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The Real Truth about 9-11

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posted on Aug, 28 2002 @ 01:28 PM
The real truth about september 11 is this. there is no terrorist. the true terrorist it the :MAD: UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT:MAD: . They want our freedom, our rights. NO, we wont give them up. people in oregon and in houston texas are being terrorised by the government and by the police/military. we can stop this. come together. dont let this wonderful nation turn in to nazi germany, it isent worth it.

for more infotmation go to these websites.

posted on Aug, 28 2002 @ 01:43 PM
How is this country turning into nazi germany.I have all the freedoms I've always had.I see no book burning's.We are not wiping out any race of people.

Yes the government is crooked,show me one that isn't.

If America was really like nazi germany, would not be allowed to write your post.

posted on Aug, 28 2002 @ 02:18 PM
link you to can own 'the truth' for only $140.00 when ordering the inforwars 7 tape special. Act now! Quantities are limited!

I thought Alex would cool off a little bit after Clinton and Reno were gone, we now have an administration that�s 2nd amendment friendly, and has shunned a lot of the UN which he�s so much against. But I guess the advertising and tape sales money are just too much for him to give up. I don�t think he has bad intentions but he�s making money � that�s his motive.

posted on Aug, 28 2002 @ 09:37 PM
Texasoutlaw, I have been telling these people since it happened that it was the government/CIA, taking our rights and freedoms away, preparing for the NWO.

They call me a loonie/gullable and many other names.

It is all about the control of people and the people here at ATS (most, not all) are sitting back and letting it happen and helping the gov by being so blind. The gov/CIA have it planned so well that it will look like it was the people requesting to give up there freedoms.

posted on Aug, 29 2002 @ 10:11 AM
You are living in an era where the natural progression of human evolution is toward a totalitarian one-world government. We will see, over the next 20-30 years, various steps come into play that unify a significant majority of countries under a near-global regime.

Unfortunately, during the current stage of human evolution, greed and lust of power is a dominant factor among those who would lead. While unsavory, this is an important step on societal evolution which will eventually lead to a much more tollerable unified government.

posted on Aug, 29 2002 @ 12:10 PM
People, open your eyes. You don't see. The government wants you to give up your rights, your guns. Martial law is coming. This will be a police state. is that what you want. You dont think this is nazi germany you are dead wrong my friend dead wrong. what they are doing is hiering people in difrent countries to commit fellonies in our country.they try to cover them up. THIS CANT HAPPEN you say. prove it to me. i have articals that show that in houston people get busted for NO reason. Also listen to the news. people are loosing kids because the governmet can do it. they trew the parents out because, because so many people went up there to make them give their children back. Then the parents were throwen out. they dont have there child and cant get it because of the hospitle.
go to this website from 11:00-2:00 CST

This website is a talkshow that explains everything. listen. if you dont belive him and me you tell him that and he will provide the proof.

posted on Aug, 29 2002 @ 09:35 PM
Bush appears friendly to the citizen and against the U.N., but keep in mind that the ol' boy signed on to Agenda 21, just like his dad did as well as Bubba-Bill.

$140 for tapes that we can't do without? For information that is vital to the very survival of this country, nay, the world? If it were that important you'd think he'd slash prices considerably!

posted on Aug, 29 2002 @ 10:36 PM
Just out of curiosity,what would you do if you managed to remove our government?

Have you thought that far ahead?And what would you do to keep the next government from being crooked?

I hear a lot about how bad things are,trust me you are not the first person to bring this to my attention.In the last 25 years I've heard the same comments a 1000 times,but nobody can come up with anything better,than what we got right now.

Personaly I would be happy if our politicans were honest.Seems simple enough.

posted on Aug, 30 2002 @ 05:57 AM
How about restore our government.

But has times changed to where the return of the republic is impractical, figuring the extreme division of workforce. Seems nobody builds an entire widget anymore, but subassemblies. It'd be hard to be a sovereign man on the land in today's world.

posted on Aug, 2 2003 @ 05:28 PM
Theres a Message Forum called BLACK FLAG CAFE'

its a mouse click away from

you'll have to navigate thru the 'books', ADs, but its'
pretty easy,,,theres a good read on the 9-11 report
of 9 july 2003, and a couple threads on WHAT THEY
ARE really HIDING!!

have a look see- report back here, yes?
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 04:05 PM

The seizmograph of the WTC is very wierd. A spike measuring an earthquake of 2.1 and 2.3 were made just b4 the two different towers went down.

