The algorithms of Youtube sometimes deliver. This video offers some hopeful qualities of humanity (for a change of pace). Specifically, that we tend
to value helping others above all else.
At any given moment individual humans can be disappointing, selfish, peevish and petty. Taken as a whole, though, humanity is pretty nice.
I chose the forum just because it had to go somewhere and I was in no way implying that a fearful elite who manufactured strife would reap unintended
You'll find out how many psychopaths there are when SHTF. No power, no food, grocery stores empty in 24 to 48 hours, running out of water, liberal
cucks pretending to protect their women/family with a spork. The psychopaths will form fifedoms and will kill and horde foods and goods, clearing out
areas into no-go zones. When the food runs out, they will move outward into rural areas. It won't be pretty, there will be a lot of death and it will
be constant. Humans in a crisis tend to gather together to help each other or gather together to gain power. The first thing any group of benevolents
has to do, is assign a monster, one that will hunt and kill the other monsters. It's how $h!t works ;-)
a reply to: bobs_uruncle
In the good ol days the more mentally deficit tended to be encouraged to be the monsters. Think of how slow folks seek and fawn at perceived approval.
That is how they are groomed for violent enforcement. Todays society tends to coddle them. But with proper guidance, they can easily be molded into
merciless killers.
So dont go casting away your mentally handicapped just yet. If your squemish you can train them to be your sanitation worker, capiche?
Hey i know it sounds appalling, that is just the way of the world though.