things.
edit on 26-2-2021 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2021 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: Xiden
I don't know what your IM sounds like but mine sounds like me. I'm fully aware when I am formulating dialog in my head, why it is happening. To me it is never just a voice that comes out of nowhere.

Maybe there are different types.

posted on Feb, 27 2021 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: MidnightHawk

A poster above who said their sibling is telepathic notes that they hear the voice of God. That would ring true with the fact that it is of demonic origin the ability they possess.

God does not communicate that way with humans he has the Bible he uses for communication to humankind today. Demons who deceive you do. He doesn't even have prophets like he used to in the past.

No, that is ridiculous and very wrong. You have no authority or wisdom to tell anyone that God doesn't speak to people because he does when he chooses to do so.

I have seen the risen savior and he spoke to me and as I saw him, we conversed via telepathy. I have also seen visions of hell and the devil.
The Lord showed me these things to make me understand I was going off the tracks of my life's real mission and purpose.

When the Lord himself chooses to speak to someone they will truly and instantly know he is the Lord,, and not some demon.
Demons don't help people by steering them towards a path of righteousness. They destroy you by separating you away from the wonderful Lord. That is what they do.

I have also heard demons taunting me using telepathy when I was in close proximity to 3 gang member type dudes in Phoenix Arizona who were possessed by them.

Be more humble about the Lord and perhaps you will discover some great things.

Actually there are many things God's word has to say about the matter that show that he is not communicating with mankind directly as he did in the past.

First and foremost among all things you should take note of is that God has only used the Jewish race to inspire his words that have been recorded for humankind. If you are not of Jewish origin then you can take yourself out of the equation that God is directly communicating with you.

The Bible says that what has been inspired in it is complete. That is there is nothing that is needed to be added to the message that has already been given us. We have all that we need. That is in 2 Timothy 3:16.

The Bible also says that Satan transforms himself into an angel of light. So yes wicked spirits can deceive you. And their ministers transform themselves into ministers of light. But their end will be according to their works.

Here is that passage:

And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.  It is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness. But their end will be according to their works.

-2 Corinthians 11:14-15.

The Bible does also reveal that people would be mislead by inspired utterances and teachings of demons in the later periods of times:

"However, the inspired word clearly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired statements and teachings of demons."

-1 Timothy 4:1.

I do not doubt your sincerity, and many others like you that have had encounters with the supernatural. Many of those encounters are harrowing. Others the demons may appear as if they are angels of light from God. They do it all the time and fool many people.

God forbids spiritism and the occult, which would get you involved with the communication with these wicked spirit entities. But you must be forewarned that they always turn out to be wicked and evil.

God communicates by means of his holy spirit through his word the Bible, and by means of his channel for dispensing spiritual food on earth today.
edit on 27-2-2021 by MidnightHawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2021 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: MidnightHawk

Yes he does does speak using the bible, and that is a good thing. Reading God's word is a good thing.
He can also choose to have mercy on who he chooses to have mercy and speak to anyone he chooses to.

As I said before, beware of zealotry and be more humble. It's very easy to become too proud and begin thinking you know everything about the Lord.

posted on Feb, 27 2021 @ 01:48 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: MidnightHawk

Yes he does does speak using the bible, and that is a good thing. Reading God's word is a good thing.
He can also choose to have mercy on who he chooses to have mercy and speak to anyone he chooses to.

As I said before, beware of zealotry and be more humble. It's very easy to become too proud and begin thinking you know everything about the Lord.

I agree with you wholeheartedly! If you think about it we literally all are just pieces of dust. And yet God cares about us. How extraordinary is that?

What is mortal man that you keep him in mind, And a son of man that you take care of him?

-Psalm 8:4.

For he well knows how we are formed,
Remembering that we are dust.

-Psalm 103:14.

But all of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because God opposes the haughty ones, but he gives undeserved kindness to the humble ones.

-1 Peter 5:5.

posted on Feb, 27 2021 @ 01:42 PM
I have never experienced telepathy, but I have talked with someone who claims he did with his brother. He definitely reported being able to tell the difference.

posted on Feb, 27 2021 @ 01:50 PM
What happens if you can hear words and see images? Am i an alien?

Fascinating topic though, i never thought about this before.

posted on Feb, 27 2021 @ 02:00 PM
As I read the text on this page I read it in my mind!
its hard for me to Not do this.
and when I do its like looking at a patern/ shapes.
like I have to read it in my mind to understand it.
I bet people can do it.

Telepathy ! I just know some thing.

I will not say what I can do or the SCP
will take me away test me then kill me.
and dont think I am kidding.

posted on Mar, 1 2021 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: Ohanka

I mostly 'hear' words myself, but I use whatever is convenient. People who 'think' in 'colours' are known as synesthetes; Nikola Tesla was reputed to be one of these. There might be a word for what you describe, but I don't know it.

posted on Mar, 1 2021 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: DragonsDemesne
a reply to: Ohanka

I mostly 'hear' words myself, but I use whatever is convenient. People who 'think' in 'colours' are known as synesthetes; Nikola Tesla was reputed to be one of these. There might be a word for what you describe, but I don't know it.

Well, lets take a tractor. I can either hear it, see the word or make a coloured image of it, depending on circumstance.

I honestly thought everyone could do this. Kind of freaky really.

posted on Mar, 1 2021 @ 06:47 PM
There is often confusion stemming from more than a single Monologue, the inner monologue probably was understood at some earlier time E.G. after reading this quote:

Francis Bacon in his Essays (1596-1625) "Of Custom and Education," once said

"Men's thoughts are much according to their inclination," Henry thinks that Hal can hardly wait to ascend the throne.

But then later you might hear something in an outer resonance such as this line from Shakespeare.

Thy wish was father, Harry, to that thought.

So you might hear one for the other while reading either.

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