Hi fellow travellers of ATS,
I was discussing a bit of Biblical scripture with my dear wife this evening, and the conversation turned on a sixpence/dime, and we found ourselves
thinking about the actual 'practicalities' of the Heaven which we theorise is the 'place' we'll arrive at at the time of our transition from life into
death, and the Hereafter.. Now we've been Christian for almost twenty years, and we've been pretty well committed all the way through, despite some
slip ups in the earlier years which got us angry at each other for a while. God healed the issue in time, and we're happy to be in a blessed place in
terms of our relationship these days. But one thing which we haven't really thought too much about is what 'Heaven' will be like.. In a way, this is
strange, in light of our spiritual path of commitment to Christ. However, in a sense it seems reasonable that we haven't put too much thought into
it. Each day has trouble enough of its own" so to speak - we've been focused on the practicalities of making our way in the world, and in fact the
Scripture adjures us, in a sense, not to spend inordinate amounts of time theorising & speculatng on what it will be like, as it is said:
1 Corinthians 2:9
That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who
love him.”
The way it has been explained makes it apparent to us that for all the speculating in the world, there's no way to approach the wonders of what the
awesome & infinite Creator God has in store for those who love Him - those who love life, essentially, because His life is the light of the world.
Jesus said:
John 10:10
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.
The Bible is very clear - life is the gift of God, and only the insane do not love life
in principle. I don't mean those poor souls who are
going through a severe depression. They themselves are aware that life should be abundantly joyful & satisfying, but for whatever reason they are
unable to enjoy it as they know they should be able to. And often that's a simple matter, though difficult to correct, of the brain chemistry being
slightly out of balance, problems with dopamine regulation & so on. But that's not the whole story.
I actually went through a severe depression in 2011/2012. I was so severely depressed that on the psychiatric scale of 1-10, with 1 being
'catatonic', I was marked at level 2. It was abjectly awful, an experience I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy, not anyone. My sense of connection
to my life, to my family, to God & to the Universe, was just completeky switched off. Intellectually I knew I still loved my family, and I never
stopped caring for them, but the joy of life was just gone somehow, nothing out there in the world around seemed interesting to me - people would say
"Oh watch some comedy. that'll cheer you up.." But it simply wasn't possible. I saw everything as a sham, nothing had any verve to it, there was no
raison d'etre.
Thankfully, after eight months (almost to the day), I experienced what the psychologists call 'a spontaneous recovery'. Basically, after a lengthy
night of crazy dreams & out of body experiences,I awoke, and instantly I felt the love of God, the joy of the Universe, the blessed sanctity of peace,
harmony with God's creation, where before I had felt that the very material universe hated me (a very weird illusion, but one which was strongly
persistent while I was depressed..) I sincerely wish you all well, if you are going through something similar, please know that God doesn't abandon
people as some preachers are insistent on stating. God does not revoke His gifts or calling, and if you have met Christ in your heart & committed
yourself to a life of exploring what that means, then you are in a safe & blessed position, even if you are going through a paradoxically terribly
difficult time of depression. God taught me through my experience in many ways, and in fact in one of the very last days of the eight month span of
time, I was present in just the right place at just the right time, to save the life of a baby girl (probably around two or three years old) who was
choking on s large french fried chip that had curled itself around & down into her windpipe, completely blocking off her air supply, she couldn't
catch even a molecule of air. The parents panicked, everyone around looked shocked & terrified just like the parents (we were at a fairly popular
theme park during the holiday), but instinctively I just scooped her up & performed the Heimlicj maneuver. The chip came out after a few tries, and
thank God she was breathing again, her parents were melting with relief & tears of joy. Even though I couldn't experience the overwhelming joy of
that moment as I once would have done, I felt a glimmer of a spark of joy, and hope. It set my expectation that God wasn't finished with me yet, and
after a few more weeks I experienced my total deliverance from depression. My doctor couldn't say the word 'miracle', but I could tell from his
expression that was what he meant.
Moving on, the main purpose of this thread really, was to examine the idea of Heaven in some broad context, in terms of what it means to each of us
that one day we will experience life withouy pain, without tears, without fear, without rejection, without uncertainty, without emotional instability,
without loneliness, without the 'gravity well' of sin dragging us downward in our mind & heart. Inclusive of those wonderful elements of the overall
'gestalt' of the Heavenly experience, of course we can add the most important thing of all - a direct & ever-present connection to the Inifinte God,
through Christ (who will appear to persons of all faith groups who have lived in accordance with the Word written on their heart).
Beyond these wonderful things, which in themselves will be glorious beyond measure, there was a little somthing I heard in a TV show today, which got
me thinking somewhat.. We know that all those wonderful gifts await us, but beyond that, we will be gifted with the joy that comes from experiencing
all those things that we had wished we could have done in our lifetimes.. Anything & everything that, if we had been better positioned during life,
we would have loved to have done. What would have been our life's love, if nothing were witheld from us by the constraints & inopportune obstacles
during our workaday lives.. Would you have learned to fly a plane, had your eyesight been 20:20..? Would you have worked as a dog trainer, if you
hadn't had a deeply upsetting allergy to dog's dander..? Would you have climbed the heights of Kilimanjaro, were it not for your damaged knee joint,
busted up in a car crash as you turned 18..?
This exercise starts small, as we think of all the cool stuff that we would have loved to do, if we were in a position to do so during our lifetimes.
But gradually, as you weigh up the life you have led to this point, you may begin to develop deeply complex & emotionally upwelling matters of the
heart & mind, a love for engineering but no head for mathematics, a desire to live in a cabin by a lake in the mountain pass, were it not for the
neurological disorder that leaves you in constant crippling pain throughout your whole body.. and so on.
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