Since Hollywood has let us all down movie-wise in the last couple of years I have gone to looking at YouTube for obscure movies, and anything without
the celebrity input, if you know what I mean...
I am not sure when I saw a preview of this movie I am trying to find, but I think it was right before COVID hit. I was looking for something that was
werewolf related, just searching YouTube and accidentally ran across a movie that looked pretty good.
It was a werewolf movie (of course) and I only remember a little part of what the trailer showed, that was an entire town of werewolves. It was also a
comedy too, not a really funny movie from what I gathered, but it was 'probably' more like American Werewolf in London.
Anyway, I watched what I think was a channel that had things like, "The Best 10 Werewolf Movies in 2020", or something to that effect, but it
wasn't 2020 that the movie was made, I don't think. I really don't know when it was made, but it had a feel for being made fairly recent.
It was either British or European, it was a semi-comedy, and the main scene that I remember was that, I believe that a 'couple of people' were in
town, at night, talking to a large crowd and the crowd was all werewolves.
That scene alone should be something that stands out in a movie, or at least I am hoping so.
I also remember that it was 'not available in the U.S.', then anyway, maybe it is now, I hope.
So, if anyone remembers that one, I'd sure appreciate it.
I ended up watching, "The Dog Soldiers" (again) that night after seeing that preview, one of my favorite movies.
Thank you!