These spikes are thigns that are able to let scientists know that a nuclear bomb has gone off underground...usually. But well it seems that some kind of explosion went off under the towers just b4 they went down....b4 any debris hit the ground...

btw...the towers actually rose intot he air just a moment b4 they went down (a helicoptor caught it)

So explosions at the base were made.

The towers WERE bought down intentionally...and not jsut by terrorists...

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 05:03 PM
The best bet for a new government would be a true democracy where there are only minimal laws (starting with the basics only: murder etc.). New laws should require the approval of 90% of the citizens, and the same should stand with the changing of laws. Each candidate for office should only be able to use the same amount of money for ad campaigns, therefore the government would not be ran by the rich minority.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Bush appears friendly to the citizen and against the U.N., but keep in mind that the ol' boy signed on to Agenda 21, just like his dad did as well as Bubba-Bill.

$140 for tapes that we can't do without? For information that is vital to the very survival of this country, nay, the world? If it were that important you'd think he'd slash prices considerably!

Alex himself tells everyone to make as many copies of his vidios as your heart can stand. THat dosent sound like something a scum bag would do. One thing for sure, Alex isnt stingy, or greedy! Make the copies, AND GET THEM OUT to as many people as you can! Wake up people, its time to start "Caring" again.

I will have Alex's Jones "Bohemian Grove" and "Road to Tyranny" vids available for download on my site soon.

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Bush appears friendly to the citizen and against the U.N., but keep in mind that the ol' boy signed on to Agenda 21, just like his dad did as well as Bubba-Bill.

$140 for tapes that we can't do without? For information that is vital to the very survival of this country, nay, the world? If it were that important you'd think he'd slash prices considerably!

Alex himself tells everyone to make as many copies of his vidios as your heart can stand. THat dosent sound like something a scum bag would do. One thing for sure, Alex isnt stingy, or greedy! Make the copies, AND GET THEM OUT to as many people as you can! Wake up people, its time to start "Caring" again.

I will have Alex's Jones "Bohemian Grove" and "Road to Tyranny" vids available for download on my site soon.

Yes, that's true. I'm sure he isn't making much money, it's probably just covering overhead costs for web hosting etc... He does in fact allow copies to be made of his material and encourages it.

What's your website URL All Seeing? U2U please if you don't with to share it on forum. I want to learn more about Bohemian Grove.

posted on Aug, 10 2003 @ 02:58 PM
hmm lets see, use a carefully planned terrorist like attack on two of the largest U.S. buildings killing lots of civilians. And then blame it on a terrorist group, a middle east one of course, and build up america's patriotism allowing you to do pretty much anything you wanted (I.E. crush anyone against the NWO). Wow that is actually quite a brilliant plan.

posted on Aug, 10 2003 @ 03:18 PM
Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war
in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor,for patriotism is indeed a double edged sword.

It both emboldens the blood,just as it narrows the mind.

And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed,the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry.

Rather,the citizenry,infused with fear and blinded with patriotism,will offer up their rights unto the leader,and gladly so.

How do I know?.

For this is what I have done.

And I am Caesar.

-some smart guy,don't remember his name.

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 11:02 PM
Listen I dont think that Alex should give away dvd and videos for free
He will let you make a million copies of his videos as long as you give them away for free , that alone tells me that he is not in it for the money .

Prison gives you stuff that I would pay alot more than $6 a month for.
For example you get all his movies and movies from others for download if you join his site and what I do is transcode them into DVD and give them away

For those who say that America cant become Nazi Germany, You dont know your history.
Anyone that wants me to spell it out for them just u2u me and I will be more than happy to hold your hand like a baby and explain it to you.

It is a fact that the UN-Patriot act allows you to be jailed without charges and executed in SECRET, is America about secret police and executions without due process .
If the people here are any indication of the Countrys blind allegiance to
this monster called bush I can only say we are in for some rough times.

[edit on 22/12/04 by Dirty Joe Paise]

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 12:27 AM
I guess there is market for people buying consirency video's.

Mel gibison bought an island with the passion's money. I guess there is huge market for jesus film's.

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 09:21 AM
And Dick Cheney will be able to buy 10 islands with the profits made through haliburtons contracts on the war against the people of Iraq

But I guess Mel Gibson is the "real bad guy' , since you put him out there or is it more likely that you are hypocrite who will bad mouth someone who makes a movie about Jesus, yet remain quiet about someone who is directly responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 Iraq civilians( according to the red cross) and if you are dumb enough to say I am wrong about his role in this war then i guess you have not read the PNAC documents.

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 11:55 PM
This article is really interesting to read.
I advise everyone to read this.

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