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Third shot may be needed to combat new coronavirus variants, Bill Gates says

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posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: Dalamax

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: Dalamax

I don’t see that you mention the benefits of Thalidomide.

Thalidomide is a drug that was developed in the 1950s by the West German pharmaceutical company Chemie Grünenthal GmbH. It was originally intended as a sedative or tranquiliser, but was soon used for treating a wide range of other conditions, including colds, flu, nausea and morning sickness in pregnant women.

Despite its reputation, the drug is gaining favour in the treatment of a variety of cancers and infectious diseases. In one study, Dr Azra Raza, from Rush-Presbyterian-St Luke's Medical Center in Chicago, and colleagues assessed the efficacy of thalidomide in 83 patients with myelodysplastic syndrome, which affects the development of the spinal cord.

That’s because I didn’t.

This topic is the corona vaccine and concerns about the pressure to consent and the obfuscation of the facts, in regards to it’s safety.
I used Thalidomide as common ground, between us, to state an example of misinformation being touted as scientifically sound and the consequences of following newly formed scientific consensus, prior to correct and proper scientific evaluation.

Want to address anything else with your logic?

Nice side step.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Dalamax

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Dalamax

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Randyvine
a reply to: Annee

You're a hard woman Annee I actually like that. I have a hard
time being confident that what you trust is science. Either
way I hope the best for you and yours in the future.

LOL — the funny thing is, I’m really not “hard” — in person. I tend to go with the flow.

But, I won’t be bullied. Especially on forums, such as this. Some posters try to force you to accept their position — then resort to insults and name calling when you don’t.

I just state what I think.

I have read up on the science. The science has been ongoing for years. Adapting it to the specifics of Covid — is not starting from scratch.

Vaccines and then boosters every year is not new or anything to get panties in s bunch over.

Oh Anne. Haven’t you heard?

This vaccine doesn’t follow the well trodden influenza shot science.

This is a brave new vaccination path, with new and exciting outcomes.
There is no adaptation here.

This is uncharted territory and advocated by unqualified ‘celebrities’ who’s only attribute is plausible deniability.

Believe it or not, most people here only want to see us all deny ignorance.

I hope you stand your ground against the bullies on here, stick to your guns. Aggression, in all it’s forms, should never be tolerated.

So, when you GOOGLE for information — do you intentionally search for the negative?

Seems to be a thing on ATS.

There is another side — even a middle.

That’s the scientific method Anne.
Thesis and antithesis.
If your thesis can withstand all attempts to destroy it then it can stand as most likely correct, until proven otherwise.

Google can be your friend, or your enemy.

Google ‘the worlds most powerful doctor’ and tell me that personage has a medical doctorate.

YES! But, did you post any positive?

Yep. Err on the side of caution. Things aren’t what they seem.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 06:15 PM
Yes I side stepped from your tangent, back onto the topic of the thread.

The positives are that more people are aware of the shallow governmental policy in regards to this virus and the apparent agenda being pushed by people who are unqualified.

The reasoning offered doesn’t stand up to the scientific method and should be discarded.

Care to address any other parts of my argument?

I’m having difficulty following your logic.

As you say, to each their own.

Own and say being the operative words.

a reply to: Annee

edit on 22-2-2021 by Dalamax because: Attempt at closure, feeling a little left hanging.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 07:08 PM
Getting vaccinated does not mean that one won't get infected and pass it to someone else. It just reduces the viral load and becomes less infectious.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 11:41 PM
Then it’s not a vaccination is it?
A vaccine provides immunity doesn’t it?

a reply to: everyonedies

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: putnam6

It's sooooooooo effective we need 3 now? is this going to end up being a monthly thing? are we going to need weekly shots next? maybe daily? how about an hourly one? hell....just give us an IV drip.

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: everyonedies
Getting vaccinated does not mean that one won't get infected and pass it to someone else. It just reduces the viral load and becomes less infectious.


Vaccine Definition:

a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity

Immunity Defintion:

the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells.

so getting vaccinated (Assuming it works) literally means "won't get infected"

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 01:00 PM
It seems we are hearing from Bill Gates more and more. I read he has a long time connection with Fauci who is connected to wuhan.
Bill Gates owns a lot of different world wide companies and big pharma.

I think he funded a crazy hpv vaccine in India that killed many your women.
Guy is a looney. Good with computers,.doesn't know what's good for humanity.
And he thinks he has the power

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 04:21 PM
He should be committed to a nut house for the safety of humanity.
a reply to: Bloodworth

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: putnam6

I would just say, I’m a logical realist.

I personally know several who’ve had Covid. They recommend I get the vaccine.

We have only one hospital here. The medical people I know — recommend I get the vaccine.

Am I going to take advice from those I know, or a conspiracy website?

If Bill Gates told you to blow your head off with a shot gun you would probably do that also. Why listen to a conspiracy site instead of a Eugenics planner.

edit on 23-2-2021 by Doctor Smith because: fixed

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 11:50 PM
3 is being very generous. Numerous mutations are out there already, its safe to assume a few of them will not be covered by this current vaccine.

Other options
1. ivermectin - 20 year history, dosage recommended is very low

2. h202 therapy - dr. brownstein and others have been using for decades.

3. Optimize immunity -get vitamin D levels to 40ng/ml, 500 mg C 2x, zinc, mushroom extract - increase natural killer cells 3x

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 03:45 AM

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: putnam6

I would just say, I’m a logical realist.

I personally know several who’ve had Covid. They recommend I get the vaccine.

We have only one hospital here. The medical people I know — recommend I get the vaccine.

Am I going to take advice from those I know, or a conspiracy website?

How long have you had a relationship with bill gates? Dismissing anything presented on ATS because it’s a conspiracy website... you’re lack of critical thinking is well noted.
edit on 24-2-2021 by Rob808 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2021 @ 05:20 AM

originally posted by: jidnum
a reply to: putnam6

It's sooooooooo effective we need 3 now? is this going to end up being a monthly thing? are we going to need weekly shots next? maybe daily? how about an hourly one? hell....just give us an IV drip.

Just keep taken em until you start shaking.

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